Wednesday, July 25, 2018



Last night, after sending the message about no rain, it rained.  Today, there was a very light, misty rain until the afternoon cloudburst.  We just never know what to expect.  Well, we’re pretty sure something will fall from the sky tonight.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic” by The Police.  This ‘Zany Day’ tune should be real easy.  “I met her in a club down in old Soho where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola, c-o-l-a cola.  She walked up to me and she asked me to dance, I asked her name and in a dark brown voice she said __, 
__-__-__-__, __.”  Clue:  The title is one word and it’s obviously a name.  

About the time when we were to take Daku out to play, we heard Nitchanan crying.  It was the ‘I don’t want to go to school’ cry.  It didn’t last long.  This afternoon Natcha told us that her teacher said she is very smart and speaks well for her age.  Some of the things that Natcha translates for us are pretty complex ideas for a 2 year old.  She’s slowly warming up to this new part of her life.

When we took Daku out, there was evidence that Mr. Chopper had already had his playtime.  The muddy paw prints and the ‘transplanted’ garden product was all we needed to see (555).

Today’s adventure took us north to Ban Du and Shong Cafe for coffee.  From Shong we traveled a short distance to Makro.  We hadn’t been there for at least a week.  After bringing an electric pencil sharpener from the States, we discovered that now they sell them at Makro.  Sometimes it pays to just walk the aisles and see what’s there.  Since they cater to the food trade, there are some fascinating containers and tools that we’d never use, but it’s just cool to know they exist.  

There is a lot of activity in the temples this week.  Saturday marks the beginning of Buddhist Lent, when the monks will stay at the temples at night.  Candles are a big part of the merit-making offerings, along with robes, food, and basic items.  This week the boys from The Wild Boars, the cave survivors, were initiated into the monk-hood for 11 days.  There were photos of them getting their heads shaved and of the ceremony.  Saturday is also the birthday of the new King, the first birthday since he has been King.  It will be a long weekend with many closures in both public and private sectors.  

In this photo, Nitchanan is modeling her new school backpack.   

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“Imagination…its limits are only those of the mind itself.”
~Rod Serling

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