Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Funnies


Today the forecast went from 10 to 20% possibility of rain based on some thin clouds overhead.  We just laughed in the face of the ‘storm threat’ and went on with our day.

The ‘Middle Song’ this week was “98.6” by Keith.  Here’s an ‘Old School Friday’ from 1962 that you may remember:
“__ __ __?  I have seen you before.  __ __ __?  May I walk you to your door?  It’s so hard to find a personality with charms like yours for me, ooh-ooh, ooh-ohh, ooh-ee…”  Hint:  It’s by a duo and it’s probably the oldest line in the book (5).

This morning we left the house with a short list (555).  Coffee and roti and dog training talk at The Wanderer followed by a trip to Top’s Market at Central Plaza Mall.  The mall was still closed and that’s probably just as well.  Picked up a few things that were missing from the kitchen and headed home.  There seems to be more possibilities for eating ‘clean’ these days.  Top’s is at the top of the ‘food chain’ when is comes to finding things with fewer additives and/or little or no processing.  I guess the store is getting the message that some folks care about the details in their food.  For what used to be a small town, Chiang Rai is really growing up fast.  Still slow for many, but that’s OK.  

This afternoon we made another run up to Mae Chan to see Dr. Mark.  I needed some help with a strained muscle/ligament issue.  We had an interesting conversation about the whole virus thing.  I won’t go into details, but it was good to get a doctor’s perspective.  There are so many questions that may never be answered.  

JaiDee continues to have access to the bed.  He seems to be doing better about relaxing, as long as he has something to do, or rather, chew.  Sometimes he’ll drop his toy over the side, not want to get it so he chews the bedspread.  Not cool, but he’s learning.  In the evening, after his exercise, he can get rowdy.  That usually means he’s getting sleepy.  As soon as he gets downstairs he crashes.  

JaiDee and me, chillin’ on the bed.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.         Time for the ‘Funnies’


Thursday, January 30, 2020



This morning was cold again, but the day warmed up.  It’s supposed to be 83°F with a low in the high 50’s.  That looks like the forecast for at least a week.  

The ‘Middle Song’ has been identified, so it is possible.  Oh, these pesky One Hit Wonders, but we love them.
“Hey, everybody on the street I see you smilin’.  Must be because I found my baby.  You know she’s got me on another kind of highway.  I want to go to where it takes me.  Hey __ __ __ it’s good to have you back again, oh hey __ __ __ her lovin’ is the medicine that saved me….”  Clue:  The title is the number a nurse looks for when you first go to the doctor.  

So JaiDee is now allowed on the bed, as long as he doesn’t bite us or the bed.  He gets thrown off a lot (555).  This morning we took lots of pics of him being really cute and big puppy like.  He did this thing that lots of dogs do, gathering two toys in his mouth.  He managed to get two of his loudest squeaky toys up on the bed.

After the dog play we went into the streets with a list.  We began at Chivit Thamma Da with a little morning refreshment.  Then on to the north, and the community of Ban Du and a brief visit to Dr. View, our alternate vet, for supplements.  The post office was next, and then a quick run through Makro.  It was a zoo in there and luckily we got a fast checker.  Across the river and into town for a stop at Khun Orn’s shop.  She is a seamstress that does great work.  JaiDee had managed to tear part of his kitchen bed when he was throwing it around the room.  We made a quick stop at the plastic store, dropped of a dog carrier for Atom’s little dog, got a new leash for JaiDee at the original Browney’s and went home.  All before lunch time.  It was a good morning.

Late this afternoon the Chinese Lion Dancer Drum Corp made their annual stop at the home of our neighbor across the road.  Every Chinese New Year he invites several of these big groups to come and perform in his yard and then he feeds them.  Before the coffee shop was built next door, we could see them before they went into the yard.  Now we just hear them.  

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“If art is to nourish the roots of our
culture, society must set the artist
free to follow his vision wherever it
takes him.”
~John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, January 29, 2020



We’re still in the chilly morning, almost warm afternoon phase.  I don’t know what season this really is.  Some of the plants also seem confused.  As usual, the forecast promises warmer nights in a few days (555).

The first ‘One Hit Wonder’ group was The Five Stairsteps and their hit song “O-o-h Child”.  I know, I didn’t ‘spell’ it like that, but you would have known if you knew (555).  The ‘Middle Song’ is from ’67.  See if you remember this:
“Good mornin’ sun I say it’s good to see you shinin’.  I know my baby brought you to me.  She kissed me yesterday, hello your silver linin’.  Got spring and summer runnin’ through me.  Hey __ __ __ it’s good to have you back again, oh hey, __ __ __ her lovin’ is the medicine that saved me, oh I love my baby.”  Hint:  The title is actually a number that is vital to good health.  The singer went by his first name only. 

The coronavirus has been getting a lot of press lately.  I want to set your minds at ease and let you know that we are not in any danger.  We have been staying away from densely crowded areas and doing the basics for staying healthy during times like these.  There is plenty of reading on that topic so it should be no mystery.  

