This morning the storm from last night was just finishing. All day we had cooler temps and cloudy skies with a forecast of more rain. This evening it started up again. Big thunder cracking across the sky. Lisa looked out and saw Chopper playing in the rain. He’s inside now, for awhile. Maybe the rainy season has begun.
The ‘Easy Monday’ song should be looping in your mind. If not, here’s another verse: “__, down a crowded avenue. Doin’ anything we’d like to do. There’s always lots of things that we can see, we can be anyone we want to be, and all those happy people we could meet just __, on a Sunday afternoon…” Hint: Originally relates to something on the surface of a record. You know, where the needle drops. Oh my, I’ve said too much.
We stayed at home today. There was lots to do for the afternoon visit from Khun Sompong from 9 Art Gallery. He was coming to look at Lisa’s work for the upcoming exhibit. He curated her first exhibit at their gallery and she wanted his input. The morning was spent bringing all 31 pieces into the living room and guest room and arranging them. Gong and Natcha were a big help. Sompong was excited about the new direction of the work and had lots of positive things to say. After his walk through, we sat and talked about various art things like pricing, galleries, and the nature of the art business in Thailand.
Today’s photo was taken on the by-pass highway just outside of town. Is there something they’re not telling us?
The morning dog play was altered today due to Mr. Chopper being just to ‘bitey’. His little doggie brain is obsessed with biting Daku, or anybody nearby, especially when he’s excited. We had to separate them so Daku could get his exercise without having to drag the little dog across the lawn. I’m sure it’s a ‘phase’ he’s going through. He does have his moments of cuteness, when you just have to smile. Several wrappings from the trunks of palm trees blew off the trees and into the yard. These make perfect prey for the stealthy hunter they call “Mr. Chopper."
Natcha and Neechanon just came upstairs to visit. She told Natcha she wanted to see us. Tonight she noticed a photo of herself and was surprised. One of her standard things to do is try and ride the exercise bike. As she gets taller, the hope builds that maybe this is the night. When she got on this time, she made a motor sound, like she was on a motorbike. It’s 8pm and she’s wide awake. For Natcha and Gong it’s going to be a long night.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
“For every complex problem
there is an answer that is
clear, simple, and wrong.”
~H.L. Mencken
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