Chiang Rai is in what I think I’ll call ‘Half and Half Weather’. One half of the day is cold and the other hot. Bit by bit it will all turn cold so I guess we should enjoy the hot while we have it.
‘Old School Friday’ was an easy one so most of you didn’t bother writing (555). “Fever” was the song, by Little Willie John. I have a feeling this ‘Easy Monday’ song is just what we need to start the week. You can sing along.
“What would you think if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song, and I’ll try not to sing out of key. Oh, I get by __ __ __ __ __ __ __, mmm, I get high __ __ __ __ __ __ __, mmm, I’m gonna try __ __ __ __ __ __ __.” Clue: It’s by those four lads from across the pond and they’re letting us know that with some assistance from certain relationships, they will be alright.
Saturday afternoon we had a meeting at Art Bridge with the manager and the director to go over the fine points of the exhibit. At first we were worried that they might tell us the gallery wouldn’t be finished in time, but that was not the case. From the bottom of the stairs we could smell paint, which led me to believe they were in the final phase of the construction. The opening of an exhibit is a show in itself. There are speeches, presentations, and finally, the cutting of the ribbon. The presenter has been secured, a businessman in Chiang Rai with a high degree of visibility and respect. Our next major job will be getting Lisa and Joe’s work to the gallery. This will be the true test of the van’s capabilities (555). There are over 30 pieces of artwork to transport, the rest have been delivered by the framer. The excitement is building.
Boot’s brother offered to do work for us around the house, with no payment. We would have paid him, but he wants to do it for free since he’s staying here. He’s been watering the gardens and Sunday he painted some areas that needed touching up. Nu is a welcomed addition to our household.
This seems to be ‘art opening week’ in Chiang Rai. Thursday night there is an exhibit opening at 9 Art Gallery, Friday an opening of a photography exhibit at The Curry Hut, and Lisa and her Dad’s exhibit on Saturday night. It’s going to be a busy week.
There is no doubt in my mind that Daku can tell time. Sunday afternoon Lisa was wrapping her art and Daku walked over to me and just stared at me. I turned and he followed me and continued to stare with a look of determination. It was 4pm, the time when he goes outside. If we’re upstairs at 4pm, he comes over to me and smacks me with his paw. When it’s about 10 minutes before dinner time he comes into the room and just stands there, as if to say, ‘Well, don’t just sit there, fix my dinner.’ Hmm.
Today’s photo was taken at Art Bridge. This carved, wooden village becomes an animated wonder when you drop a coin into the attached box. The farmers work the grain, the oxen plow the field, and the children play. It’s fascinating.
Have a Great Week.
“Sometimes you just need to hear
the right thing from the right person
at the right time.”
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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