Monday, September 17, 2018



Our weekend was hot and sunny.  This afternoon (Monday) we got smacked with a storm containing all of the weather elements of this region:  wind, heavy rain, thunder and lightning.  It lasted about an hour and was gone.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Georgia” by Ray Charles.  The song was written in 1930 by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell.  It became a major hit in 1960 when Mr. Charles recorded it.  For many years, Ray Charles would not perform in Georgia because of the racism he experienced there.  It’s time for a real live ‘Easy Monday’ and I’ve got just the tune for you:  “I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day….”  Hint:  Really?  Title is in two words.  I’m tempted to give you more lyrics, but those should get you started.

This virus thing we have just won’t leave us alone.  Imagine having a bad head cold, a persistent chest cold, and no energy and you have a vague picture of what we’re dealing with.  Every time we venture out, we return exhausted. Staying at home has proved to be the sanest thing so far.  Sunday we had take-out from The Wanderer since it’s the closest and easiest menu to negotiate.  When we got our dinner order, there was a container with a note stating that it was a special soup they make at home when they're feeling sick.  It was quite delicious. 

Out in the world the Chiang Rai marathon was held on Sunday.  We knew something was up when we heard a woman’s voice over a P.A. system at 5:50am.  They must have started at 6am because it was endless for about one hour.  We left the house later in the morning and we could see people slowly making their way back to the start/finish line.  Our friend Joaqim at Chivit Tamma Da said his wife did the 5k and he heard that there were about 1000 people participating.  It’s very festive whenever there is a walk, run or ride event.  I guess it’s like that around the world.  

Today’s photo was taken from the porch at Chivit Tamma Da.  I call it ‘Chivit In the Morning’.

Daku gave us a bit of a scare this morning when he jumped over a hedge in the front yard.  When he landed he was limping and we feared he had done something permanent to his hip.  We kept him downstairs for the day and now he is doing just fine.  I had a talk with him about curbing his boyish enthusiasm when it came to the stunts.  I think we reached an understanding.  

At Overbrook hospital this afternoon, Lisa got another injection of the rabies series, with one more to go.  Nurse Pay told us there are a lot of people with the flu coming to the hospital.  The annual flu shots will probably come out next month.  Our doctor have her something to help with the stuffy head and one of the cautions said: ‘May cause sleepy’.  We just had to laugh.  We tell Daku to ‘go lie down, go sleepy’.  Hmm.

The weekend heatwave warmed the pool to 92 degrees.  Needless to say, we dipped into the 'spa' and just hung out for about 30 minutes.  I’m sure the afternoon storm cooled it off a bit.  Some form of rain or storm is predicted for the rest of the week.  Too bad, Gong washed our dirty van this afternoon.  

Well, I’m done here, time to put my head down and rest my eyes.  

Have a Great Week.


“Magic is believing in yourself,
if you can do that, you can 
make anything happen.”
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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