Thursday, February 9, 2017



Today’s weather was more of the same, minus the smoke.  The corn field across the road is dry and shriveled and many wild areas are beginning to get that drought season look.  The daylight hours were basically smoke-free in our area.  I caught a whiff of something foul this evening, but it was nice to not have to hide from the beautiful day.

Our ‘Zany Day’ song has had a couple of ‘friends’ chime in, so far.  “My Maserati does one-eighty-five.  I lost my license, now I don’t drive.  I have a limo, ride in the back.  I lock the doors in case I’m attacked.  I make hit records, my fans they can’t wait.  They write me letters, tell me I’m great.  So I got me an office, gold records on the wall.  Just leave a message, maybe I’ll call.  Lucky I’m sane after all I’ve been through.  (Everybody says I’m cool) (He’s cool).  I can’t complain but sometimes I still do.  __ __ __ to me so far…”.  Hint:  The singer is pleased with his existence. 

Today we took a little trip to Makro.  Right now it’s an uncertain journey due to road work.  One never knows which lane will be open, if any are open, or whether you should have taken a detour.  This morning it all worked out fine.  On the surface, as we arrived at the highway, it looked like we should have gone another way, but looks can be deceiving.  We breezed right through to our destination.  Thursdays at Makro seems to be the beginning of weekend shopping for small stores and restaurants.  We encountered lots of the rolling platforms that the merchants use.  Sometimes it’s difficult to negotiate the aisles if there are several of these in the wrong spot.   I like to glance at what they’re buying, just to see what kind of shop they have.  Fascinating.  

On the way home the traffic slowed for a police check.  The officer manning our lane left his post to direct a small truck to the side of the road for further scrutiny.  This meant we just drove right through.  We think they were checking for registration, which can be seen in the front window of every car or truck.  If they don’t see it, or it has the wrong year they pull you over.  So happy we comply.

We are taking the plunge (pun intended) and getting a major overhaul on our pool.  Due to missteps in the original construction and the earthquake of 2011, we have had a series of slow leaks that have become headaches.  After several consultations and possibilities, a new pool within the old pool will be the solution.  The construction will resist quakes and settling, giving us a solid bowl for the water (5).  The plumbing will be less complicated and there is a plan to incorporate a solar heating system into it.  That part is my favorite.  I’ll keep you posted once things get started.  The estimate is for 6 weeks of work.  I’m guessing that it will be 8 before the final refill is complete.  We will see.

Today’s photo was taken in the backyard.  Neetchanon was walking around with her aunt Gope, and discovered the little elephant that Lisa is painting.  She kept returning to it, touching it and talking about it.  I think she has a new friend.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“In a controversy, the instant
we feel anger we have already
ceased striving for the truth, and 
have begun striving for ourselves.”

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