Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Today was a slow day around the Big Brown House.  Actually, we're just doing what we're supposed to be doing.  Getting rest and building our strength.  Tennis and old movies are a nice side benefit (555).

The 'Easy Monday' song was "Roxanne" by The Police.  See, that was easy.  Our 'Zany Day' song may be a bit of a challenge, but here goes:  "I woke up this mornin' with the sundown shinin' in, I found my mind in a brown paper bag within.  I tripped on a cloud and fell eight miles high, I tore my mind on a jagged sky.  I __ __ __ (__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __)."  Clue:  This very long title is the singer's attempt to check up on himself.  Hmm.  

Another day behind the walls, not going crazy yet, but anxious to get out and see the world and get some needed supplies.  Tomorrow we break out (555).  Tuesday's trip to the mall was just the teaser I needed.  I saw things that need closer inspection.  Like the fact that another stretch of the main downtown north/south thoroughfare has been closed.  Do I need to come up with new alternate routes?  It's been a week since I've seen downtown.  Oh my.

Chiang Mai has been getting a ton of tourists from China since a Chinese movie titled 'Lost in Thailand' was filmed there.  This year looks like northern Thailand will be a major destination partly because we're dry.  Some of the Samlors around town have new upholstery and a few new 'slick' restaurants are opening.  One of the new eateries is not far from us on the road into town.  We think it may be part of a chain called 'The Good View'.  They put a lot of time and money into making it beautiful.  

Cat is staying at her sister's this week during her school vacation.  She calls us every evening to see how we are and to check in.  Her sister lives in a small village outside of town.  When we asked her if she knew everyone who lived there she smiled and said 'yes'.  

There is a bar/guesthouse on Jet Yod Rd. with a very interesting wall.  It was painted by a traveler from a tiny country in Europe.  The place is like wandering back in time, to the late 60s.  

Time for Wacky Wednesday.


"Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."
~Napoleon Hill

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