Wednesday, July 15, 2015



High humidity and heavy looking rain clouds were the order of the day.  No rain, but it looked and felt like any minute it would pour.  It was not to be.  Maybe later tonight.

That ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Yesterday” by The Beatles, featuring Paul.  Time for some ‘Zany Day’ fun.
“Well, I was happy here at home, I got everything I need.  Happy bein’ on my own just living the life I lead.  Well, suddenly it dawned on my that this was not my life.  So I just phoned the airline girl and said, ‘Get me on __ __ __, get me on __ __ __.”  Hint:  There is a number in the title. 

Mr. Lag is taking his time with saying farewell.  We keep going forward, denying him total satisfaction.  I still hit the wipers, Lisa wakes up at 4:30am, and naps are interrupted by various life events.  Hmm.

We had a very busy Wednesday on this side of the ocean.  It began with a giant food run at Makro, then Healthy Market.  Makro has always had a ‘no bag’ policy so we carry lots of shopping bags in the van.  Today I watched a man unload his cart of newly purchased goods directly into the bed of his pick-up truck.  I thought about the task ahead of him when he gets home.  At Healthy Market I was once again amazed at how the fruit lady can thump a pineapple and determine whether or not it’s sweet.  The ones she thumped this morning were very sweet.  Another ‘Hmm’.

A few night ago, while doing a 'tick check’ on Daku, Lisa noticed something strange on his tail.  Daku does not like us messing with his tail.  We decided to take him to the vet for a consultation.  When we arrived, the waiting room was empty.  Then a little dog came in with his owners and Daku sat up to check him out.  He stayed pretty calm and finally went back to lying flat on the cool tile floor.  When Dr. Arnon called him into the examination room we expected him to get all crazy, but he let him mess with his tail and didn’t put up much of a fight at all.  It turns out his tail is OK.  As we were leaving, Lisa suggested we take him over to Work@Home for a visit with Katai and Towan.  They met him at our house and they always ask about him.  Daku was happy to see Towan, who took the leash and let Daku pull him around the yard in back of the shop.  They had quite an adventure, going out in front of the shop and finally inside.  They have a special dining/meeting room that has air/con and we settled in there.  ’The boys’ had lots of fun.  Towan kept hugging and petting Daku and he took it all in.  We will definitely have to do this again.

Today’s photo was taken at Work@Home.  It’s the man of the hour with Towan and Katai.

At our visit to Work@Home we also learned more about the effect of this weird, non-rainy season on the agriculture industry.  By not getting the rain needed to plant on their usual schedule, farmers have had to delay their ’seasons’ and, as a result, may not even have a crop of certain fruits and vegetables.  This can impact whole communities as well as various suppliers, including farm equipment dealers and the whole delivery system.  Something to think about.

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“Be not afraid of going slowly;
be afraid only of standing still.”

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