Wednesday, December 9, 2020



Weather is the same.  Glad it’s not snowing (555).  We’ve been slowly taking the warm blankets and clothing from the boxes and putting them within easy access.  Night time with no air/con, just an open window.  

This week’s ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Hotel California” by The Eagles.  Oddly, this song is very popular here in Thailand.  At an ArtBridge party after an opening, a trio played this and everybody sang along.  It’s time for another session of ‘Jazzy Wednesday’.  “Oh, __ __ __ that’s what I am.  Always here, when you sigh.  Never in my wordland could there be ways to reveal in a phrase, how I feel.  Have you ever heard two turtle doves, bill and coo when they love?  That’s the kind of magic music we make with our lips when we kiss.”  Hint:  Written as a theme for a popular New York Jazz Club radio show in 1952.  

Today was a slower day than yesterday.  It’s called balance (555).  We did venture out this afternoon, right after lunch.  We had two stops to make and we took JaiDee with us so he could get out a bit.  At the health food store we needed another bottle of tea-tree oil.  The eye doc suggested washing my eye lashes and help unclog some follicles. I must say, the 50-50 mixture with water was an experience I don’t want any time soon.  It stung like crazy.  Next time I’ll do it differently.  Our second stop was actually across the street at a pharmacy.  We needed a device to cut a tablet in half and they had one.  Got it home and it worked like a charm.  The ride home was fun for JaiDee, seeing the sights and looking for dogs.

This orchid plant in our front yard seems to enjoy the cold weather.  

The tiny little neighborhood behind us is still growing.  It’s not getting bigger, just denser.  Over the weekend we heard a dump truck and then a tractor.  I looked over the wall and behind our next-door neighbor a lot was being prepared for building.  Directly behind us there is still the last mini-farm.  It’s about half as wide as our yard, and very shallow, but there are vegetables growing.  The house behind us is still empty, and the meditation center is the same.  My guess is that when the whole covid thing is really over, we’ll see a boom in building.  We’ll see.

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“Many of us have been running all our lives.
Practice stopping.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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