Thursday, January 31, 2008


A big thank you to all who wrote and sent good thoughts about not feeling so good. Well, today I'm better. I think I've fought off the worst of it. Here's one for the greeting card makers. Supat was over yesterday and Lisa wrote a little get well card for Boot. Supat's translation: "Finish sick quick". I love it.
It would appear that my friend Paul is the only one who knows the song. I know that couldn't be true. Huh?
"__ __ __ __ __ __, but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red, crying's not for me, 'cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin', because I'm free, nothing's worryin' me." Clue: Singer's first name is two initials, what falls from the sky?
It rained again today. Off and on, but still rain. We've finished with our tile selections and now it's on to porch tiles. They're a different animal. We have time on this, so we'll concentrate on bathroom fixtures. It seems that showers are the preference here and there's not much choice (at least where we've looked so far) for bathtub stuff. Oh, they sell tubs, but the rest is unclear.
Did you know that vehicles sold here don't have heaters? It seems to be true. Not that we're needing one, but I just found it interesting. The a/c works real good and is either off or on. Can't seem to get 'just plain air'. Oh well. I imagine that the newer, more sophisticated rides have more options. At this point, we're just grateful for the independence our little truck gives us. Speaking of that, I'm also getting a handle on driving 'Thai Style'. I think I've mentioned that people drive a lot closer than in the States. It's a little unnerving at first, but knowing that they don't want to hit you helps a little. There's also the thing about turning left on red lights. They don't always stop before making the turn. It's a flow thing that has me a little edgy. I paused at a corner yesterday and got honked at. 'Just drive on out there' was the sense I got. I held my ground and went when I considered it safe. What's really a trip is the fact that there are no 'traffic cops' per say. Not that I want to see any crack down or anything, but it's like everyone just does the best they can and hopes for the best. Hmm.
With Boot out for the rest of the week, we had to go out for food today. (poor kids) First, we went over to the market place, to 'the chicken guy'. Then it was off to Tops for other food items. I don't usually shop for the meal basics, so it was an adventure. We told Boot to stay in bed for the rest of the week. We had to assure her that we knew how to take care of ourselves. (5)
Stay warm and have a Stupendous Thursday.


"Every action of our lives touches on some chord
that will vibrate in eternity."
~Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Nothin' like some obvious clues to point you in the right direction. Yes, the song was "Rikki, Don't Lose That Number", by Steely Dan. We got mail from all over on this one. Also had two Ricky's write in. (note the spelling) Are you ready for a real easy one?
"...And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed, nothing seems to fit..." Hint: It's about the weather. We've done this one before, but it fits.
The August Chronicles: We tune in, to find our talented 'everyman' in the role of ultra-cool piano player/man of the world. It was time for another Sunday recital, but this time, he had something special. The song was Delores and it had evolved into a masterpiece. Jeff has been working with him on playing with feeling and he's responded with an understanding beyond his years. He played it for us when we were visiting and we were touched. Anyway, after his performance on Sunday, several parents came up to the family and expressed how much they 'felt' his playing. If you go to the Flickr site, I've posted some pics of Mr. August, taken before the 'show'. He's just too much.
This morning we had fog. (I really don't have any control over the weather) There's a first, for us. It was strange to see, but burned off early and we had a nice day. Boot is really sick, we think it's the flu. We got our flu shots here, so we're hoping we're safe. I've got some mild symptoms, and it's really a drag. Funny taste in the mouth, fingers starting to ache, but my denial is strong and I'm not sick. Just symptomatic. (555) But seriously folks, it's not fun.
Speaking of fun (notice how I'm working backwards?) This morning we got our exercise bike. It's very cool, and fits in the bedroom perfectly. It has battery-operated read-outs for all sorts of functions. Let the games begin. Speaking of games, I posted some pics of a Sports Day we spotted last week, over at the high school by the Sports Complex. The kids were having big fun, racing in all sorts of configurations.
I'm going to rest my fingers while you have a Wacky Wednesday.


"Help your brother's boat across,
and your own will reach the shore."
~Hindu proverb

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Predictions of rain were not fulfilled today. We had another sunny, warm, winter day. It's so weird, having warm weather during the 'winter' season. There were some cold nights in the beginning, but it's basically not really a winter. Of course, now that I've said that, we'll get ice-cold, monsoons. For now, we just enjoy.
"__ __ __ __ __, it's the only one you own. You might use it if you feel better, when you get home." Hint: They had a pretzel logic that gave us a gaucho, someone named Aja and a Black Cow. Now where did I put that number? Oh, nobody got it yet. Be first on your block to write in with the right answer.
Today we were on our own. Boot called in sick, for the first time. No problem. We did our usual breakfast deal and lazed around a bit. Then we went downtown for lunch. We have this place we like to go to for lunches. Only thing is, we always order the same thing. In fact, today when the owner approached our table, Lisa replied, 'Same Same'. He smiled, quoted our usual order and went off the the kitchen. Today he was playing some pretty hip music. Up until today, it's been bad copies of middle of the road oldies. We were treated to current sounding Soft-Rock and some R&B. We even heard a Craig David tune that I have on my iPod. (don't know who that is?) Oh, our order was Chicked Burgers and Tang Mo Pun (watermelon shake, like a slushy)
On our way to eat, we ran into Supat One, the guy who found the rental house for us. That sort of thing is happening a lot, seeing people on the street that are now a part of our 'history' in Chiang Rai. It's a small enough place that one is not just a face in the crowd.
We had a meeting at The Place this afternoon. We went over details for the bathrooms, lighting requests, and discussed materials for various parts of the house. The wall is at it's maximum height on the backside of the lot and the footings for the floor supports are in place. Very interesting process. Our house is going to be very tall. It's hard to get a perspective when your just looking at paper. Today, Yuthana explained how the masts that we see are just for the first floor, and that there will be another level above that, after the ceiling is in place. Oh. When you look at the pictures, keep that in mind. It sort of boggled mine. (get it?)
After our meeting, we went by a store we'd seen months ago that was selling home gym machines. We had seen a recumbent bike in the window, but never made contact with anybody. Today they were there and we tried it out. We liked it and we'll pick it up tomorrow. We need a way to do regular exercise, and that will really help. When we move into The Place, we won't really be able to ride our bikes, since the road is just big enough for two cars and there aren't any small sois (streets) nearby. Between the stationary bike and the pool, I think we'll be just fine.
Speaking of streets, we took a side trip around our new neighborhood, just to see what we could see. After a few blocks of small stores and markets, it becomes country, with signs directing travelers to points of cultural interest. Just the thing for explorers who want to stay on the pavement. (5) We'll be reporting on what we find.
Drop by the Flickr site. More house pics and some random sites from around town. Have a Happy Tuesday.


