Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Big Things

It was a busy day on the compound today. We had some pool revelations, said 'oh well' to the well and did some 'team' watering. Miss BamBam misbehaved and the sky was clear and blue.
Everybody was singing "Please, Mr. Postman" by The Marvelettes. Now we're moving forward in time, and it's out of this world. "She packed my bags last night, pre-flight. Zero hour, nine a.m., and I'm gonna be high as a kite by then." Clues: This first person narrative is by a Knight in flight. Hmm.
We had a visit from Johan and one of his guys this morning. I had figured out that the leak in the pool had to be coming from the light housings since the channel around the pool was wet at each position. Johan agreed so we started pumping water out of the pool. They'll take the lights apart and see what's going on.
Later in the morning Kek came over with a plan for an irrigation system based on well water. After a long discussion he revealed that the well wouldn't really produce enough water beyond an hour at a time. Hmm, and why didn't he tell us that in the beginning? It seems that the well wasn't dug deep enough. Now there's no way to bring in the big drilling truck. Oh well.
In the afternoon Lisa, Boot and I took parts of the yard and watered the flower beds and trees. It went much faster with all of us working at the same time. The water pressure wasn't ideal, but it worked. Later I set up the rainbird and watered the front lawn. Tomorrow I'll do the back. It was nice being out in nature, seeing the little things that I sometimes take for granted.
There comes a time in every teenaged dog's life when they must 'go off'. Today was one of those day's for BamBam. Words like defiance and mischief come to mind. It's cute for a minute and then it get 'tired'. Later she calmed down and returned to her sweet self. She has this thing she does with her rawhide bones where she shakes her head and then lets go and they fly across the room. Then, of course, she has to chase and pounce. It's a hunting thing I suppose. It's fun to watch.
I've received emails of concern regarding the demonstrations in Bangkok. It's nowhere near us, but it is posing a problem for all the tourists who are trying to enter or leave the Kingdom. We're hoping a conclusion comes soon. It's just too bad that this is how we make the world news.
Time for another Wacky Wednesday.


PS Thanks to Claire for the quote.

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
~ Unknown

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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