Wednesday, December 2, 2015



If winter is coming to the north, it’s taking it’s time.  Overnight temps are cool, but the days still manage to be fairly warm.  Even though rain has been forecast for the end of the week, no one is really holding their breath.

As a few of you know, the ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Fame” by Irene Cara, from the movie of the same name.  I guess we need an easy ‘Zany Day’ song.  “Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum, I smell smoke in the auditorium.  __ __, __ __, he’s a clown, that __ __.  He’s gonna get caught, just you wait and see.  (Why is everybody always picking’ on me?)"
Hint:  The title is a name.  Some may remember it from a cartoon character that has nothing to do with this song. This one is a prankster.

I would seem that we are not done with the fireworks.  This Saturday is The King’s birthday.  It will be a major holiday throughout the Kingdom and there will be lots of fireworks, parades, and ceremonies.  King Bhumibol Adulyadej is the world’s longest reigning monarch.  He became King in 1946, and will be 88 years old on Saturday.  He is loved and revered by generations of Thais.  It should also be noted that The King’s birthday is ‘Father’s Day’ in Thailand. 

A few nights ago we heard loud music and it seemed to be coming from the area of the river.  We thought it was a concert, but it seemed closer than usual.  We later realized it was recorded music and was probably coming from a custom speaker truck.  Someone had a riverside party.  Hmm, very interesting.  

Today’s photo was taken from our bedroom balcony.  It’s kind of a treat to see people flying around so close.  Not the sort of thing one sees in the city.

During dinner I asked the question:  Which of Superman’s powers would you most like to have?  'Flying' was the winner.  It was sparked by a previous conversation about the ultralights.  It all ended in laughter when we tried to imagine what it would be like if everyone could fly.  Just think about it.

Time for Wacky Wednesday.


“I’ve never learned anything
while I was talking.”
~Larry King

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