Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Funnies

Well, it rained off and on all night and into the morning.  It has been cold all day.  If you’re living with snow then it’s not so cold, but we went from mid-80sF to mid-50s.  We’re allowed 5 days of whining.

‘Zany Day’ was “Ob-la-di, ob-la-da” by The Beatles.  This week’s ‘Old School Friday’ should be very familiar.
“You’re __ __ __ __ bu-u-t I still have your love to remember you by, oh , my dar-ar-ar-arling, dry your eyes.  Daddy’s coming home soon.  On my knees every day-ay all I do is pray, baby, just for you.  Hope you a-a-a-always want me too.  Daddy’s coming home soon.”  Hint:  There is a great distance in the title.

We were all set to take Daku out for his morning run when the yard crew showed up.  They were early and ready to work.  As a result, Daku had to spend the day inside, with the exception of shorts breaks outside on a leash.  Not his idea of fun.  So much to smell when the gardeners are here.  

Last Friday night, on our way home from the Night Bazaar, I stopped to finally get photos of the BBQ van that sets up business on the corner of a lot each night.  The name is ‘SanFran Burgers & Beer’.  They cook on open grills and do the prep inside the van.  They don’t serve anything we eat, but it must be good judging from the number of customers.

This afternoon Lisa and I went to Overbrook Hospital to get flu shots.  The main reception area had a carnival atmosphere.  There was a woman walking around with a wireless microphone describing some kind of hair styling demonstration.  The volume was enough to run us out, but we made our way to the other side, in search of Khun Pay, our contact for medical needs.  She was off today and since it was so crazy, we left .  It felt good to get out of the loud room.  
Our errand running led us back to Central Plaza Mall for a few things.  Friday afternoon at the mall is a real crush.  We passed a new food stand that was called N&B Pancakes and the smell was delicious.  The only things was, they weren’t selling pancakes, but things wrapped in pancakes, like hot-dogs and other food.  What?  The mall is becoming headquarters for all kinds of fusion foods.  MacDonald’s is now selling salmon burgers.  Hmm.  Every store we went into was having big sales.  We weren’t really there to ‘shop’ but I did get a warm shirt for the trip to the States.  The range of ‘warm’ is very limited, which is to be expected for a region that only requires warm clothes for a short time.  

We just returned from dinner with our good friend Supaluk, who owns the big art supply store in town.  Her son Pete, his wife Jeab and their 3-year-old son Charles made it a party of seven.  It was a lot of fun for all of us.  Lisa and Supaluk exchange messages every day on Line, sending each other photos of beautiful things.  Supaluk is learning English and is one of Lisa's art fans.  Little Charles charmed everyone in the place, while Blue, Pete and I discussed and laughed.  Next time, Pete wants to cook for us.  Looking forward to that.

The change in the weather caused us to put the big down comforter on the bed last night.  All of the warm clothes are quickly making their way to the front of the closet (555).  

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.       Time for the ‘Funnies’.


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