"My mind is a garden. My thoughts are the seeds.
My harvest will be either flower or weeds."
~Mel Weldon

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 28, 2008

To Grow

Well, it was bound to happen. All that rain in SoCal has influenced the Chiang Rai sky. We got rain last night. It was pretty hard for a while. It was light this morning and then the afternoon was quite pleasant. The nice part about it was that it was still rather mild, temperature wise. We may get a little more overnight. It's a good thing here, because it clears the air and waters everything. Apparently, it doesn't usually rain this time of year. Hmm.
Some of you remembered "Heatwave" by Martha and The Vandellas. Now maybe the hints made sense. Try this one:
"__ __ __ __ __, you don't wanna call nobody else. Send it off in a letter to yourself..." Clues: There's a girls name in the title, by a prolific group that broke up and got back together.
We went to the property on Sunday. The crew has grown to thirty-seven. There was activity all over the place. The pits for the footings had been filled with sand and a crew from a neighboring village was busy working on the perimeter wall. I'll post some pics on the Flickr site.
After some investigating, the distributor for the flooring we wanted was located and we're going to get the color we wanted. Yea. We've been working on our bathroom floor plan. We have it laid out on the living room floor in tape. Really makes it easier to visualize the space.
After our visit to the sight we took a little road trip north, to Macro. It's kinda like Costco. Large quantities of things, no bags, good prices. It's the longest run we've made in the truck so far. We also stopped and filled the tank. They have these cool fuel pumps that allow the operator to press a button, in this case 'fill', and it stops when the tank is full. We just sat there and watched. Prices are a bit higher than in the U.S., but it seems that our little diesel truck is not very thirsty. I also noticed that one of the fuels offered is 'gasahol'.
I've been recording the sounds around us lately. Mostly the birds that gather in the trees. It's pretty amazing, like being in a tropical forest. Yesterday I managed to record the sound of the big lizard that I told you about. Eventually, I'll try and figure out a way for you to hear these wonderful sounds.
Our Monday is over and it's time to wind down. Have a Good Week, in between the rain drops.


"To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future,
be totally unlike your past.
Your history is not your destiny."
~Alan Cohen

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Funnies

Looks like you're having more than a little rain in California. We've been keeping up a bit, people snowbound and trapped in cars, tornado warnings, cold from the north, tropical storm from the south, need I go on? How about a little break? We've got some delicious high 70s, with some mid 80s predicted for next week. You know you're wanting to soak up some rays, sip on a cool tropical fruit drink and listen to the exotic birds in the trees. Gotcha.
I'm seriously concerned about your deductive reasoning skills. I gave you two days worth of lines to a song, set the punch-line in your lap and I got nothing. The song was "Beep-Beep" by The Playmates. It was a novelty hit and reached #4. It was 1958, as reported by the only one who had the memory or sense to know the song. Like I said, you have to be old to 'know it', but it doesn't take an old timer to figure it out. Ok, I'm done. Here's one to warm your weekend:
"Whenever I'm with him, Something inside, Starts to burnin', And I'm filled with desire, Could it be the devil in me, Or is this the way love's supposed to be? Just like a __ burnin' in my heart..." Oh, and then there's "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..." Hint: They danced in the street with the postman....
Last night, we watched some of the Australian Open. It was the match between Nadal and Tsonga. Whew! And it brings up the age old questions: who made up the scoring?, why does zero equal love, why does it go 15, 30, 40? Why do I even care?
We had a rather quiet morning and then decided to go back to the tile warehouse. Before we went there, we needed to stop at the place where we ordered our tub and shower, etc., to take some measurements. When we got there, we were told that the flooring we'd chosen was unavailable. Oh. Now we have to find another supplier. There are tons of shops with inventory, we just have to find the right one. Meanwhile, back at the warehouse, we settled on some tile for the last 'hold out' rooms and, barring the old 'out of stock' thing, the tile story is done.
After lunch, an episode of early Roswell and some coffee, we ventured out again. This time we ran errands, sort of. We're going to Bali for a week in March, and we wanted to book the flights early. We also discovered that there's a Post Office at Edison/Tops, a department store with a little grocery store attached. Makes things real simple. Mail the letter and buy some cookies. Oh yeah.
I'm doing a lot better with the driving. Getting my spacing down and today we drove the traffic circle for the second time. Basically, it's a four-way intersection with a clock tower in the center and no traffic control. You just go for it. Or, in my case, look both ways, hold my breath, and half way around I holler. It works. Life is good.
And now, it's time for the 'Funnies', from the 'Elderly Archives'. Have a Warm WeekEnd.


Couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things.
During a checkup, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay,
but they might want to start writing things down to help them
remember. Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up
from his chair. "Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?" he asks.
"Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?"
"Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?" she asks.
"No, I can remember it."
"Well, I'd like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write
it down, so's not to forget it?"
He says, "I can remember that. You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries."
"I'd also like whipped cream. I'm certain you'll forget that, write it
down?" she asks.
Irritated, he says, "I don't need to write it down, I can remember it!
Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream - I got it, for goodness
sake!" Then he toddles into the kitchen.
After about 20 minutes, the old man returns from the kitchen and hands
his wife a plate of bacon and eggs.
She stares at the plate for a moment.
"Where's my toast?"

