Chiang Rai had another beautiful, cooler, rainless weekend. It’s that time of year when trees begin loosing their leaves and the grass stops growing. Nights are like Culver City, CA days and days are a bit warmer.
The ‘Old School Friday’ was a mid-50s favorite by The Spaniels, “Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight”. Congrats to all of you who knew it. Try this on for ‘Easy Monday’: “You know that it would be untrue, you know that I would be a liar, if I was to say to you, girl we couldn’t get much higher. Come on baby, __ __ __ Come on baby, __ __ __. Try to set the night on fire.” Clue: Performed by something you walk through, something you shouldn’t play with. Easy.
The wedding we attended on Saturday morning was quite an event. There were about 250 guests seated under a giant Rain Tree on the grounds of Le Meridien Resort. A 20-something quartet played jazz arrangements of standard love songs and lots of selfies were taken before the ceremony. The first announcement before the wedding was that no photos or movies be taken during the ceremony. There was a very busy photo crew documenting the whole event from every angle. They even had a drone in the air to capture the scene from high above. A luncheon followed the vows, in the ballroom. We sat with people we really didn’t know and probably won’t see again, but it was fun.
Sunday morning a dark cloud appeared over The Big Brown House in the form of dump trucks emptying their loads in the lot next to us. This could mean only one thing: Someone is going to build something. Horrors! We had planned on that lot being empty for at least another 10 years (555). After much thought about what it really means, the worst thing will be the drainage of the front yard when it floods. Right now it goes into the neighboring lot through two pipes. Now we have an engineering dilemma as to how to get the water out. Oh well, we have until next rainy season. Questions remain as to what will be built.
Today’s photo is a gathering of the dump trucks after a day’s work. It looks like the trucks are hanging out talking trash, but really it’s their drivers (555). They all went home and returned the next day at a decent hour.
We had a ‘Wild Kingdom’ episode right at our back steps this weekend. Saturday evening, as I brought Daku back to the kitchen door, he stopped and began sniffing intensely at a sandal on the shoe rack. He pushed his nose a little more and a tiny little mouse ran to the corner of the house. Daku was on the leash, and it was all I could do to keep him from knocking everything over to get to the mouse. Later that night he was totally obsessed with the mouse. The next morning we used another door, but he hadn’t forgotten. When Lisa took Natcha to the door to explain, the little mouse was sitting on the soft door mat, looking cute. We instructed Gong to move it away from the yard without hurting it, but when he went back, it was gone. Either it found a way out or the lion next door got it. Daku is still looking for the mouse that got away.
Have a Great Week.
“Feel the fear
and do it anyway.”
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