Tuesday, December 5, 2017



As the days get shorter, the mornings are darker and colder.  Winter what?  It’s still warmer than a lot of places in the world and it doesn’t last all day.  Grateful for the brisk air that inspires Daku to run.  Today he ran over half of the laps he did.  Power dog.

A few people knew the ‘Easy Monday’ song right away.  See if these lyrics near the end help you remember:  “When I call your name, girl, it starts a flame burning in my heart, tearing it all apart.  No matter how I try, my love I cannot hide, ‘cause sugar pie honey bunch, you know that I’m weak for you.  __ __ __ __, I love you and nobody else..”  Hint:  The singer finds himself powerless. 

By the time we left the house for Ban Du and the Shong Cafe, the day was warming up.  It began as a cold morning,  but not as cold as the day before, and this seems to be the current state of things.  It will probably warm up to heatwave status and then drop down to ‘where’s my coat’ weather.  Anyway, Cat met us at Shong and she ate while we had coffee.  She told us about her test yesterday.  It was an English test that consisted of cultural multiple choice questions, about America.  She’s going to be teaching two days a week, to Jr. and Sr. high school kids.  A lot of it is in Thai, but at some point they will have to learn to speak the words they are learning.  Don’t get me started.

We also got early presents from Cat.  It was a really sweet gesture.  What was touching was the way she described it as a small thing compared to all that we had given her.  

Makro is usually an early stop when we shop for food.  Today we got there at 11am and the place was packed.  We only went for a few things and there was a perfect line, so it wasn’t so bad, just a lot of people and their carts.  I must remember that it should always be first on the list.  

The struggle continues with finding a solution to setting a new password on my ‘old’ phone.  Today I had another phone consult with tech support in New Zealand.  Every time we got close to solving the problem, another obstacle appeared.  The clincher this afternoon was when the invisible seer of all things told me I had tried too many times and it was going to block me for one hour.  Well!  After over an hour I tried again and got another politely rude message saying that I should try another way.  There is this urge to climb into the phone and, well, grab somebody.  Breathe.

Today’s photo was taken at Chivit Tamma Da last week.  I love this cluster of bamboo.  

Today was the late King’s (Rama 9) birthday and some people celebrated quietly in their own way.  At Big C they were selling yellow shirts saying ‘We Love the King’.  

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“In every walk with nature 
one receives far more than 
he seeks.”
~John Muir

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