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I mentioned, a couple of days ago, that I was waiting for a certain book, in order to explain the nine stakes I pounded into the earth during the ceremony to bless the house. Well, Supat brought the book over today. The text dates back 400 years, when Ayutthaya (1350 to 1767) was the capital of Thailand (Siam). When the home of the King was being built, nine pieces of wood were put into the earth. Each piece was a different kind of wood and each symbolized a different aspect of good fortune. Briefly they are as follows: Success, Upward Mobility, Prosperity, Happy Home, Safety in Home, Protection by Spirits, Power to Make Things Happen, Health and Strength for Money, and Support System for Success. The leaves that I placed at the base of the mast represented gold, silver and bronze. The jewels represent birth, colors for the days of the week and the power of the rainbow. Now you know, and so do I.
Only one person knew the song on the first day. I'll bet you can guess who that was. Anyway, here's a chance for you to be a winner too. "The guy musta wanted to pass me up As he kept on tooting his horn I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn __ __, __ __, his horn went __ __ __" Hint: I think, if you try real hard, you might figure this out. (I practically gave it to you)
Today we went for a bike ride. The first in a long time. We saw our neighbors, the cows, and then rode down by the river, where we saw restaurant workers busy getting ready for the day. The sites and smells in the morning are really something. After we returned, I went out and recorded some of the bird sounds. We're not in Culver City anymore!
The afternoon was spent looking at tile for floors and walls in different parts of the house. Mind boggling, is one way to put it. We went to a giant outlet that had some of the most beautiful tile we'd ever seen. What made the whole thing difficult was the fact that we want to be sure we use 'slip free' tile. A design would catch our eye, but we'd have to pass because it wasn't slip free. We finally settled on most of our needs, after changing our intentions a few times. We think the final 'look' for each room will be unique and dramatic. Two hours is our limit. A few more days of 'scouting for parts' and we should be able to relax for a while.
I understand that it's been raining in SoCal. Have a Fabulous Thursday anyway. If you're not in SoCal, have the same kind of day.


"One meets their destiny often in the road they take to avoid it."
~French Proverb

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Well, we hear that it's cold and about to rain in L.A. What? Today was another day of high 70s here in LOS. I'm just sayin'.
Some of you knew the song, after much prodding. It was "Somebody's Baby" by Jackson Browne. Lane tells us that it was released in 1982 and went to #7 on the Hot 100. It was Browne's last top ten tune. It can be found on some 'Best of' collections and probably on iTunes. Today's song is a bit of a departure, but I felt like turning left.
"While riding in my Cadillac, what to my surprise, a little Nash Rambler was following me, about one third my size..."
Clues: A novelty song from way back, it's alright if you don't know this one, but if you do, you're old. (5)
We spent the afternoon looking at bathtubs, shower rooms (as they're called here), and kitchen sinks. Way too much to wade through. We came to a few conclusions, saw some really cool stuff and picked our wood flooring. Tomorrow we'll delve into the wonderful world of tile. Talk about choices. Have you any idea how much tile is out there. Especially here, where you have imported tile, Thai tile, patterns, mosaics, and on and on.
Last night we went to the NB and realized we hadn't been there in a long time. It was a trip to see some of our friends, who greeted us with big smiles. We had a nice visit with our friend Buey (Booie is the close to pronunciation)
and heard a really cool recording, which it turns out was by the man who makes the rosewood saxophones. That's right, wooden saxes that really play. Hmm. After that we went and listened to Freddie play and sing and hung out with him on his break.
The driving is getting easier with daily practice. There are still times when it's all I can do to concentrate on everything going on. Watch in five directions, shift to the right gear, be careful of clearance on the left, and be prepared for anything. Oh yeah, having big fun.
We talked to August on video Skype today. He showed us a ticket machine he made, complete with an electric motor that spits out the tickets. Then he played the piano for us. He's really quite the performer these days. First he play the piece with a piano sound and then played it again using a flute sound. Very cool. It's so wonderful to be able to visit from so far away.
Have yourself a Wacky Wednesday.


"Why is it regarded as unusual to own up to how good you are,
how spiritual you are, how beautiful you are?

People will readily own up to how bad they are, how stubborn
and full of guilt and anxiety they are, how they screwed
things up, and how they've wasted their life. So why not the

~John-Roger with Paul Kaye

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


In my efforts to describe Sunday's ceremony, I left out a little part. While I was in the pit, after I'd pounded in all 18 stakes, I was given a small box for each footing. The box contained nine stones, meant to represent precious gems. Then I was given some leaves. There were three different kinds and they were placed at the base as well. The meaning of this and the stakes will all be revealed once we get a hold of a certain book and have sections translated. Oh, the mystery continues.
"I heard her talkin' with her friend When she thought nobody else was around. She said, she's got to be __ __,
She must be __ __ " Clue: This song was featured in 'Fast Times At Ridgemont High' (you know you watched it)
So, Sunday evening we returned to the site of the ceremony. The crew had been working all day, pouring concrete, spreading and smoothing and making preparations for the next phases. They had been off for a while, and had been given dinner. We all went up to the back of the property and began to set off the giant balloons. (same ones we used when the land was filled) This time, because there were so many people, they went up, two at a time. It was big fun, organized madness. The groups weren't defined, so we'd set off balloons, watch in wonder and then assemble around the next set in random fashion. After the balloons were all gone, Supat and our foreman call me over to a mound of dirt with a can on top. I thought it was the old 'firecracker in the can' routine, but there was a hole in the top. They handed me a twisted piece of paper, lit it and told me to drop it in the hole. I did, they ran, I waited, I ran. This can set off a fountain of sparks like you've never seen. They must have set off about five of them. Check out the picks of the balloons and the fountains at the Flickr site.
Yesterday (Monday) I went out for an hour and a half with a driving instructor. I wanted to know the 'tricks' of surviving the streets of Chiang Rai. He was kinda stuck on teaching me to drive. (5) I've been driving since before.....
Anyway, once we'd established that I could drive, he directed me to different types of situations. Narrow roads, huge intersections, Super Highway U-Turns, and a very interesting visit to the DMV. The driving test is given on a course, right there at the center. There's a large diagram that you can study before committing. Then he showed me the inspection station where everyone's vehicle is checked once a year. Hmm. They were really checking things out. One line for cars and small trucks, another for motorcycles and the last was for big trucks. Quite impressive, unless you're waiting in line. Then it was into the three story building and up to the top. I was mildly afraid he was going to push me into a room for the test. As it turned out, he wanted to show me the touch-screen machines they use to test. They had a sample machine in the lobby and I did pretty good, for a falang with just a few days on the road. I was a good day.
-Happy Birthday, Lisa-
Today was, as Lisa put it, a red letter day (besides being her B'day). We drove to Big-C. Traffic was light, the lot had no line and we got a parking spot right in front of the door. It doesn't get any better than that. Tonight we're going down on the 'strip', hit the NB and go hear Freddie sing at the Wiang Inn. We know how to party.
I'm off to post more photos. Check them out when you can, and have a Happy Tuesday and a Beautiful Day.