Today was a very productive day.  The stuff on the list got done.  At the bank we signed up for accident insurance. We learned from friends, that accident insurance was something they provided for their staff.  Policies were set up for our ‘staff’ and today we got insurance for ourselves through our bank.  The cool thing about these policies is, you only have to present the insurance card to be treated.  From what we’re being told there is very little red tape.  Hmm.

There is a spot on the side of the house that has been a magnet for JaiDee.  Dogs can smell good stuff in underbrush and it becomes a challenge to find it.  This morning Lisa discovered the source: French fries.  Once Gong was made aware of it he realized that Nitchanan and her cousin Gop were the likely suspects.  Ah, life in the little village.

Today’s photo is one of my favorites of our two ‘little ones’.

The Chinese New Year celebration goes on for 11 days after ‘The Day’.  Tonight is the first night we haven’t heard live music in the area.  There is something happening, but it’s very faint, off in the distance.  Last night’s band was pretty good and that makes the intrusion easier to handle.  

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“Win as if you were used to it,
lose as if you enjoyed it for a 
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


The weather in Chiang Rai is still cold, at least by our understanding of the word.  Most people we encountered today felt the same way.  We just dress in layers and keep on going.

The ‘Easy Monday’ one hit wonder (OHW) was identified by three readers.  Here’s more:  “Some day, yeah, we’ll get it together and we’ll get it all done.  Some day when your head is much lighter.  Some day, yeah, we’ll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun.  Some day when the world is much brighter.  __-__ __, things are gonna be easier, __-__ __, things'll get brighter…”  Clue:  It’s by a group that was a family affair, named for the graduation in height when standing together.  There is a term in the title for a young person.

We began our day at The Wanderer, with the usual (coffee and roti), minus JaiDee.  Our weekly call with Joe, Lisa’s dad, was made in the woods (555).  After our Skype call, we had a long conversation with Kwan, recapping the party and discussing our dogs.   

This afternoon Atom came over for a visit.  She and Lisa didn’t get a chance to visit at the party, and she hadn’t seen JaiDee since before our trip.  We had a very nice visit, also recapping the party and identifying guests she didn’t know.  One interesting thing we talked about was medical care in Thailand.  Atom has lived in the States, New Zealand, Japan and China and had opportunities to experience the state of medical care in all places.  We all agreed that we like the style of most of the doctors here, and the ability to get the service you need without a lot of red tape and long waits.  There are drugs that can be bought ‘over the counter’ here that might take a doctor’s appointment with a two week wait in other places.  There are obvious flaws in a system like this, but if you’re doing right and need some medicine, it works great.  

Today is Nitchanan’s 4th birthday.  As I type, there’s a party going on downstairs on the patio.  It’s close family, which means several aunts and cousins.  Natcha made cakes and cupcakes and the potluck table was full.  Nitchanan led the ‘Happy Birthday’ song in case anyone didn’t know what was suppose to happen.  

Meanwhile, upstairs at the Big Brown House, JaiDee received ‘Bed privileges' this morning.  I was the one to cave in and let him hang out with us.  My thinking was that maybe he’d want to sleep in the room with us if he felt like part of the gang.  Right now, he prefers to sleep in the kitchen.  We’d like to have the puppy with us.  This morning he was so happy to be on the bed, until he started pulling on the covers and digging.  That got him thrown off for a few minutes.  Someone’s going to learn a lesson in all of this (555).

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“Humility is the solid foundation
of all virtues.”

Monday, January 27, 2020



We have been assaulted by a proverbial ‘cold snap’.  The swing ‘snapped’ us back to a low of 49°F.  It was all anybody could talk about this morning.  It’s going to gradually warm up again, that’s the good news.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear”, by Elvis Presley.  I’m going to give you all a break from the same artist for a week.  We’re moving on to the world of ‘One Hit Wonders’.  I think you’ll find this may stimulate your memories and maybe cause you to have fits of ‘Oh, oh, I know that’.  Here’s your ‘Easy Monday’ song that should be familiar:  “__-__ __, things are gonna get easier.  __-__ __ Things’ll get brighter….”  Hint:  Two syllables of sound and one word, how hard can it be?  

The big happening this weekend was the 70th birthday party for Lisa.  Almost everyone that was invited came to The Wanderer.  We had a great time seeing friends and it turned out that many of our invitees knew each other.  It’s a small town and you just never know.  The really cool thing was the cross-section of friends from different parts of our lives here in Chiang Rai.  Common interests seemed to gravitate and we had an artist table, a Recovery corner, extended family, and so on.  The staff members at The Wanderer were wonderful, bringing drinks to the private room.  All we had to do was send an order list periodically, and the drinks eventually arrived.  Cat did a great job of coordinating that part.  It was a busy Sunday, but it all worked out.  There was a long table with cake, pie, cookies and other goodies.  I can’t believe I didn’t sample anything.  Hmm.  The guest of honor got flowers and gifts that were not expected.  By the time evening came, we were totally exhausted, but smiling.

