Tuesday, August 9, 2011



Today began with a clear, blue sky that turned cloudy and threatening by the afternoon. There was no rain and we swam. I had hardware adventures, and a walk in a cornfield. Hmm.

A few of you got this 'Easy' song right away. It's by two 'Brothers' who really weren't brothers, or 'Brothers'.
"Baby, baby, I get down on my knees for you. If you'd only love me like you used to do, yeah. We had a love, a love, a love you don't find everyday. So don't, don't, don't, don't let it slip away... 'Cause it's gone, gone, gone, and I can't go on, nooo..." Hint: Really? They're begging her to bring something back. I'm begging you to tell me you know what it is.

This morning I printed pictures of a drain 'snake' to take with me to the hardware store. At my first stop they didn't understand what I wanted until I told them it was to clean a pipe. I should add that I told them in Thai. Then they got it, and I got the expected answer: "No have." I overheard them mention a store on the highway, but thought I'd try the next shop on the block. They referred me to the first stop. I ended up at Home Mart and they had a great big display of what I wanted. The cashier smiled at me and then her face turned thoughtful. She said, in English, "Very nice to see you". I was a little flustered at first because I thought she knew me. Then I understood that she was practicing her English. At least she's trying to communicate.

Back on the compound I tried the snake in the drain hole for the lawn. It really didn't do the trick. There was major blockage. I took a long-handled broom and went into the cornfield next to our property. That's where the other side of the drain comes out. The field is about 6 feet lower than our yard so it meant climbing down a steep bank into the 'pit'. The corn is dead, but the underbrush is thick. I was wearing rain boots so I felt secure as far as what might have been in all that plant life. I stuck the handle into the drain and pushed, and a bunch of junk came out on the yard side. We won't know until the next rain whether it did any good. If not, I'll try again until it clears.

One interesting thing that happened at the first store is worth mentioning. I bought some light bulbs and as soon as I left the aisle, a young woman rushed over and took them from me and simply said, "Test". She put each bulb into a socket that was mounted on a board to make sure they were good. Great idea.

Tomorrow morning we're going to drive down to Chiang Mai to get the airbrush compressor we've been looking for. We've had the actual airbrush for sometime, but they don't have the correct compressor in Chiang Rai. We'll stay overnight and come back on Thursday.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"Treat every person with kindness and respect,
even those who are rude to you.
Remember that you show compassion to others
not because of who they are,
but because of who you are."
~Andrew T. Somers

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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