Wednesday, October 11, 2017



It seems that rain is still the topic of conversation around here.  Yes, we had more, and more is on the way.  Fortunately, it hasn’t been a constant and there are windows of opportunity to move about town in the ‘dry’.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Windy” by The Association.  You should be familiar with this week’s ‘Zany Day’ song since it’s been the topic of conversation in the past.  “Ooooh, You might not ever get rich.  But let me tell you, it’s better than digging a ditch.  There ain’t no tellin’ who you might meet.  A movie star or maybe an Indian Chief.  Working at the __ __.  Working at the __ __, yeah….”  Hint:  The title is a place and it gets busy after the rain is gone.  Oh yes, there was a movie of the same name.  No more hints.

It was no surprise this morning when we woke up to sore arms from our flu shots.  We were surprised, however, to discover that it was raining (555).  It kept raining, right through Daku’s play time.  It had rained during the night and the yard was too marshy for running.  

The rain stopped in time for us to go to our Cross Fit workout.  Our ‘coach’ is cool when it comes to making adjustments due to things like sore arms, etc.  Once we got warmed up, it wasn’t such an issue.  Today we did 5 routines for 45 seconds each, a one minute rest and then repeated the circuit.  At the end of the first round I was really feeling it.  We can both tell that it’s making a difference in our stamina and strength.  There is new muscle tone that is nice to see also.  We’ll be back at it on Friday.

On our way home from ‘Lisa’s gym’ we turned to take the detour, like we’ve done before.  Somehow, today I made the next turn too soon or too late and we ended up on a magical mystery tour of an area we’d never completely explored.  I’m not sure I could repeat the whole thing, but we did get close to the ‘Naval Pillar’ which had been a cause of wonder for some time.  It’s the place where King Mengrai declared the center of the new province.   This just in, the nature of the detour is the hillside across from the golf course.  The heavy rains caused slides.  Efforts were made last year to shore up the earth but apparently, it wasn’t done correctly.  At the top of the hill is a temple that sits right on the edge.  Hmm.

Today’s photo was taken a few mornings ago from our front yard.  I call it ‘Morning Moon’.  Notice the clear, blue sky.  

It could be a Wacky Wednesday.


“The smallest deed is better
than the greatest intention.”
~John Burroughs

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