We returned to the scene of the fun this morning for coffee, roti and ice.  JaiDee was spoiled by a group of travelers from Taiwan who loved dogs.  He got lots of petting and had his picture taken a bunch.  

After taking JaiDee home, we went to Art Bridge to see the 8th annual member’s exhibition.  We always miss the opening due to our travel to the States.  There was a video playing in the lobby that gave a beautiful overview of what happened.  The finale included fireworks and laser lights.  Some of it was filmed from a drone above the gallery.  Quite impressive.

This evening Cat and her boyfriend Noom went with us to walk JaiDee.  After they walked, Noom took JaiDee for a run and he loved it.  He kept wanting to go faster and faster.  That’s our boy, Mr. Energy.

Tomorrow our friend Atom is coming over in the afternoon with her tiny little dog, for a visit.  It should be interesting.

Have a Great Week.


“Where there is shouting, 
there is no true knowledge.”
~Leonardo da Vinci

Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday Funnies


The weather forecasts have been correct lately.  Today was a tiny bit cooler, and tonight it was much colder.  Sweaters were required.  The evening sky was clear enough to see the stars, meaning the air was cleaner than earlier in the week.

The ‘Zany Day’ song this week was “Hound Dog” by Elvis.  The song was originally written for Big Mama Thornton.  Google it!  For ‘Old School Friday’ we have this:  “Baby (let me be, your) lovin’ __ __.  Put a chain around my neck and lead me anywhere.  Oh let me be (oh let him be) your __ __.”  Hint: It’s from 1957 and refers to a famous stuffed animal.  (The full title is 6 words)

Today we got up early, did the morning things, and went to Overbrook Hospital for another round of blood tests to see if anything had changed.  It took the whole morning, mainly because the doctor came in an hour later than we were told.  Some numbers were up, some down, but nothing scary.  

JaiDee got a bath today and it really fired him up.  We got home after the bath and he was one rowdy puppy.  Natcha told us he was a handful because he doesn’t like baths.  Next time it will be a two-person job.  

It has been just over a month since I saw Dr. Mark in Mae Chan.  My back has been bothering me so we went on a road trip to see the wizard.  There is a big police check-point just before entering the district.  As we approached  the officer on duty, we noticed a sign that read:  "Wind down the window”.  What?  When was that sign written?

We always learn interesting things on our visits with the good doctor.  Today we learned that blood sugar readings can be higher after periods of stress.  

In honor of the beginning of the tennis season, a ‘Throwback’ pic of JaiDee, the fan.

Tomorrow morning I have another early call.  I go back up to Mae Chan to speak to a group at a Recovery center there.  Then we go shopping for baby clothes for friends of ours.  Sunday is the party for Lisa at The Wanderer.  
It’s gonna be a busy time.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.         Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, January 23, 2020



The weather was delivered as forecasted.  Every part of the day was a little cooler than yesterday.  This evening on our walk, it got cold on the part of the path that follows the river.  Sweaters were required.  

“They said you was ‘High Classed’, well, that was just a lie.  When they said you was ‘High Classed’, that was just a lie.  You ain’t never caught a rabbit and you ain’t no friend of mine.”  Clue:  There is a canine reference.

We started the day with coffee and roti at The Wanderer.  We met with Kwan to discuss the party on Sunday, and also talked a lot about dogs.  Joey, the puppy with the big ears, snuck out of the yard a few days ago and found himself surrounded by about 20 street dogs.  Joey likes to jump straight up in the air like a kangaroo.  He jumped and the other dogs just looked at him in wonder.  Then he did it again and they dispersed.  Can you blame them?  Joey has an alien dog thing going on and it’s a great self-defense tool (555).  We have seen some of Joey’s cousins on the street and they have the ears, but they’re not as tall.  

This afternoon we experienced Chiang Rai ‘rush hour’ traffic at it’s finest.  We know that there are lots of visitors from other areas here for the Chinese New Year, but what we saw today was more than that.  I guess when you stay away from an area for a while, it changes and you miss it.  The south part of town is quite a mess approaching 5pm.  Now I remember why we have our little rule about not going into town after 4pm.  

When we got back to the house and drove through the gate, today’s photo was what we saw.  My first thought was: ‘Everybody’s home’.   From left to right:  Gong, Nitchanan, Natcha, Danny & Lisa, and Cat.  

Once we got inside this picture of tranquility, we were told that JaiDee jumped up and took what was to be about 1/2 of our dinner off the sink.  His appetizer was uncooked chicken.  Growing means getting taller and also bolder.  This evening, after dinner, he came into the bedroom and raced to the bed, jumped, and landed in a sprawling bellyflop.  He did it two more times, prompting some specialized training.  He really thinks it’s his bed.  Brainwashing may be required (555).  Lisa, JaiDee and Cat went for an extra long walk and that, with his yard running, seemed to wear him out.  I took a short walk and waited for the crew to return.  Next week Cat returns to her dorm apartment to finish the semester.  

