Monday, September 10, 2018



The weather made up for weeks of light showers on Saturday afternoon.  What may have been the storm of the year paid a visit to our area and dumped more water that we’ve seen in a very long time.  

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Stand By Me” by Ben E. King.  Here’s an ‘Easy Monday’ that really is easy:
“You ask me if there’ll come a time when I grow tired of you.  __ __ __, __ __ __.  You wonder if this heart of mine will lose its desire for you.  __ __ __, __ __ __.”  Hint:  It’s by a large vocal group, 1967, friends of Windy.

Saturday morning looked like most mornings lately.  The sky was cloudy, but had the potential for a nice day.  Some time in the mid-afternoon hours, the sky got dark.  The next thing we knew, we were hearing the sound of ‘big drops’, meaning that hard rain was coming.  It didn’t take long before the visibility had been diminished and the sound could best be described as a roar.  The wind joined the party and all we could do was watch it happen.  With nowhere to go, we just went from window to window, checking out the yards and watching the water collect.
The weird thing about it was the way it just did it’s thing, then faded into nothing.  By early evening vendors were setting up for ‘Walking Street’, which we were sure would be canceled.  Streets were mostly dry and life was returning to normal.  

Today’s photos show the aftermath of the storm in our yards.  The first photo is from the carport.  When cars drove by in the street, little waves came under the gate and traveled to the porch.  The second is part of the back yard.

Sunday morning we went out to see a yard full of debris.  Not only were there leaves from some of our trees, but from across the street, along with trash that floated in from down the street.  Gong cleaned it all up, even though it was his day off.   

This morning we went to Overbrook so Lisa could get another dose of rabies vaccine and I could get a tetanus booster.  Monday morning is not the most fun time at any hospital, but with the help of Nurse Pay, we got through it without waiting or going crazy (555).  

This afternoon we went to immigration to renew our retirement visas.  We had made arrangements with our attorney to meet there so he could explain part of our land business.  They have added a new item on the renewal application and he helped explain in Thai.  It took two trips, but we got our visas for another year.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Nitchanan is sick and Lisa may have contracted some or all of whatever it is.  When little ones begin going to school, things come home that you just can’t anticipate.  Before she started feeling bad, we noticed that she had progressed with her ‘wai and curtsy’, which is something all little girls learn.  We wondered when we arrived, just how young this ritual was taught.  Now we know.  Before children can walk, boys and girls are taught to put their hands together to form the ‘wai’.  We’ve watched adults hold toddlers hands in that position and say the words, Sawadee kup or ka depending on boy or girl.  
It’s just the way it is.  

Have a Great Week.


“The charity that is a 
trifle to us can be
precious to others.”

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