Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday Funnies


The forecast site says it’s going to be 90 this weekend.  Now, if only we could do something about the night time temps, we could swim.  They keep bringing the pool temperature down.

This week’s ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune was “Summertime” by Billie Holiday (first hit).  Note that there have been over 25,000 recordings of this song.  Wow!  On to ‘Old School Friday’, and the first of the seasonal songs that I’m going to set in your head.  Hey, blame it on two trips to the mall today.  “__ __ __ __ __, you can plan on me.  Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents by the tree.  Christmas eve will find me where the love light gleams.  __ __ __ __ __, if only in my dreams.”  Hint:  This one should get a lot of dedications on ‘call-in radio’.  

Things I forgot to tell you:  While talking with Dr. Arnon, JaiDee’s vet, we learned that he has been working at the Singha Park Zoo, treating zebras, goats, cows giraffes, and chickens.  Nothing like diversifying.  Yesterday we got an alert from the State Department about major demonstrations planned for today.  Things seem to be heating up in Bangkok.

Yesterday evening we got a call that Lisa’s new computer speakers had arrived.  This morning Cat came over and the three of us went to the mall before it opened and had coffee at Starbuck’s before going inside.  After leaving the computer for a 3-hour repair, we set off to pick up a few items in the mall.  Since I have been walking with an increased pace and for longer than before, I decided to take the advice of a physical therapist and get some shoes with better support.  The three of us went to the big sports center and got help in finding what I needed.  It’s the first time I’ve had to tie shoes in ages, but it felt good.  Found what felt right and brought them home.  Ironically, tonight is the first night in a long time that we haven’t walked.  The shoes want to know why they’re still in the box. 

After lunch we got the call that the computer was ready.  Well, there went the nap (555).  We went back to the mall and brought home the laptop with clear, stereo sound.  We didn’t exactly take it home because we had another engagement to attend.  We met a group of my friends from Mae Chan at The Wanderer.  Three of the four had never been there before.  They arrived before us and ‘wandered’ around and ordered a late lunch.  They’re all from South Africa and two of them are returning on Monday.  We had some great conversations about phones of the past, living in another country, and how are lives have changed through the years.  

The next stop on our busy schedule was back at The Big Brown House, where the group followed us to get a look at Lisa's artwork.  It was an interesting gallery tour.  They asked good questions and the artist gave very clear answers.  It’s also satisfying, I suppose, when people seem to be paying attention to the work and notice the style touches, etc.  

After dinner Lisa loaded her latest work, a collage painting, into the van and we delivered it to Art Bridge for the annual ‘member’s show’ that opens around December 26.  While we were there, we saw the ‘small works’ show in the upstairs gallery.  

 Today’s photo is an orchid from our front yard.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.         Wear that mask and stay cool.


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