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“Be kinder to yourself,
and then let your kindness
flood the world.”
~Pema Chodron

Wednesday, January 22, 2020



The daytime temperatures are staying pretty hot, while the night air will get a little cooler every night until next weekend.  How cold?  What do we call cold?  Next Monday night the temp will be 49°F and that’s the coldest before it starts climbing again.  

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Heartbreak Hotel” by Elvis Presley.  His ‘Zany Day’ offering is:  “You ain’t nothin’ but a __ __, cryin' all the time.  You ain’t nothin’ but a __ __, cryin’ all the time.  Well, you ain’t never caught a rabbit and you ain’t no friend of mine.”  Hint:  Romance gone bad? 

Today was Lisa’s birthday (22).  We’ll be celebrating on Sunday.  Today we started out at Chivit Thamma Da where she had tea and a scone while I had iced coffee.  After our little ‘pick-me-up’ we traveled south to Big C.  The store is really in the spirit of Chinese New Year.  There were lots of red and gold decorations in the form of lamp shades, shirts and gift displays.  People are starting to wear ‘old school’ clothing and the clothes racks were full of specialty items.  

This is the Chinese year of The Rat.  The animals in the realm of the New Year have different meanings than those in the west.  There are many web pages with a breakdown of the animals and their attributes.

Yesterday, at Rimping Market, there was a display of fruit, mostly from Japan.  Everything was much larger than we’d seen before.  Apples looked to be the size of grapefruit and the cherries were almost the size of ping-pong balls.

In the past, I have told you about the non-existant ‘V’ sound in the Thai language.  Today’s photo is a simple, vivid (I could have said ‘wiwid’) example of this.  

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“Cross country skiing is great if you
live in a small country.”
~Steven Wright

Tuesday, January 21, 2020



Today, our traveling weather was hot.  Temps in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai were both in the 90’s.  The nights are still cool and the air is still questionable but it’s home.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song only got one response.  I know you all were probably busy or figured it was too easy.  
“Although it’s always crowded, you still can find some room, for broken hearted lovers to cry there in their gloom.
They’ll be so lonely baby, they get so lonely.  They’re so lonely, they could die… just take a walk down Lonely Street to __ __.”  Clue:  It’s by a so-called king, about a very ‘sad’ place.  

I have come to the conclusion that the cold we caught in California has lengthened the duration of our Jet Lag.  We are still waking up at 3 or 4am every morning.  Not enough to get up and start the day, but enough to interrupt good sleep.  How long?

We started our day with the buffet breakfast at the Holiday Inn.  There was a large variety of choices from many cultures.  In a large hotel one can get an idea of the state of tourism by watching the dining room.  This place was jumping.  We’re coming up on Chinese New Year which begins on January 25 and lasts 15 days.  While there are many superstitions in this part of the world, there seems to be no fear of the number 13.  In the U.S., you won’t find a building with a 13th floor.  The Holiday Inn had a 13th floor.  Now I’m going to be checking other elevators in tall buildings.

Today’s photo was taken from our 16th floor room.  That’s the Ping River flowing through the city.  The building on the left is a condo where we stayed with friends last year.

Before we hit the rode we stopped at Rimping Market for a few travel snacks.  While sipping iced-coffee, I noticed a young Thai woman carrying a Trader Joe’s shopping bag.  We asked her about it and she told us she lived in San Diego for three years and loves the store and their bags.  It was a small world moment.

The ride back from Chiang Mai was a little different than the one going there yesterday.  There seemed to be an urgency in the traffic, gotta get there now.  We just took our time and let them pass.  People actually ride bicycles from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai.  We also saw several small groups of monks, walking.  They were ‘Brown Robes’, who use no modern transportation.  I am grateful that I don’t have to walk the 180 kilometers (112 miles).

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“A good laugh is sunshine
in the house.”
~William Makepeace Thackeray

Monday, January 20, 2020



The weather in Chiang Mai is warmer that Chiang Rai.  The high today was 91°F, with a low of 62°.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “That’s The Way Of The World” by Earth, Wind & Fire.  Time now for another installment of ‘Easy Monday’.  “Well, since my baby left me, well, I found a new place to dwell.  It’s down at the end of Lonely Street at __ __ where I’ll be, I’ll be so lonely baby.  Well, I’m so lonely, I’ll be so lonely, I could die.”
Hint:  It’s a place.

Saturday morning we went to a new art space in Chiang Rai.  The occasion was the opening of an exhibit by a National Artist.  We discovered that the space, a house that was built in 1917, is being managed by a young woman who was the first manager at Art Bridge.  The work of the artist was quite something and we really enjoyed the exhibit.  It was our first chance to connect with our friends in the art community since we got back from our trip to the States.  

Sunday we went to The Wanderer for lunch.  JaiDee went with us and some of his fan club visited our table.  When Khun Noot came over and began to pet his head, Mercy gave JaiDee a little nudge in the neck, letting him know that Noot was her grandmother.  

Monday morning we got on the road to Chiang Mai at 9:30am.  We stopped at Charoen Gardens for breakfast and pie and continued on our way.  Today’s photo was taken at The Gardens, on our breakfast stop.