"Treat those who are good with goodness,
and also treat those who are not good with goodness.
Thus goodness is attained.

Be honest to those who are honest,
and be also honest to those who are not honest.
Thus honesty is attained."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 21, 2008

To Give

As predicted, we had quite a busy weekend. Everything led up to 'number 20', which is how dates are referred to. Saturday, we went and got our outfits for the ceremony to bless the land and the house. This consisted of a short-sleeved, cotton shirt with ties instead of buttons, and matching (very) wide-legged pants with a waist that is folded and rolled. (you had to be there)
Before I go into detail, let's deal with the musical portion of our show. The song was "Benny & The Jets" by Elton John, with lyrics by Bernie Taupin. It was on Yellow Brick Road LP. Let's start the week with a possible 'stumper'.
"Well, just a look at that girl with the lights comin' up in her eyes. She's got to be __ __, She must be __ __..."
Clues: Singer's initials are J.B. but it's not the funky one. Great song.
Sunday morning found us getting up at our new time (not over the 'lag'), 6 a.m. There was anticipation in the air. We wanted to get dressed, but it was too early. We organized the things we would be taking and had a 'regular' morning. OK, we finally left for The Place. We arrived a little before the appointed time of 9 a.m. There were five monks and a giant crane waiting for us. Supat was running around, putting the finishing touches on everything and we just moved about and greeted people. In the center of the construction, two tall pieces of wood were erected, like masts. Attached to each of them was a bunch of bananas (nourishment and good health), several coconuts (the water inside is always pure), and some sugar cane (it never dies, even though it appears to). Tied above these were seven scarves of different colors (representing the seven days of the week). There are shirts, worn by us, hanging from each mast. These will remain as the house is built.
At the rear of the property, there were five chairs facing the site. When all the prep was done, the monks took their places and we followed. A string was tied to the south end of the 'house' and the end was brought to the monks. They passed the ball of string between them and wrapped it around a bowl, in front of the head monk. In your mind, picture the monks, sitting in a row, with their hands together and the string between thumb and forefinger. The head monk began to chant a mantra and the others joined in. It went on for about 15 minutes. An amazing experience, as it became an ever changing musical adventure. Not knowing what they were saying allowed us to drift away on the sounds and rhythms. We both wish that we had a recording.
After the blessing, we gave the monks paper cones with money and flowers, and it was time for the next event. Supat had told us about nine stakes of wood that we would pound into the earth. What he didn't tell us was, we'd have to climb down a ladder, into the center pit. I took a deep breath and did what I had to do (eek). Lisa declined the climb and stayed above. It should be mentioned here, that the number nine played a very important role in the day. There were nine wooden stakes that I was to pound into holes in the footing. Each stake represented a different thing. One was for prosperity, one for friendship, another for good health, and so on. We each had a footing with the nine holes, so I did all of them. While this was going on, very loud rockets were sent into the air, and Supat blew a conch shell. It was very dramatic. I finally climbed out of the hole and then the monks were served lunch.
Behind the chairs where the monks sat, there was an arrangement of food and flowers that represented sky, north, south, east and west, as well as the earth. Be sure and visit the Flickr site for the photos. There are some that I'll add later, from another camera. Tomorrow I'll tell you about the evening party with the workers.
Whew, now you know about our Sunday, number 20! Have a Great Week.


"You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give"
~Kahlil Gibran

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Funnies

It's Friday again. I haven't been keeping up with the weather in America lately. Just been enjoying the perfect 'winter' weather in LOS. Warm days and cool, not cold, nights. There are many people in the region who have a hard time at night. I think a lot of it stems from the fact that many live in thatch houses or ones that don't keep the cold out.
I'm so happy I got responses to the song, that were correct. "A Thousand Miles Away", by The Heartbeats, was first released in 1957 and then re-released in 1960. A bunch of you remembered the sequel, "Daddy's Home" by Shep and the Limelights. It had the same melody and the same lead singer. No wonder you got confused. But you shoulda known.
For the weekend, "She's got electric boots, a mohair suit, you know I read it in a magazine, __ __ __ __..."
Clues: By a prolific writer during the 70s. Wrote the music and sang the lyrics of his writing partner. Flashy, modern day Liberace (my opinion), bigger than life. Song is about a musical group fronted by a woman. Hmm.
Well, we bought the truck today. There was a bit of drama just after I dropped the former owner at his place. Looked down and noticed the tank was empty. Boot and I went and got gas as soon as I limped home. They don't have self-service here. You pull up, tell them what you want and it's done. Never got out of the truck. I took it out for my first solo run. Went to the property, just to check things out. Supat was really surprised that I drove myself out there on the first 'driving'. Me too. I'm still hitting the wipers from time to time, but I'm getting the feel of driving a stick and the difference with diesel. Monday I'm going out with a driving instructor to learn the ways of driving, Thai style, so I'll know the ins and outs. I've been watching but it's different when you're driving. Like, when is it polite to cut in front of someone. It seems to be done on a regular basis and nobody honks. I'll fill you in on the scoop on Monday.
While I was at the site, Yuthana showed up with a stack of papers. It was the complete plans that he submitted to the city land office. We got all the stamps of approval, which means that we can now get an address. Later in the day, Third called to say that he had picked up the brand new Chanote (Deed). It's a very special day today.
The Sunday Ceremony is getting more involved every time I talk to Supat. Tomorrow he's taking us to a shop to get some Lana style outfits to wear. He also told me that in the evening we'll send up another big balloon. It's going to be quite a busy day. We'll try and get lots of pics to share with you.
Now, it's time for the 'Funnies'. Have a Cool WeekEnd.


