Tuesday, July 14, 2015



Last night Chiang Rai got a tremendous soaking.  Today the 2pm storm never happened.  If this is how our rainy season is going to be, I think I can handle it.  Lovin’ the nighttime rains.  Oh, and it’s still very hot.

Looks like this week’s ‘Easy Monday’ song is still a hit.  If you still haven’t figured it out, this should help:
“Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be.  There’s a shadow hanging over me.  Oh, __ came suddenly.  Why she had to go, I don’t know, she wouldn’t say.  I said something wrong, now I long for __.”  Hint: This song features a member of a famous quartet, collaborating with strings.

While we were in the States. Daku had a chance to do some serious bonding with Blue, Natcha, and Cat.  There were many meals when Blue was the only person at the table.  Daku used to get so close to Blue’s food that it was verging on rude.  Blue trained him to lie down beside him while he ate.  When Daku comes to the table and looks at Blue, all Blue has to say is, “You know what to do”, and Daku drops to the floor and stays there.  Daku spent his nights in Cat’s room.  He’s done this before when we’ve been away.  A few nights ago he went down the hall and I thought he would return.  He didn’t come back.  When Lisa went to see where he was, he was curled up at her door.   Whenever Natcha is working in the kitchen, Daku goes in and plops down on the floor and just hangs out.  Sometimes, if he hears her come into the house, he will go downstairs just to be with her.  What a guy.

The amount of rain that goes into the pool has a direct effect on the temperature.  If it’s a light rain there is little difference.  Last night’s rain was another story.  When we went in the water today, it was much cooler than the day before.  Not cold, but cool as opposed to almost too warm to swim.  A few more storms like that and we may have to hang up the suits for a bit.  

This afternoon we went to the nursery near our house.  It’s a wonderland of growing things.  The yard crew is coming tomorrow so we wanted to get some things for them to plant.  The nursery is right next to the army base and today there were a bunch of young soldiers working on widening one of the little lanes.  I like the fact that they were working with shovels and hoes instead of weapons.  This is the same base that has a huge vegetable garden on one side and a golf course on the other.  Go army.

Today’s photo was taken a few weeks ago while sitting at a red light.  We hadn’t noticed this little road before since it intersects with the Super Highway and we’re usually going too fast to notice things like this.  We have no idea where it goes, but a few cars and bikes drove in and out.  Someday we will have to go exploring.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“Happiness is your nature.
It is not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it
outside when it is inside.”
~Sri Ramana Maharshi

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