The road construction continues, and seems to be a longer stretch than the last time we traveled south.  We saw large plumes of very thick smoke as we drove through one of the valleys.  It would appear the the ‘smokey season’ has begun a few months early.  There was a heavy haze in the air.  The air in Chiang Mai seemed a little better than it had been described.  We brought our masks just in case.  The city is growing and changing rapidly.  There are huge construction projects going up and we’ve been told that parking is becoming difficult in some areas, mostly where new condominiums are being built.  

We are staying at the Holiday Inn, which is across the street from our chiropractor appointments.  This was the absolutely last visit we’ll be able to have with Dr. Parry.  He actually cut his visit short because of the air.  The air in Wales, where he now lives, is clean and clear and he’s not coming back.  We both got adjusted and feel much better.  Now that my cough is almost gone, I have a better chance of staying in alignment.  

Our dinner was at a large restaurant named The River Market.  It’s primarily seafood, and mostly Thai dishes.  We met our friend Marty and enjoyed a view of the Ping River.  Marty is an expat from New York and I’ve known him for almost 12 years.  He likes the River Market and is going through the entire menu, sampling a new dish every time he goes there.  That’s pretty brave in my book.  

Have a Great Week.


“Seeing is not always 
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday Funnies


The weather here was the same as yesterday.  The coldest part of the day in most places is the early morning hours, before sunrise.  That’s the part that needs changing (555).  Make that part a little warmer and everything would be perfect.  

This week’s ‘Middle Song’ was “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire.  We’ll end EWF week with the last part of one of their 1975 hits:  “…you will find peace of mind if you look way down in your heart and soul.  Don’t hesitate ‘cause the world seems cold.  Stay young at heart ‘cause you’re never (never, never,…) old at heart.  __ __ __ __ __ __, plant your flower and you grow a pearl.  A child is born with a heart of gold, the way of the world makes his heart grow cold.”  Hint:  Philosophical piece on the nature of the world.  

We got up early this morning.  Cat had to be at school early to greet the students when they start arriving at 7am. I got the dubious honor of taking her since her motorbike was in the shop.  The sun was just coming up (it really doesn’t do that) and the sky had that ‘new morning glow’.  We saw three dogs trotting down the street going towards Wat Phrae Kaeo.  I said something about them headed for breakfast and Cat said, ‘yeah, free food’.  Then we saw some monks returning to the temple after making their morning alms collection.  They were carrying various containers filled with offerings from the community.  This happens every morning and the dogs know the routine.  The monks always feed them.

Aside from my morning run, we spent the day at home.  It’s a nice thing to do sometimes, just stay at home.  We made plans for our trip to Chiang Mai on Monday.  Our chiropractor, Dr. Perry, is making one more trip to town, so we’re taking advantage of the opportunity.  After the long flights and various sleeping arrangements, everything is not where it should be in my back.  The original plan was to take the VIP bus, but when I went online to book the tickets, there were only two seats left: one at the front and the other in the back.  We’ll be driving to the big city and returning on Tuesday.

JaiDee has become quite a character.  In the mornings he’s very affectionate and mellow.  We brought him upstairs and the first thing he did was jump on the bed, with a look that said I know I’m not supposed to be here.  He was pretty cool for most of the time.  Then it was Mr. Mischief time.  This dog loves paper and wood.  His favorite thing is tissue paper as in Kleenex.  Cardboard is also high on his list.  Lisa read about a spray that dogs don’t like called ‘Bitter Apple…’ and we brought some from the States.  It works!  A few squirts of the stuff on a cabinet and JaiDee moved on to other things.  We had to use it again this evening and the results were the same.  What a relief to know that we won’t have to replace everything.  If only there was something to discourage him from taking paper products.

Today’s photo was taken upstairs.  I made the mistake of getting one of Natcha’s cookies out of the fridge and JaiDee saw me.  He followed my every move, so Lisa got her phone out and began taking photos.  You can see how big he has grown in the three weeks we were gone.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.        Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, January 16, 2020



The Chiang Rai weather was the same as yesterday.  Cool, warm, cool just about sums up the three parts of the day that had distinct changes.  Air quality is another matter.  Here in the north, including Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, the parties that be have begun their burning early.  Many people are not happy with this turn of events.  It seems that the government has asked farmers to find another way to dispose of plant waste but they are not listening.  In Chiang Mai, large piles of sugar cane husks were set on fire, producing large plumes of smoke.  Our neighbor’s helper took all of the big leaves across the street and set them on fire.   Yesterday we bought new masks.  More will be revealed.

The ‘Middle Song’ received a lot of correct responses.  Here’s the second verse from Earth, Wind & Fire: 
“My thoughts are with you, holding hands with your heart to see you.  Only blue talk and love, remember, how we knew love was here to stay.  Now December found the love we shared in __, only blue talk and love, remember, true love we shared today.  Ba de ya - say do you remember, ba de ya - dancing in __, ba de ya - never was a cloudy day.”
Clue:  It might have been the 21st day, but it was the 9th month.

