Monday, July 10, 2017



Our weekend weather was mostly sprinkles that went on and on.  We did have some stormy weather as well.  Nothing too dramatic, just a lot of water.

The ‘Old School Friday’ tune was “Bring It On Home To Me” by Sam Cooke.  Time for an ‘Easy Monday’ song.  Try this one:   “Spring was never waiting for us girl, it ran one step ahead as we followed in the dance.  Between the parted pages that were pressed, in love’s hot, fevered iron, like a striped pair of pants.  __ __ is melting in the dark, all the sweet, green icing flowing down.  Someone left the cake out in the rain, I don’t think that I can take it, ‘cause it took so long to bake it, and I’ll never have that recipe again.  Oh, no!  Hint:  This was first recorded in 1968 by an actor from across the pond.  It’s about a place and love that’s gone.

This evening I had an unexpected procedure at the dentist.  I survived the first half of a root canal and the injections are just starting to wear off.  It’s never been my favorite place to go (555).  Fortunately, our dentist is very aware of patient pain and does his best to keep you comfortable.  Still, after an hour with my mouth open and people hovering, I’m done for the night.  

Saturday we went to Big C to get a jump on the holiday shoppers.  When we got to the check-out, we were told that we couldn’t buy the bottle of olive oil we had in our cart.  What?  She pointed to the table with the holiday decorations, like that would explain it.  Finally, I realized that the bottle looked like a fancy wine bottle, so we showed her the label.  Even though she spoke and read no English, we got the message across.  We got to buy the oil.

The first photo is self-explanatory.  The second is the bottle that was mistaken for alcohol.  

Sunday evening at the mall was an experience.  At first we didn’t think we’d get a parking place, but we lucked out.  Inside, the place was swarming with shoppers, strollers, and families enjoying the holiday.  Many businesses observed the holiday on Monday, since it fell on the weekend.  So, it was the spot to be on a rainy afternoon/evening.  We had a nice dinner, came home, and I watched the F1 race while Lisa worked on a large, four panel cast acrylic print.  

Have a Great Week.


“When the best leader’s work is done
the people say, ‘We did it ourselves’”.
~Lao Tzu

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