An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after
eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen. The two
gentlemen were talking, and one said, "Last night we went out to a new
restaurant and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly.

The other man said, "What is the name of the restaurant?"

The first man thought and thought and finally said, "What is the name
of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... the one that's
red and has thorns."

"Do you mean a rose?"

"Yes, that's the one," replied the man. He then turned towards the
kitchen and yelled, "Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to
last night?


A man was telling his neighbor, "I just bought a new hearing aid. It
cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's
"Really," answered the neighbor. "What kind is it?"
"Twelve thirty."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It would appear that we have some Eagles fans out there. I'm not talking about the football team, either. The Eagles, who sang "Hotel California". Oh, now you remember. Once again, our star reporter has the scoop on the song:
"Hotel California" is the title song from the Eagles from the album with the same name and was released as a single in early 1977. It is one of the best-known songs of the album-oriented rock era. Writing credits for the song are shared by Don Henley, Glenn Frey and Don Felder.
The lyrics of the song describe the title establishment, a hotel where "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave." On the surface, the song is a tale of a weary traveler who becomes trapped in a nightmarish hotel that at first appeared tempting. There are many urban legends about the meaning of this metaphor (see Lyrics Interpretations below). The song is generally thought to be about the hedonism and self-destruction in the Hollywood music industry. The idea is that the song compares the culture of fame and excess to a luxury hotel. Though initially welcoming its guests with unlimited pleasure, it is merely a guise and ends up trapping its residents through their own self-destructive actions. Hence, the line, "we are all just prisoners here, of our own device."
"Hotel California" won the Grammy Award for Record of the Year in 1978. Big thanks to Lane for this info. If you want to see the 'Lyrics Interpretations', drop me a line and I'll send the break down to you.
Now, how about this one: "It may be on a Sunday morning. It may be on a Tuesday afternoon. But no matter what the day is, I'm going to make it my business to get home soon..." Hint: It took over eight of these to get to LOS, don't confuse this song with it's sequel.
The August Chronicles: Some of you remember that our GodSon August is a seven y/o boy genius who likes to understand how everything works. Well, C-Bass, his older brother, discovered that August had programmed every episode of "How It's Made" that will be broadcast in the foreseeable future. The problem with that is, it leaves little room for anything else. In our 'Little Apartment', the drain system is operated by a pump. We noticed that at night, if you ran water or flushed the toilet, one of the outdoor lights would come on. When Lisa told this to August, his little mouth dropped open and he said he had to see this. A few days later, he came to us and explained that the lights were on a motion detector and the sound of water rushing through the pipe next to the sensor, turned on the light. August made us a beautiful drawing for our new house, to be put on the fridge of course. One afternoon, we hung out in his room and he was explaining various things he could do with his CD turntables. He ran a track backwards and it set off a whole plan for is next show. I gave him an empty spindle, the kind they market bulk CDs in, figuring he'd find a use for it. He came back later and figured out that he could stack the CD he want to play, so that he just takes the one off the top, plays it and then grabs the next one. He never stops thinking.
He had two requests when we arrived. He wanted Lisa to make his favorite dinner and he wanted to have hot chocolate rice milk and an oatmeal cookie. I love how he wants to keep traditions alive.
It's time for Wacky Wednesday. Today's quote was sent by Pat W. It was something our friend Craig P.W. used to say all the time.


"Be the Change You Want to See in the World"

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


See, I was so out of it last night that I forgot to tell you that the weekend song was "Everyday People" by Sly and the Family Stone.
"Welcome to the __ __, Such a lovely place (such a lovely place), Such a lovely face...." Clues: If you don't know this one, well, we may have to put you in the remedial game.
I also forgot to tell you that when we got to The Place, everyone on the crew was wearing matching shirts. Dark blue shirts with a large silk-screen print of Pikanet on the back and Ohm on the front. They were also wearing hard hats with 'Danny & Lisa House' in orange lettering on white helmets. We were floored. They have created a 'team' and it's working. Apparently it's creating a buzz. Workers are showing up, looking for work, people are asking if they're from Japan, and other builders are curious.
It has become very obvious that my next step is to get a vehicle so we can go out to the site on our own (Supat usually comes for us). It's also time for some mobile independence. There are lots of different styles to chose from, but we're leaning towards a small or mid-size pick-up with back seat. A small version of the dreaded SUV would be cool too. The main thing is getting transportation and learning how to drive the mean streets of Chiang Rai. (Ha)
Lisa had an interesting revelation today. When we first met Boot and Supat, we were delighted that they spoke English (even pigeon English). It was a refreshing departure from all Thai, all the time, or a few words and phrases. So, we went back to the US for three weeks of fluent English, only to return and have difficulty with what they're saying. Weird but true. I can follow along in a conversation, but I'm out of practice. Must retune ear. That will get better every day.
While we had a warm and happy welcome home, it was a sad good-bye for 'The Family' in Culver City. August didn't want us to go, C-Bass said he's not speaking to us for four years, mom cried and dad held it together. It's a delicate thing, this leaving people you love. It's also a wonderful thing to know that you can be loved and missed on two continents.
Tomorrow marks the return of "The August Chronicles". You won't want to miss this. Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance
and conscientious stupidity."
~Martin Luther King Jr.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 14, 2008