Last night we took JaiDee to the walking course.  I stayed in the van while Lisa walked Mr. Energy around one time. He had already had a busy day with his trip to The Wanderer and a walk in the yard.  As a result, he slept until 7:20 this morning.  This evening, after dinner, Natcha and Lisa ran him back and forth across the front lawn and he was ready to crash around 7pm.  While he was awake, he showed us how he is growing up to be a really cool dog.  He’s not quite as ‘puppy crazy’ as before, and is not as ‘chewy’ when it comes to furniture and other things.  Being a puppy, he has reserved the right to bite certain wooden object around the house.  

Today’s photo is a bunch of bananas that Gong ‘harvested’ from one of our trees.  Notice how they are half ripe.  A few more days and they’ll be ready to eat.

Today was ‘Teachers' Day’.  All teachers get a day off.  There is a ceremony called ‘Wai Kru’ in which the students crawl to the seated teacher and present them with flowers and incense.  There are specific flowers for male and female teachers.  The whole day is a way of showing respect for teachers.  We’re still not sure when the ceremony takes place, since the teachers have the day off.  I will ask Cat and fill you in tomorrow.  Teachers are held in high regard in Thai culture and it’s one of those things children learn from an early age.  

This morning we went to Chivit Thamma Da for tea, and noticed large parties having breakfast.  Our guess is that they were teachers.  

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“How does muddy water become clear?
Muddy water becomes clear through stillness.
How does one become still?
One becomes still by moving with the stream.”
~Timothy Leary

Wednesday, January 15, 2020



We are back in the ‘Happy Zone’ as far as weather is concerned.  The low was 66F and the high was 88F.  A little cool in the morning, but basically a short-sleeve shirt day.  No need for gloves, scarves or heavy coats.  Keep it comin’.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Shining Star” by Earth, Wind & Fire.  Their ‘Middle Song’ jumps off the calendar:
“Do you remember, the 21st night of __?  Love was changing minds of pretenders while chasing clouds away.  Our hearts were ringing in the key that our souls were singing, as we danced in the night.  Remember how the stars stole the night away.  Ba de ya - say do you remember?  Ba de ya - dancing in __.  Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day.”  Hint:  It’s the name of a month.

JaiDee woke up at 6:30am.  We had already been awake for some time, thanks to our friend Mr. Lag and his erratic schedule.  ‘Bigger Dog’ was still his loving morning self.  After he ate, he sat in front of me and directed the affection giving.  ‘Pet me there, a little more over here, now my head again…’  It’s really very sweet the way he invites attention without being pushy.  After our breakfast he came upstairs.  For some reason, he still thinks that he should be sitting on the bed, in the middle, between us and probably with his own pillow.  He’s tall enough now that getting on the bed is very simple.  

We went on a field trip to The Wanderer and JaiDee was more than ready.  Mercy must have sensed our arrival because she was waiting at the gate to ‘her place’.  It made walking down the path to the patio area a little difficult with the two dogs trying to play and move forward at the same time.  Whenever JaiDee got a little crazy, Mercy would just move away, knowing that the leash would hold JaiDee back.  We had our coffee while the dogs played.  Now we are really back.  The trip to Browney’s for more bones was another sign of our return. 

This afternoon we had to go to immigration for our 90 day check-in.  The office was practically empty, as we anticipated.  The officer that helped us has a great sense of humor.  When we told him where we had been, he asked if we brought him a souvenir.  He showed us a pen from Australia that someone gave him.  Hmm, maybe he’s serious.  We got our business done with no problems.  

Natcha was feeling a little under the weather, so we went out for dinner, to Sabroso.  Our first meal back in Thailand and it’s from another country.  

Earlier in the day, we went through an intersection that has been partially blocked for months, due to storm drain construction.  I saw a truck drive down the road and there didn’t appear to be any obstructions, so maybe they’re done.  We sure hope so because it’s really altered our travel into town.  Tomorrow we check it out.

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“My neighbor has a circular driveway…
he can’t get out.”
~Steven Wright

Tuesday, January 14, 2020



Well, we made it home.  The trip was it’s usual long self, made longer by the fact that we were both getting over wicked winter colds.  More on our return later.

There were a couple of true fans of the 'Easy Monday’ song.  It’s by a group that uses the elements in their name.
“__ __ come into view, shine it’s watchful light on you, yeah.  Gives you strength to carry on, make your body big and strong.  Born a man child of the sun, saw my work had just begun, yeah, found I had to stand alone, bless it now I’ve got my own, oh yeah.  You’re a __ __, no matter who you are.  Shining bright to see what you can truly be…"  Clue:  There are many on Hollywood Blvd.

Because we left LAX very late on Sunday night, my ‘clock’ was totally confused by the time we reached Taipei.  Today I was confused would be an understatement.  We had a brief stop, made even shorter since it took us about 15 minutes to walk to our gate.  Taipei to Bangkok seemed like it would take forever.  When we got to BKK it was late morning and we had a 1pm flight to Chiang Rai.  This was not like other trips where we had hours to relax, get a massage, eat a meal, etc.  It was busy on the ground.  

