Thursday, July 3, 2014



It was a full day for us here in Chiang Rai, and the weather cooperated, a little.  It didn't rain, but it was very hot.

So far, only one person knows this song.  How can that be?  This 'Zany Day' song is also a little risque, but they played it on the radio.  "Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind, always get it up for the touch of the younger kind.  __ __."   Hint:  Since everyone is having a hard time with this, I'll tell you that the first word is a possessive form and the second is a variation of a name that rhymes with baron.   

Today was the first time we'd been to Wat Rong Khun since the earthquake.  We weren't sure how much of the complex we would be able to see, based on damage reports.  Most of the buildings were open and we were surprised to see so many new structures as well.  We got there early, and by the time we left there were a lot of visitors.  I always enjoy listening to the languages, and trying to figure out where they are from.  Today there were many visitors from China.  The photo for today is the top portion of one of the newer structures that looks like an ornate sala (a small resting area).  

It seems like this was a day for visiting places we hadn't been to in a long time.  Arisara massage used to be one of our regular places to go.  We returned today in order for Irene to experience a Thai massage.  The three of us left there feeling quite relaxed.  

One of the most beautiful hotels in Chiang Rai is Le Meridian.  The grounds offer many breathtaking views so we thought it would be a nice place to end our whirlwind, three day tour of our town.  As we sipped coffee by the river we spotted our friend Stephan, the General Manager.  He joined us and we learned a great deal about the state of things in the hotel/travel industry.  He explained that occupancy is down at all of the hotels and a big part of the lack of tourists relates to the travel warnings given by many countries.  We also learned that the large pond by the pool is very deep and contained huge fish.  The hotel recently lowered the level in the pond to take out the fish, not knowing that they had grown to giant proportions.  The fish were relocated and the pond rehab continues. 

Tonight we said goodbye to Irene.  Next week we will have another houseguest.  This is the most company we have had in a couple of years.  It's fun to show friends where we live, and hang out at the Big Brown House.  

Daku seems to be back to his 'old self' after a week of treatment.  He's playing and 'working' like he used to and it's a relief to see him happy again.  

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"I've never learned anything while I was talking."

~Larry King

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