Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday Funnies


This week we’ve been in the high 80s.  Todays forecast of thundershowers didn’t happen, but another one is ‘scheduled’ for later tonight.  All through next week rain is expected.  

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “She Came In Through the Bathroom Window” by The Beatles.  ‘Old School Friday’ is next:
“I wanna jump but I’m afraid to fall.  I wanna holler but the joint’s too small.  Young man rhythm’s got a hold of me too.  I got the __ __ __ __ __-__ __.”  Clue:  I wish my symptoms had been as gentle as these.  This is a strain that did not show up on the tests (555).  Note: there are two illnesses the singer is dealing with.  The song is from 1957, by a singer whose middle name is the instrument he plays.

I spent most of the day in the house.  I’m feeling a little better, and by next week I’ll be fine   This last year has taught me how to be a good patient, or at least one who follows directions.  (555).

Late this afternoon I took the little family to the bus station for their trip to Mae Sai.  Driving straight through, it’s about 1 hour.  I’m not sure which bus they took, but it might take a lot longer if it stops to let people off and on.  We rode such a bus in our early days here and it seemed like it would take forever.  They will return on Monday.

On our way to The Wanderer for dinner, we passed our motel neighbors.  Now there is a sign in front that cleverly states the name:  Bed Villa.  The clever part is in the design of the letters for the word bed.  Next week I’ll show you a photo to explain.  Bed Villa?  Seriously?

We prepared our ballots today for the November election.  The only offices we get to vote for are President and Senator.  Still, it’s a chance to participate in the process.  What one gets to vote for depends on your residency status.  There are some Americans living and working here who are temporary and they get to vote for more of the ballot.  This led us to think about the fact that most of the young Western people we make friends with end up leaving.  It’s just the nature of the adventure.  

Tomorrow morning we’ll take a ride out to the frame factory.  Lisa has one more piece to frame before the exhibit next month.  It’s hard to believe that October 15 will be here in a couple of weeks.  The hardest part now is the administrative work.  Lisa has been working very hard at making sure all the pieces to the puzzle are in place and names, numbers and translations are correct.  The night of the 15th there will be a big smile and a major sigh of relief.

I leave you with one more set of photos from Singapore.  These pics are of the Singapore Flyer.  Until recently, it was the largest ferris wheel in the world.  It stands 541 feet tall and has 28 capsules that are each about the size of a city bus.  In other words, it’s big.  It takes about 30 minutes for one revolution and it’s suggested that two times around gives you the full effect.  Hmm.   At night it light up with changing colors.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.     Stay tuned for the ‘Funnies’    Formula One is in Malaysia this weekend.  Zoom.


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