Wednesday, December 27, 2017



We got word this afternoon that it was raining in Chiang Rai.  I’m sure the air, the trees and the lawns are happy.  Meanwhile, still wearing layers of clothing here in L.A.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Merry Christmas, Baby” by Charles Brown.  That leaves us with a ‘Zany Day’ song to deal with.  “Grape wine in a Mason jar, homemade and brought to school by a friend of mine.  After class me and him and this other fool, decided that we’ll drink up what left, __ __ __ so we helped ourselves.  First time for everthin’ ummmm, my ears still ring.  __-__-__, __-__-__.  Hint:  One might call this a drinking song, country style.

This morning we woke up very early again.  How early?  Watching the morning news before the sun was up.  It was actually about the time we’d be up with Daku, except that we would have had more sleep.  Mr. Lag is still being a pest.  We went out for coffee, just like at home, and began our ‘tour’ at Tanners, a place we’ve liked in the past.  

After a pleasant coffee break we drove out to Marina del Rey, to the giant CVS pharmacy (still Sav-on in my mind) for things we can’t get in Chiang Rai.  Going to a store like this gives us a chance to see what’s new and interesting.  Some products, like digital clocks, have to be checked carefully to make sure they can handle the 220 volts of electricity.  Here, things run on 120v and it’s an easy way to ‘break’ something.  

We had lunch today at Thai Boom restaurant, with The Smith Family.  Paul, Joy and Leilani have been regulars on our visits.  This morning Leilani, who is almost 8, asked Paul how long we had known each other.  We’ve been friends for about 20 years.  That was too much for her to fathom at the moment, but it impressed us.  It’s a wonderful thing, to realize that one has such long-time friends.

A nap in the early stages of these visits is not just by choice.  It is an obligation that must be fulfilled, tribute must be paid to Mr. Lag.  In a few days, hopefully, these naps will become optional (555). 

Sometimes, in Thailand, when asking if a dish is spicy, you will be told that it’s only ’spicy, a little bit’.  Seriously?  Look at those chilis.

This morning we will both get our eyes examined.  It’s so much fun we just can’t stay away.  We used to get them examined in Chiang Rai, but the level of sophistication is much greater here, as far as the machines and the interpretation of results.  I’m still looking for that perfect combination of contacts for distance, and reading glasses for close work.  Right now the ‘eyes’ don’t have it (555).  

We’ll be having dinner with Denny and Sheila, my brother and sister-in-law.  We’re going to a place none of us has been before.  The adventure continues.

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“Remember, it’s better to be a
has-been than a never-was.”
~Tiny Tim

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