Wednesday, December 16, 2020



It felt warmer today than yesterday.  I don’t know what’s going on with our weather except I’m glad it’s not a snow storm.  Should be cooler next week.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Hitch Hike” by Marvin Gaye.  Now we go back to 1948 for a ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune that was rather deep:  “There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy.  They say he wandered very far, very far over land and sea.  A little shy, and sad of eye, but very wise was he…”  Hint:  The title is never sung.  The ‘hook’ of the song is the last two lines, which you’ll ‘hear’ tomorrow.  You might know this one.

We survived the water shut-off without problems.  That’s not the case for other parts of town, where the water may come back tomorrow morning.  Feeling grateful.

After reaching out to the expat community about where to find decaf coffee, we went to Big C and got a bag.  Then we went to Starbuck’s since they were also mentioned.  I got an Iced Decaf Americano, which is the closest I’ll get to ordering a fancy drink.  It was pretty good, though it cost twice as much as the caffeinated versions.  The coffee from Big C made for a nice afternoon coffee drink without the villain (555).  On the outside patio area of the mall, vendors were setting up a village, selling various Hill Tribe products and fresh fruits and vegetables.  We got some organic strawberries that were very good.  

That big Rock concert I told you about went on a second day, but was cut short over covid concerns.  The man who was in charge, along with the sponsors and some artists apologized to the fans.  The main promoter guy, Mr. Yuthana, said he’s taking some time off to ponder his future after failing to bring happiness to the fans.  “I should have done better, I’m very sorry,” he wrote.  Now that’s what I call humility.  It remains to be seen if any cases develop as a result of the obvious flaws.  Another big concert in another province was promptly cancelled.

Here’s another beautiful orchid from The Wanderer.

This afternoon JaiDee picked up a toy he rarely plays with and kept it with him all through nap time.  He walked around with it and wouldn’t let it go.  Then, around dinner time, he started chewing and ripping it.  Nitchanan noticed it and alerted us.  The toy has been put away.  His deflated soccer ball is so much better, he can’t tear it up.

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“I was really too honest a man
to be a politician and live.”

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