Wednesday, July 30, 2014



Today I'm coming to you from the 18th floor of our hotel, where the WiFi doesn't dare go.  I'm using my phone to power the internet on my laptop.  Ain't technology grand.  Chiang Mai seems so busy and full of everything compared to Chiang Rai.  

The 'Easy Monday' song was "You Keep Me Hanging On" by The Supremes.  If you need a little 'Zany Day' craziness, try this:  "__, get away.  Get a good job with more pay and you're OK.  __, it's a gas.  Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.  New car, caviar, four star daydream, think I'll buy me a football team."  Hint:  Some say it makes the world go 'round.  Hmm.

This morning, after our usual routines, we hit the highway for Chiang Mai.  We made a stop at Charon Gardens for lunch and pie, of course.  The various 'views' on this road are spectacular this time of year.  One minute we're seeing wide expanses of green valleys with tree-covered mountains in the background, and then it's a mountain road with thick, dense jungle on either side.  It certainly helps make the trip more interesting.  

This evening I went to a meeting near the Ping River.  It's not far from the hotel so I took a Tuk-Tuk there and back.  Both drivers tried to entice me into everything from a massage parlor to an evening with young girls (his words).  Single men are targets here, since so many come to Thailand to 'play'.  It's unfortunate that such a large segment of the tourist industry has accepted the negative reputation and embraced it as a legitimate asset.  Hmm.
Anyway, I just laughed them off as we raced through the streets, happy to get out safely.

The photo for today is an entry we were happy to see, and yet a little surprised.  This group of kids made a real statement by dressing in drag and promoting identity 'freedom'.  I wonder if their school knew about this in advance.  It was bold move, especially in a small city like Chiang Rai.  

Tomorrow we do the Consulate thing, visit Central Festival Mall, and proceed back to Chiang Rai.  It will be good to get back.  I guess we really are turning into 'small town' folks.  (555)

It looks like a Wacky Wednesday.


"Do your little bit of good where you are.
It's those little bits of good put together
that can overwhelm the world."
~Desmond Tutu

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