After 25 hours of travel, we're finally home. Supat met us at the airport with a giant smile on his face. We went straight to The Place to check out the progress. There were people all over the place, doing various things. We have three women on the crew, who were busy making the frame work for concrete out of rebar (sp?). One of them has been doing this sort of work for about 20 years. Then there were the guys digging pits for the 'foottings' that will be filled with concrete and eventually support the weight-bearing pilings. It's all getting very close to the actual building phase.
When we got to the house, Supat honked his horn and Boot came running to the front gate. It was a wonderful homecoming. She set a note on the dresser welcoming us home. After unpacking, she made us a delicious fish and ginger dinner and we knew, without a doubt, that we were home.
So, what happened you all you lyric 'hot shots'? Only Cindi, Kerrina and Lisa knew the song. Try this one from '77:
"Relax" said the nightman, "We are programed to receive". "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave".... Hint: This line is from the last verse. It's someplace we just left, by a group named for a bird.
This is going to be brief because I am so sleepy. Even though I slept on the plane, the time thing is catching up with me. Have a Great week and stay tuned for the continuing adventures.


"The world is round, and the place which may seem like
the end may also be only the beginning."
~Ivy Baker Priest

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday Funnies


Well, as you can see, my little double-space friend is back. Oh well. As our visit draws to a close, we're getting more pics of the construction materials being assembled at The Place. It's on, and we're getting excited. I'll be posting a few in the near future. Next time we come to town, I'm bringing my Airport Extreme so we can get a better signal in our little apartment. For now, I'm just happy to be able to continue.

What a relief to know that a bunch of you knew the song. Lane sent this excellent write up that says it all: "Maybellene" is a song by Chuck Berry that tells the story of a hot rod race and a broken romance. It was released in July 1955 as a single on Chess Records. It was Berry's first single release, and his first hit. "Maybellene" is considered one of the pioneering Rock and Roll singles: Rolling Stone magazine said, "Rock & roll guitar starts here."The record is an early instance of the complete rock and roll package: youthful subject matter, small guitar-driven combo, clear diction, and an atmosphere of unrelenting excitement.

In 1955, the song, a 12-bar blues,peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard rock charts, and was a #1 R&B hit. Chuck was the first African American to reach the top ten on the Billboard list. Now you know. For the weekend, remember this?
"Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong, my own beliefs are in my song. The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then, makes no difference what group I'm in. I am __ __, yeah yeah" Hint: It was a family affair.

Yesterday we went to Venice Beach to get a little something for our friend Supat. The goal was to get something with California on it. We found a cool visor and exercised great restraint and didn't do any 'shopping'. Whew. Oh, there's a guy who sits across from the outdoor restaurant and plays a baby grand piano. Hmm. And, of course the guitar player on roller-blades is still rolling and playing. Yep, no place like it on earth.

I'm going to miss a few things here, like the traffic (Ha) and the cold weather (Ha, Ha) and standing in line. Just kidding. I've noticed a lot of changes though. Like many stores that are gone, restaurants that are closed. I will miss signs that I can read, people who I understand and understand me, and the rainbow of people. We have a rainbow in LOS, but on a different level.

Time to get back to the warm. It's winter at 'home', but it's in the mid 80s. I guess we got used to it all, 'cause it's been cold here, for the whole trip. I've rambled long enough. It's time for the 'Funnies', sent in by my friend Claire. Have a Fabulous WeekEnd and I'll write you from somewhere in the world.



Bumper stickers:

I fish! Therefore, I lie.

I took an IQ test and the results were negative.

Men are proof that women can take a joke.

Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.

I just let my mind wander, and it didn't come back.

If you don't like my driving, stay off the sidewalk.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 10, 2008


We're back in Culver City, and the 'tour' is slowly grinding to a close. We ended up going to Apple after all and getting Lisa's laptop. The whole day was a gas. First, we went to breakfast with Joe. Then we went by the Smith-Anderson gallery to see an sculpture exhibit that he wanted us to see. Wonderful works made of steel and painted with bright, colorful designs.
From our art adventures in PA, we cruised down to Cupertino with time to spare. We rode up and down the main drag, looking for just the right place to have lunch. We finally ended up having Hawaiian BBQ that was delicious. With still a bit of time left, we shopped for water, and visited a home tech store (who knew?) where we got some ideas. Right next door was flooring, so we looked. Lots of ideas for The Place.
When we finally arrived at Apple, my palms got sweaty and my voice trembled. Walking towards the giant glass entry had me anticipating a choral fanfare when I opened the door. Fortunately, none of that happened, though it would be pretty cool. We waited in the lobby for Bill, and when he finally came into view, from the 'other side', his wife and daughter came in the front door. It was a great surprise. Cordelia informed us that she is not CoCo anymore, but we heard her mom Rachelle, call her that. In my mind she's still Coco. Anyway, we got a chance to visit with the family and give them a few things. Lisa got a quick intro to her MacBookPro from Bill and instructions on the care and feeding of the battery. Batteries are something Bill know lots about, so we took it all to heart. If you ever want to deplete a battery fast, watch a DVD. Now we'll have to put something on one of our 'Books' so we can tell them apart. (5)
Oh, I'll bet most of you are still wondering about the song. Must be so, you haven't written with an answer. A few of the usual suspects wrote me with the write song and artist. Maybe you need the obvious, like the chorus. Go for it:
"__, why can't you be true, oh __, why can't you be true? You done started back doin' the things you used to do."
Hint: It's a classic.
Lots of business to attend to today. Hopefully, there will be some play time too. Craving a steady connection, I leave you now to look for a WiFi network so I can push 'send'.


