Monday, May 5, 2014

War & Peace


The big news around here is the earthquake we had at 6:09pm today.  It was a 6.0 and centered around 27 km southwest of us.  We're fine and the house is OK.  Nerves are a little rattled and we're still having aftershocks that feel like earthquakes.  The only thing we noticed on our tour of the house was all of the artwork on the walls was tilted.  The quake has upstaged the storm we had on Friday night.  More on that later.

The 'Old School Friday' tune was "I'm Your Puppet" by James and Bobby Purify.  'Easy Monday' is next and you know this one.  "__ __ __ __ __, the rain is gone.  I can see all obstacles in my way.  Gone are the dark clouds that had me down.  It's gonna be a bright, bright, sun-shiny day."  Hint:  Please.  Really?

You may recall that last week we were doing pretty good with the rain thing.  We were enjoying afternoon swims and light overnight showers.  Things changed on Friday night when the wind came in from the north and blew rain on us.  We checked all the usual spots where water had entered in the past and all was good.  Then we went upstairs and discovered the 'northern floodgate'.  Apparently, there has been a shift in some shingles or something like that.  We spent the evening doing our towel brigade thing.  The front yard was the biggest lake yet and I've got a photo to prove it.

On the lighter side, today was Coronation Day, commemorating the coronation of the King, 64 years ago.  We had two appointments this morning that were canceled as a result of the holiday.  It's interesting that no one thought to mention it when we said we'd be there Monday morning.  Oh well, we saw some beautiful countryside.

You may see images on TV or the internet showing various forms of damage caused by the quake, but I just want you all to know that nothing like that happened at The Big Brown House.  Now, if it would just stand still overnight that would be good.

Have a Great Week.


"There never was a good war,
or a bad peace."
~Benjamin Franklin

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