Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Hot days, cool nights, loud birds, oh my.  Sometimes it's a jungle out there.  

A few of you were very quick to answer the 'Easy Monday' song.  That warms my heart.  Here's a continuation of the lyrics.  "The eagle flies on Friday now, Saturday I'll go out to play.  Oh, the eagle flies on Friday, Saturday I'll go out to play.  Sunday I'll go to church, and I fall on my knees and pray...."  Clue:  If you were paying attention you noticed that one day of the week was not typed on Monday.  Hmm.  This song has been recorded by most blues singers and some singers who should not be allowed to sing the blues.  If you don't know the original recorded version, just give me the oldest one you can think of (555).

Lately, the nights have been cool enough, as opposed to cold, that we can leave the windows open and have fresh air.  Some mornings the sounds from the birds preempts the alarm.  There is one in particular that has a distinctive, loud call that cannot be avoided.  They are everywhere.  On Monday, music from the temple almost beat the bird on the volume scale.  They were celebrating  Makha Bucha Day, which commemorates a special day in the life of Buddha.  It is celebrated all over the world and at some Thai temples there is a candle ceremony.  Everyone walks clockwise around the temple three times holding a lighted candle, flowers and incense.  It is a national holiday.

This morning I had an international 'text chat' with my friend Bruce.  He told us about Apple's imessage program and I managed to activate it on my phone.  It's very cool because now I can send messages to anyone with an iPhone or iPad, etc. if they have imessage activated.  So, now you know and if you have the capability, we can text for free across the ocean.  

The whole text thing was part of the preparation for a visit by Bruce and Danielle.  They're coming next week and will stay with us for about a week.  Time to become a tourist again and see some of the local sights we've missed.  

Our current house guest left for Bangkok again today.  Tatt has been up and down the highway quite a bit lately.  He was accepted at Mahidol University in Bangkok and they want him back on campus this week.  He has final exams for high school coming up and then graduation.  

The dogs get 'play time' twice a day.  We've come to the conclusion that Daku is an afternoon guy.  He doesn't like to run in the morning, unless it's really cold.  In the afternoon he seems to enjoy running, even if it's hot, which is not good for him.  But what does he know?  He's a dog.  BamBam will run and chase the ball any time you throw it.  She just loves to run.  

While on the subject of dogs, yesterday I had an under-the-table lunch partner in Tata, a German Shepard.  She is four years old and has a very sweet face.  Tata snuggled against my feet during most of the meal. 


Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the
good we might win, by fearing to attempt."
~William Shakespeare

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