Wednesday, October 31, 2018



This morning it really looked like rain.  I was convinced that the washing of the van would bring at least enough of a shower to dirty the ride.  Actually, it never happened.  We got a little dusty following a dump truck, but no mud.  

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “A Horse With No Name” by America.  It time for another ‘Zany Day’ song.  Ready?
“I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld an eerie sight.  For my monster from his slab began to rise and suddenly, to my surprise:  He did __ __, he did __ __ __.  __ __ __, it was a graveyard smash…”  Hint:  It’s that time of year when strange things happen in the night (555).

This morning, after a wonderful visit at Polar with our friend John, we came home.  Lisa was out in the yard with Daku when she heard some music.  She thought it might be one of the floats so she turned and ran toward the front wall.  Two steps later she was on the ground with what turned out to be a cracked bone in her ankle and a sprain on her right ankle.  Gong and Natcha helped her to the van and I drove her to Overbrook Hospital.  Fortunately, Nurse Pay was on duty and expedited the process of getting into the crowded schedule.  The place was a madhouse, like a Monday morning.  After an injection and more waiting, they took her to x-ray, then more waiting and then the conclusion that surgery was not necessary, but a cast would have to be worn for 6 weeks.  At four weeks she can put a little weight on it.  This means there will be a few changes around here.  For starters, no running up and down the stairs.  No morning walks with Daku, for a little while, and no skateboarding in the driveway.  The hardest part is just accepting that it happened and breathing through the aftermath.  Easy for me to say, but we’re doing it.

Natcha and Gong are being real troupers in helping us adjust to this temporary change in our lives.  Nitchanan and Daku were very puzzled when we returned from the hospital.  Daku knew there was something wrong, and Nitchanan didn’t understand why Lisa wasn’t greeting her with the normal attention.  They both came upstairs, or rather, followed Lisa as she slid backwards up the stairs.  Was this a new game?  It was something she learned at the physical therapy room before we left Overbrook.  It’s tedious but it works.  Life is about change.  Oh…

Daku with focused attention.  Yeah, there’s food in them fingers.

This is a Wacky Wednesday.


“It’s not what you look at 
that matters, it’s what you see.”
~Henry David Thoreau

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