As we boarded our last of 8 planes we take each trip, we saw that they were changing a tire on one of the left wing wheels.  OK, I didn’t need to see that.  We still took off close to the right time and got to Chiang Rai on time.  I have the utmost faith in the people who service and fly the planes, it’s just a little weird to realize that things like that happen.  An interesting bit of trivial info:  On our flights to the States, the enhanced coach sections were practically empty.  On this trip the planes were all full.  Hmm, the end of vacations.

When we got to The Big Brown House we could tell that the weather had been dry and nature was responding.  The Teak trees across the street were looking bare and the street and our yard were covered with the giant leaves.
Natcha was waiting for us with JaiDee in the back yard.  She was holding him, with Nitchanan on her back, hoping to keep him from jumping up too much.  The first thing we noticed was how big he is.  He’s taller, thicker, and his fur is longer.  Cat also mentioned that he’s stronger.  She took him for a walk and he said, ‘Just follow me Cat’.  He’s 6 months old and more mature, sort of.  He couldn’t get enough petting.  Here, he’s playing with a new toy sent to him by our friend and his, Eiko.  It’s ‘Lambchop’ and he loves it.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“It isn’t enough to talk about peace.
One must believe it.  And it isn’’t enough
to believe in it, one must work at it.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, January 12, 2020



The weekend weather in Southern California was sunny skies with chilly air.  The nights were cold!

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Happy Anniversary” by The Little River Band.  This week’s ‘Easy Monday’ song should be a snap:  “Yeah, hey, when you wish upon a star your dreams will take you very far, yeah.  But when you wish upon a dream life ain’t always what it seems, oh yeah.  What’d you see on a night so clear in the sky so very dear?  You’re a __ __, no matter who you are.  Shining bright to see what you could truly be, what you could truly be.”  Hint:  Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane….  Mostly see at night.

We’re sitting in the EVA lounge at LAX and time is not on my side.  Simply put, this will be quick.  Friday was a visiting day.  We had lunch with our friend Diane, in Pasadena.  She and Lisa were in a dance company ‘back in the day’. We went to a Thai place called Daisy Mint and the food was great.  We had a lot of fun and Diane is on the list of friends who are planning to visit Thailand.  From lunch we went to Alhambra and spent some time with Debby, Lisa’s high school friend.  That’s a long time to know someone.  We heard about her grandchildren and got updates on her family.  

Saturday I made two trips from the ‘Valley’ to Culver City for morning and night meetings.  It was another chance o see old friends and celebrate.  

Sunday we slept in and then ran some errands, learning a lot more about the area than we planned (555).  In the afternoon Nowell and Jennifer's grandkids came over, after they had gone on a trip to Griffith Park.  Little Owen told me he rode on a brown pony, and he also went on a train ride.  His little brother Jack was smiling and ‘talking’ away.  It was quite fun, with another grandmother and their great-grandmother also there.  

On our way to the airport we spent some time with Jeff, Anna, and the boys, and Anna’s sister Rosanne, who is visiting from Pittsburg.  It was fun seeing Rosanne and hearing her take on our cold weather.  

Time to head for the gate.  No pic today, but something in the next message.  That will be from Taipei.

Have a Great Week.


“Judge a man by his questions
rather than his answers.”

Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Funnies


The weather was decidedly cooler yesterday.  Even though they say it’s all relative, cold will always be cold to me.

The ‘Middle Song’ this week was “Cool Change” by The Little River Band.  I’ll bet you remember their ‘Old School Friday’ offering:  “__ __, baby, got you on my mind.  __ __, baby, got you on my mind.  I’m so happy for you baby, now that you’ve found somebody new.  I see it in your eyes, Lord, it’s no surprise.  What he can do for you…”  Hint:
A phrase used to commemorate a memorable event.

We started our packing for the move to the valley after breakfast.  Once my symptoms settled down, I felt a little better.  I put on a pair of socks to shield my feet from the cold tile floor, but didn’t put on shoes.  That was my mistake.  While stepping up into the bathroom, my right foot slipped out from under me and I fell forward.  I caught myself but did so with my right hand in such a way that my fingers bent back.  Ouch!  We iced it right away, and I could move my fingers but there is swelling and deep bruises on two knuckles.  Now I have something to distract me from my cold (555).

Anna suggested that we take the Coldwater Canyon Drive route to get to the valley, since that would be our exit from the freeway.  It was definitely a more scenic way to go.  It had been years since we were in that part of the city.  Some of the homes were quite beautiful, and some a bit gaudy, but still cool to see.  I counted two yards that featured a Statue of Liberty in front of the house.  Really?  For those who have never done this drive, it starts in Beverly Hills and winds it’s way over the hill to the San Fernando Valley.  Coming to the crest of the hill and seeing the valley is quite a sight.

