We have gone from rather static weather to the 40 degree spread. The days get very hot in the afternoon, then it drops to cold at night. At least that’s how it feels going from 90 to 50, for example.
The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “What’s Your Name?” by Don & Juan. ‘Easy Monday’ should be easier for some of you. “Let me tell you how it will be. There’s one for you, nineteen for me. ‘Cause I’m the __, yeah, I’m the __. Should five percent appear too small, be thankful I don’t take it all. ‘Cause I’m the __, yeah, I’m the __.” Hint: It’s by those four lads from across the pond and it getting close to the time when the title will be on everyone’s mind.
The yard next door looks a little strange these days. The dirt they moved from the rear of the lot is now piled up along the western edge, then there’s a deep trench, and then more level dirt. Surveyor crews have been measuring and pointing and things. The well diggers came and may have struck water. Oh, and here at ‘Speculation Central’ we have a new motto: ‘We Don’t Know, We Guess’.
Saturday we went to Central Plaza for a few things. One of them was a ‘white board’ for our Thai lessons. Today we used it for the first time and it was cool. Khun Awe could demonstrate certain letters and how to write them. I’m beginning to think that studying the language after being here is helping with my cultural understanding of certain observations. When some words are explained, there is a social level attached to their use and this gives us a deeper awareness of the strata of the population. Learning combinations of letters and what sound is produced will give us a better guide to pronunciation. Or so they tell me (555).
Natcha has been coming upstairs with Neetchanon a few evenings a week. They come and visit, she gets to explore, and it’s a happy time. This afternoon she walked into the dining room and made a sound, then realized how big her voice sounded. This led to the famous vocal experiments all small children conduct when they hear their voice bounce. She also discovered a bookcase with a few delicate things that are now headed for a higher shelf.
This morning we watched the Super Bowl. It came on at 6:30am so we watched the first quarter and recorded the rest for later in the morning. Later we watched the commercials on Youtube, since the feed to Thailand doesn’t include them. We also got to see the half-time show.
Today’s photo was taken last week when the Lion Dancers were in the neighborhood running down the street. Daku and Lisa are totally engrossed watching them.
Have a Great Week.
“History, despite its wrenching pain,
cannot be unlived, but if faced with
courage, need not be lived again.”
~Maya Angelou
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