Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Funnies


Today was a day like yesterday, but without any adventures.  The pool is slowly getting warmer, about 2 degrees a day.  It won't be long before we're swimming again.

The 'Zany Day' song was "All Shook Up" by Elvis Presley.  'Old School Friday' should be easy for most of you.
"They say the neon lights are bright __ __ (__ __).  They say there's always magic in the air (__ __).  But when you're walkin' down that street, and you ain't had enough to eat. The glitter rubs right off and you're nowhere (__ __)."  Clue:  It's about a street in a big city.  Hmm, we were just there in last week's 'Old School' song.

We have known for a long time that BamBam considered it her job to keep birds out of the yard.  She doesn't want to catch them, she just wants them gone.  What's funny is the way she also wants to protect the airspace above the yard.  A bird can be flying over the yard and she will bark at it and run after it until it's out of sight.  That's what I call a watch dog.  Daku, on the other hand, would rather stalk them and, if possible, catch them.  Living with dogs can be very interesting sometimes.

There is a custom here that when a guest comes to your house, you bring them a glass of water.  A full glass of water.  Whenever Lisa has water with a meal, Boot brings her a full glass of water, which is always more than she wants to drink.  To say that the custom is ingrained in Boot's mind would be an understatement.  And so it is with customs wherever one goes.  People get into the habit of doing a certain thing and it becomes automatic.  We see this manifested in many ways here in Thailand.  I've mentioned it before, but driving customs are vastly different than in the States.  This evening I was reminded of that when a young woman came out of a side street on her motorbike.  The street was on my left and as I approached the street, she came whizzing around the corner without even looking.
The rationale is that if you stay close to the curb, the oncoming traffic won't hit you.  Hmm, most of the time it works out.  The thing is, as a driver from another culture it scares me every time they swoop like that.  Yes, still getting used to some things here.

Today's photo is something I just had to share with you.  There seems to be a new fad around town.  Motorbikes with side-hacks have one or more green bottles hanging from the back.  I guess it's a way of making them more visible in the daytime.  These bottles in the photo are the brightest I've seen yet.  I'd like to know what was in them before they became ornaments. (555)

This Sunday we're going to a concert of classical music for violin and viola.  We're going to take Cat with us since she's never been to anything like this before.  We'll start with dinner at Art Bridge and then get some 'culture'.  

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.   On with the 'Funnies'.


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