Tuesday, May 24, 2011



We had a beautiful hot, muggy day here in Chiang Rai. We were out and about this morning, had a service call from our TV provider in the afternoon, snoozed through some skateboarding, and had a warm swim. It was a good day.

Finally, an 'Easy Monday' that seems to ring a bell. Here's a little more just in case you're still wondering:
"I like smoke and lightning, heavy metal thunder. Racing with the wind, and the feeling that I'm under... Like a true nature child, we were born __ __ __ __, we have climbed so high, never want to die. __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __."
Hint: This song was featured in the film 'Easy Rider'.

This morning we went into town for a few things. First stop was the pharmacy warehouse. It happened to be the day that suppliers seem to all converge on the place. They were lined up, ready to take orders from this hub of medicinal distribution. Even with all the business going on, they took time to fill customer orders. From there we went to our vet's pet supply store. There's always lots to see there, including some treats for the dogs.

On our way home we decided it would be a good time to check out the festival at the fairgrounds. It became immediately apparent that it was not a 'Fruit Festival'. There were all kinds of things for sale. We saw some beautiful orchids, exotic wooden furniture, and lots of clothes. There was some fruit, but most of it was stuff we don't eat. We later found out from Boot that it is a 'Food Festival'. Right now the music is going strong and the place is packed with people. For many, an evening out in the open air by the river, is the coolest place to be.

While on the subject of the river, it's obvious now that the digging that's been going on was a project to widen the Mae Kok as it rolls through Chiang Rai. Most of it is much wider than the area near us, so now there is a high bank and flow that should prevent the flooding that usually occurs by the park area. It also means that things will be different during next year's Songkran Festival. Hmm.

Since we have our new, larger TV upstairs, we put the original one in the living room for those occasional times when we want to watch downstairs. That meant we needed the folks from True to come out and wire the socket on the wall that feeds the signal from the dish. We also wanted to get a control box for Boot's apartment so she could watch more than just the off-the-air programs. They were scheduled to come at 1pm, but they arrived at 12n as we sat down for lunch. There were about six guys and they went to work on wiring Boot's house while we ate. The thing that constantly amazes us is the level of service that we receive from the various vendors we deal with. We made the appointment yesterday and they came today, early. Also, when we were having a problem with the TV, Sinthanee sent two technicians out to the house to sort out the problem, at no charge. After they left, their boss called to make sure everything was OK. It's another reason we're enjoying living here.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything."
~Mark Twain

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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