"You might not know what you lost before it's gone.
On the other hand you might not know what you're missing until it arrives."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So, a few more of you got "Roxanne" by The Police. One of my favorite Police songs. Do you know this one?
"...A Cadillac a-rollin' on the open road, nothin' will outrun my V8 Ford. The cadillac doin' 'bout ninety-five, she's bumper to bumber rollin' side by side." Clue: It's very old, by a true father of R&R, another woman in the title song.
We're up here in San Jose. Plans changed, but it's all working out. The trip to Apple got canceled, because the laptop was in Alaska. We took a nap and met with The Cousins. Had a really good time, eating and talking and laughing.
We met in Jack London Square (some of you old timers remember), which brought back memories.
You should have seen me, trying to drive the little economy car through the rain, over curbs (almost got on the train tracks) and finally on to the freeway. Fortunately, the rain stopped and the second half was a breeze.
Speaking of breeze, it's cold up here. Colder than LA. Notice, I didn't say anything about 'stop whining'.
We went from Oakland to Palo Alto for dinner with Joe and Eva. We ended up having dinner with Joe at a Thai restaurant. Eva went to dinner with her great grand daughters. We all met at the house and had a good visit. Joe showed us some of his latest work and gave us a beautiful cast-acrylic print (his patented process).
Now the computer is in SJ so it looks like we'll be taking it home after all. We'll go back to PA in a few minutes, for breakfast with Joe, and then return to his studio to see more of his work. After that, we'll rendezvous with a laptop, turn in the car, catch a plane and come back to LA.
Enjoy the Warm Weather.


"The more you teach positive ideas to others,
the better you learn them yourself."
~Brian Tracy

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Well, I survived a day without internet. Ugh. I'm was so happy to open my inbox and see that quite a few of you knew the song. I'm sure more of you know, but just aren't playing. Oh well. Here's more, and you need no clues:
__, You don't have to wear that dress tonight Walk the streets of money You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right
__, You don't have to put on the red light (repeat)
Things are getting even more hectic as we live through the last days of our visit. Lunch here, dinner there, meeting here, coffee there. My mother commented that we'll need a vacation when we get back home.
Yesterday, Lisa had lunch with one of her assistants from the institute and made the rounds at her former job. I made the rounds at Best Buy and exercised great restraint.
This morning we leave the house at 7am (oh) for LAX. We're going up north to visit Joe (Lisa's Dad) and the Oakland Cousins (Eunice, James and Trudye) We're also going to Cupertino, and visit Apple 'mecca' to meet with our friend Bill and pick up Lisa's new laptop. (finally converted her, [5]). It's going to be a whirlwind trip since we return Wednesday evening.
We've retrieved most of the things that friends had been keeping for us and now it's another round of 'decide what to take'. Oh, the pain of it all. Actually, it's not so bad. I've sorted through and acted rather adult about a few things, choosing to either give them away or throw them out. What courage.
I'll write to you tomorrow from our San Jose hotel. (made sure they have WiFi) I dream of the day when the whole world has free WiFi. As a matter of fact, there's work under way in Thailand to provide the internet through the power lines, so all one would have to do is plug into the wall. Hmm, I heard it mentioned here a few years ago, but where's the profit in that? We'll see if they can actually get it to work.
Well, it's almost flight time. Have another Great Day.


"The Place to improve the world
is first through one's own heart and hands."
~Robert M. Persig

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 7, 2008


Well, the internet gremlin is back. This is a little late because I had to go to a WiFi spot in Culver City in order to reach out and touch you.
I can't believe Linda is the only one to know "Rain" by The Beatles. Shame on you. Linda wrote that is was not on an album, only a 'B' side. Now you know
Let's start the week with a song you should all remember. (Ha) "__, you don't have to put on the red light. Those days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night" Hint: Eddie Murphy put a humorous spin on this one, if you don't get the group, you're under arrest. Clue: It's a girls name. See how much I love you and want you to win?
We got email from Thailand on Saturday and again today. Supat sent us many pictures of The Place and the progress that's being made. Yesterday (Thai time) they started getting the deliveries of materials. Today's pics show steel rods, concrete, and various things that make a house. They've also started staking out the 'shape' of The Place. When I have a solid connection, I'll post some of the pics. The excitement builds.
Right now, I'm composing this in the family room, with Peaches sort of sitting on my foot. It's rather nice having these loving dogs around. It's 'homey'.
Last night, August realized that school was starting today. He didn't like the idea. He's gotten used to having his own time, for his various projects. He told Jeff that he didn't want to go back. He'd rather stay at home and 'work'. There was some discussion, of course, and he's at school as we speak. Life is hard when you've got so many plans and you have to sit in school.
Last night we went to the theater with my mom. She gave us ticket to see The Color Purple. It was an absolutely fantastic production. If you live in the L.A. area and want to have an exciting, emotional theater experience, see this show. The music is awesome, the dancing is cool and, well, I don't want to spoil it for you. We laughed, wiped tears and laughed some more. We left feeling very satisfied.
Time to go out and find a 'beam' to send this to you. Have a Wonderfilled Week.


"If you do not change direction,
you may end up where you are heading."
~Lao Tse

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Funnies

Here we are, with one week left (plus one day) and much to do. In addition to all the lunches and dinners, there's the shopping for things not of LOS, and resolution of technical 'issues'.
Now, it's about the song that nobody knew. "Tired Of Waiting" by The Kinks should have been on your mind. Ugh.
"When the sun shines they slip into the shade And sip their lemonade. When the sun shines, when the sun shines.
__, I don't mind." Hint: Anther group from across the pond, four fab fellows with umbrellas.
The Boys are both in the apartment right now, discussing our mounds of vitamins, our breakfast plans and how long we have left. C-Bass tried to make eggs this morning and it didn't work so well. Only problem is, he left his mess and had to be reminded that he has to clean it up. (13, remember?) August had to go see (little brother) and came back and gave us a full, graphic report of every detail. Wish I had a camcorder.
As of now, the 'storm of the century' hasn't hit yet, but our Mega Doppler Stereo HD HiFi Wear-U-Out weather show that it's moving our way in a very threatening manner. Be aware, be prepared and please, be scared. That's all we're going to say about it. We have yet to experience the 'rainy season' at it's peak in LOS. Just think, possible monsoons, every year. Hmm, I wonder how that would work here? My guess, not so good.
So, it's time for the 'Funnies'. Reads a lot like what we see overseas. I need more 'G' rated material. I know you've got some jokes somewhere in you inbox that you haven't deleted. Dig deep and send me something. Hey, it will be an excuse to write.
Have a Wet and Wonderful WeekEnd.


