Tuesday, October 1, 2013



It seems that Typhoon Wutip fell apart when it hit land, which meant that we just got drizzles off and on today.  

There is still time to let me know that you remember this 'Easy Monday' song that we've visited before.  
"Coast to coast, L.A. to Chicago, Western male.  Across the North and South to Key Largo, love for sale... We shadow box and double cross, yet need the chase... no need to ask, he's a __ __."  Hint:  There are no rough edges in his game.

The dogs were a little disappointed this morning because it was raining when they knew it was time to go outside.  This afternoon they got to play so they're happy now.  Daku gets bored chasing the ball so yesterday Lisa reintroduced him to the frisbee.  He loves it.  Today he made a lot of catches, jumping up and snatching it from the air.  BamBam was happy chasing her ball.  She could do that all day.

This morning we made a big circle around town, running errands and seeing sights.  We rode down streets we haven't seen in weeks, and the changes are something.  There are construction sites popping up all over, and some of them are tiny little lots that will hold tiny buildings.  In some cases, old structures are being torn down to make way for new shops.  It would be interesting to fly over Chiang Rai in a helicopter to get a real overview of the changes.  Some of the newer shophouse complexes are filling up as soon as they are finished.  

During dinner this evening, Cat told us a little more about her trip.  The buses will leave tonight and drive to Bangkok, which takes about 12 hours.  The students will stay at a resort and go on tours, learning about some of the historical sites.  I guess we'll know more about it when it's over, but for now she is very excited about the whole thing.

Today's photo was taken at Charin Gardens when we were on the road to Chiang Mai.  We thought it was interesting that what looks like a native of North America would be the male symbol on the restroom sign.  Note that the accepted word here is 'Toilet'.  Hmm, very to the point.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Most people are in favor of progress;
it's the change they don't like."

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