Thursday, September 5, 2019



More great weather in the Land of Smiles.  Started off clear and ended with clouds.  Maybe a sprinkle tonight?

This week’s ‘Middle Song’ is another traveling, working man's lament that manages to be a beautiful love song.
“I know I need a small vacation, but it don’t look like rain.  And if it snows that stretch down south won’t ever stand the strain.  And I need you more than want you, and I want you for all time.  And the __ __ is still on the line.”
Clue:  Somewhere in Kansas there is a man on a ladder.

We’re in ‘countdown mode’ in anticipation of the arrival of Jai Dee.  Three more days (our time) and we’ve started assembling the things he/we will need.  After quiet coffee at The Wanderer we went to Browney’s Pet World to cruise the aisles.  We found out what he’s been eating and bought some, so we could feed him that and then transition him to a healthier brand. We also got two types of harnesses, bowls for his crates, and of course, some chewy treats.  

When we got home, I went on the internet to find out how to put the harnesses on a puppy.  I discovered the whole world of pets on Youtube.  Lessons on everything one might encounter with a new family member.  Later we watched a couple of videos on how to deal when the puppy first comes home.  I’ll just say we learned a lot.  It’s been over ten years since we had a puppy.

Last Sunday, when I went to the home of Somluk and Tamako, I was treated to a behind-the-scenes peek at Somluk’s clay collection.  He has created a new medium for himself using the clays (earth) of Thailand as his paint.  A logical conclusion for a ceramic artist digging deeper into his craft.  Using the natural tones of various clays he has a broad palette to work with, in addition to occasional bits of color and black ink.  On our way back to the house after our ‘rice bath’, he commented that the Teak trees looked healthy, a sign that the clay was also healthy.  Below, in the first photo you see buckets of clay and below that, one of his abstract works.

Here’s a link to another original tune of mine on Youtube.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“Truth is the property of no
individual, but is the treasure
of all men.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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