We do not advise following any of the below driving rules to any extent. Driving should be taken seriously at all times. The below jokes are simply here for entertainment purposes.

When using a metered entrance ramp, vehicles in the carpool lane do not need to stop. Similarly, vehicles NOT in the diamond lane also do not need to stop.

If, at any time, you have witnessed a green light, it is okay to proceed through the intersection, regardless of the current color of the light.

The shoulder becomes a lane if you are driving a Porsche.

If you paid more than $60,000 for your car, you automatically have the right of way, regardless of the situation. This is especially applicable in parking lots.

Drive as quickly as possible through parking structures. Pass any open spot by at least four car lengths before backing up to claim it. Disregard the angry mob that has formed behind you.

Get to know your horn. Use it as often as possible.

While driving on the freeway and talking on your cell phone, alternate between 45 and 100 MPH. This is especially effective if driving in the fast lane.

Every lane is the suicide lane.

Always set the alarm to its most sensitive setting before leaving your car in a parking ramp.

During rush hour, drivers should pass the time by reading Deepak Chopra or L. Ron Hubbard, and practice inner peace when cut off by a Mercedes.

If you miss your exit, no worries. Just cut across six lanes of traffic and drive over the divider. If you really weren't supposed to cross it, they would make it out of concrete instead of icicle plants.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Due to technical difficulties, I didn't get the pics posted. Bear with me. Hmm, that's a funny use of the word 'bear'.
I can't believe no one remembered the song I gave you. Maybe you need to work out those new year kinks a bit.
"It's your life, and you can do what you want. Do what you like, but please don't keep-a me waiting, please don't keep-a me waiting, 'Cause I'm so tired, __ __ __..." Hint: If you don't know by know, you don't know.
We have a net gremlin who's been lurking around, shutting things off, then turning them on, teasing me. This morning I think I may have put him back in his cage. I've been linked to Jeff's network using Airport. We got a 'repeater' to try and get a steadier signal and things were looking up. Then it all failed. We couldn't figure out why. My 'web-master' has gone out of his way to keep us connected and I'm very grateful for all his effort. Computers want to know things, but don't always tell you what they want. Maybe it's me. (5) I don't know all the details of how everything works. Just enough to get me in trouble. Big fan of 'plug 'n play'. Do you know the 'details'?
Our dance card has filled up pretty good. There are open spaces, but it looks like the last half of our stay will be busy with lunches, dinners and rendezvous. If we don't get to connect on this trip, maybe next time. Oh, and you can always write me or spread your wings and Skype me.
One of the perks of our 'apartment' is the two dogs. Peaches and Lola are very smart, loving dogs. They learned pretty quick, that they are not to come inside. They do hang out, right outside the door when the sun is shining. Yesterday we were sitting in the sun, with Peaches under my chair and Lola at Lisa's feet. Nice scene. It's also practice for when we get our house. We're going to have two dogs. They will probably be big and little, rather than little and little (couldn't resist).
We're still gathering things to take back with us. We had a list before we left and I think we've kept it pretty civil. There are lots of things I'd like to take back, but the thought of having to haul the extra weight around the airports, keeps me rational. (5)
Looks like a storm is coming, and you know what that means. Super Digital Storm Watch Central, and lots of new terms to throw at us. The latest, we heard this morning, is 'Threat Level'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that jargon was for 'terror' not for weather. Like there aren't enough people in enough fear already. Oh well, they didn't consult with me, so whatever.
Try to stay dry, but have the raft ready and have a Thrilling Thursday.


"Work to become rather than acquire."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Forever (Wednesday's Message)

I'll bet you thought I'd fallen off the face of the earth. Not really, just a New Years Break. I'll give you a quick look at the last few days.
For starters, the weekend song was "You're The Biggest Part Of Me" by Ambrosia. You might want to think about this and hum along all day: "I was a lonely soul, I had nobody till I met you. But you keep-a me waiting, all of the time, what can I do?" Clues: I've given you more than a chance on this one. Late 60s, from across the pond.
We went to Bangkok Blue for dinner with mom on Sunday. Another childhood friend and his wife joined us. Frank and Linda are avid readers of this page and have been intrigued with the whole process. We had a fun time, and of course, the food was outrageous. Blue has some new photos on the wall, from his recent trip to LOS, plus the 'Wall of Fame' has new entries as well. You just gotta go out there.
Living with the boys is a constant adventure. We made a deal with them. If the door is unlocked, they're welcome to come in. And come in they do. It's nice, most of the time. They do have their moments, like all boys, when adrenaline takes over and you wonder who they are. There are art projects, food talks, soccer sessions, just to mention a few topics of discussion.
New Years eve found the family watching the eastern 'drop' so August could watch the event. (very interested in why there was steam coming from the ball and who controlled what) We stayed up with C-Bass, Jeff and Anna for the west coast drop. Lisa and I watched the Rose Parade and I watch the Trojans Triumph. It was a good day.
We called our friends back in LOS to wish them Happy New Year. Jeff as made major improvements in the internet here at the house, so we were able to Skype and talk to Boot and Supat. That was really cool. They gave us updates on what's happening with the house preparations.
I must say, there are some things here that would nice to have, on a regular basis, in Thailand. Things like multi-ply tissue, Tylenol, Broadband internet, and signs I can read.
Today, I promise to post a bunch of new pics on Flickr.


"God put me on earth to accomplish a number of things;
right now I'm so far behind I will live forever."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style