Some of you may remember a regular feature at one time called 'The Adventures of Mr. August'.  Well, we’re back with another installment.  In this episode Mr. August found use for an old TV monitor, some tubing and assorted extras.  He has created the 'Wireless Reclining Gaming Suite.  (I made up the name)

We arrived at Nowell and Jennifer’s in the early afternoon.  The Co-op market in Culver City provided us with lots of good stuff for lunch and it was overdue.  After partially unpacking it was time for a nap.  Waking up in the afternoon in a new place can be a little startling at first.  Like, ‘where am I?’, but I knew.  Even though the air outside is cold, there is a warmth that greets you.  Even though our hosts weren’t home, their hospitality was apparent.  Later we sat around the table and talked about everything from dogs to books to grandkids.  

There are two dogs here and that’s cool.  Lucy and Tina are very sweet and nice to have around.  Tina is a chocolate Labrador Retriever and Lucy is a little Shih Tzu.

I’ll probably write to you again from LAX on Sunday night (West Coast time).  Otherwise, I’d have to wait until Taipei and that would be two days later, after crossing the International Date Line.  It’s so complicated it makes my head hurt (555).  Anyway, see you next week.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.        Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, January 9, 2020



I think the weather was mild again today, but I didn’t actually experience a thing.  I was inside all day, in bed.  

First off, let me apologize for not giving you a clue about this week’s ‘Middle Song’.  “Well, I was born in the sign of water, and it’s there that I feel my best.  The albatross and the whales, they are my brothers.  It’s kind of a special feeling when you’re out on the sea alone.  Staring at the full moon like a lover.  Time for a __ __, I know that it’s time for a __ __.”  Clue:  The song is calling for a new mellower way of doing things.  

Without getting into the price of gas, it’s still strange to have to pump one's gas.  They don’t let us do that at home.  It’s self-service everywhere you go.  I think the state of Oregon is like that.  It’s nice.

We have encountered some of the ‘new tech’ that is finding it’s way into our lives.  It seems that machines are doing more than they used to.  At the bank there seems to be fewer tellers and more devices.  They will even let you break down the denominations of the bills you wish to withdraw.  That seems pretty cool.  The many ways of paying for things is mind boggling.  The idea of waving your wrist over a sensor to pay for things or board an airplane is so Buck Rogers that it makes me smile.  Science fiction has become science reality.  That distant future is upon us.

I’d tell you about my day, but it was pretty boring.  I watched the Peach Bowl, tennis from Australia, and bits of news.

Today’s photo was taken last Friday when we had lunch with Frank and Linda White and Ming Johnson.

Today is moving day for us.  We’re packing everything up and going to the San Fernando Valley, where we’ll stay for the remainder of our visit.  We’ll be at t
he home of Valley Cousins Nowell and Jennifer.  New Hampshire Cousin Ellen and BF Gerry will also be in the house.  We fly out on Sunday night, so we have 4 days and 3 nights on the other side of the hill.  

As my attention fades I’ll say bye-bye.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“The depressing thing about tennis
is that no matter how good I get,
I’ll never be as good as a wall.”
~Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, January 8, 2020



The weather man called it ‘mild’, and I suppose it was just that.  I enjoyed it, the not too hot, not too cold part.  Then, as the sun began to set that cold air showed up.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow will be warm all day (555).

This week’s ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Reminiscing” by The Little River Band.  Here’s a ‘Middle Song’ from 1979:
“If there’s one thing in my life that’s missing, it’s the time that I spend alone.  Sailing on the cool and bright clear water.  Lots of those friendly people, they’re showing me ways to go, and I never want to lose their inspiration.  Time for a __ __.  I know that it’s time for a __ __….”  

Sometimes I think I’m still in my 20’s, that I can eat anything, won’t get sick and of course, know everything.  It takes a great deal to bring about a surrender.  Yesterday I admitted that I am getting some kind of cold.  I try to deny it because that would mean I’d have to stay in bed, take stuff and be still.  When I comply and do those things, you can be sure it has reached the level of surrender.  

We went out in the morning yesterday and did some light shopping.  When we got back to the house I knew I would not be a lively participant in the remaining activities of the day.  Lisa went out with Anna for tea and I started taking care of myself, which means I took cold stuff and stayed still.

After lunch Lisa drove out to Marina Del Rey for coffee with friends.  When you work with people over decades, some remain friends after the work part.  

There are things that can go unnoticed when visiting, and stuff that just smacks you in the face.  The glaring changes in the landscape cannot be missed.  The tall buildings, the missing shops, the large ‘box’ apartments have stolen the charm that was Culver City for us for so many years.  There are also improvements that make life ‘better’ and I’m still looking.  Until we rode around I hadn’t noticed how many houses had been converted to mini-mansions.  Some of the designs remind me of Thailand in that the remodeled structures go right to the edge of the property.  The only difference here is the sidewalk provides a buffer zone.  Here’s to the good old days.

We get pictures from home, but it’s hard to tell just how big JaiDee is from them.  Here’s a pic from 5 months.  He will be 6 months after we return.  By all accounts he’s growing (555).

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“I don’t listen to what art critics say.
I don’t know anybody who needs a 
critic to find out what art is."
~Jean-Michel Basquiat