Chiang Rai got a break from the rain today. By late afternoon it was looking like rain, but it hasn’t happened yet. The Bangkok Post reported that it was raining up here. Hmm, they should have called first (555).
Well, a few readers remembered this ‘Easy Monday’ song by a trio from across the pond. It happened in 1981.
“Do I have to tell the story of a thousand rainy days since we first met. It’s a big enough umbrella but it’s always me that ends up getting wet. __ __ __ __ __ __ __, everything she do just turns me on. Even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for her goes on.” Hint: One of her passwords might have been ‘Shazam’, as she waved her wand.
Sometimes, it takes a certain skill and cunning to get a 2 year old to school. Nitchanan has declared that she doesn’t want to go back to school, but so far, each time she’s gone she has been OK. Today was no different, and we got to witness the departure. I’m not sure where she thought she was going, but she spent the day at school and did all the things that were expected. She’s making friends and that will be a big help. We know that she thinks about it because this evening she told Natcha she’s not going back. In the meantime, we got to spend time with her today and that’s always fun.
Our first stop this morning was The Wanderer for coffee and to return some books on beads that Khun Noot loaned Lisa. As we were leaving, Khun Thomas brought us a ‘Pink Apple’ tree for our yard. Noot had mentioned it when they visited the house to help rescue Blue’s Tree. Now we have another baby tree and will someday have some delicious apples.
Yesterday we did the food shopping, so today was those odds and ends that move from one list to another. It was nice to get out and see the city while it’s dry. This afternoon Gong washed our filthy van. Now it will probably rain so we’ll just stay at home and keep it dry and clean (555).
Speaking of vans, today’s photo was taken at the Nan Riverside Art Space, where the exhibit was held. The van in the photo is what I guess you’d call a permanent installation. The second photo is a part of the grounds. Many trees are wrapped with artistic designs. An interesting approach.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
“Why stand in the shadows of
yesterday when you can stand
in the light of today?”
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