Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Chiang Rai had the same weather today as yesterday. We traveled around a bit this morning, had a visit from a friend, and dealt with various household challenges.

The 'Easy Monday' song was "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf. The 'Summer of Love' tune may be tough for some, but I think many of you are experienced enough to remember. "__ __ is touching my soul. I know what I want but I just don't know how to go about gettin' it. Feeling sweet feeling, drops from my fingers, fingers. __ __ is catchin' my soul." Clue: A telling tune from the debut album by an artist who changed the potential of the guitar.

This morning we had to go to the post office in Ban Du to pick up a package. I didn't know what it was, so curiosity was peaking as we walked into the building. While I waited for the clerk to get whatever it was, I noticed two rows of motorbikes with variations on the bubble-wrap theme. There were about 12 of them, ready to be mailed somewhere. I had seen a couple once before at the P.O. but never this many. The conclusion is that for cheap domestic shipping you can't beat the bus or the post office. The package I received was new insurance papers for our car.

We made a few more stops on our way home. Makro was a good one for fresh vegetables, and another pet store had some vitamins for the dogs. A stop at our neighborhood fruit stand provided us with some delicious watermelon. Our postal run started so early that we got home in time to swim before lunch. That's how hot it was.

Our friend Johan came over after lunch and we discussed the repairs on the pool. He's going to deliver his estimate to the insurance company and we'll work out the details later. We always have great conversations about lots of different things.

In the 'Household Challenge' department we had a complete water shut down right in the middle of lunch. This doesn't happen often, but it happens. In the past we have experienced water outages late at night, so this mid-day thing was a shocker. Maybe they figured everyone was across the river at the festival. (555) Our second challenge came in the form of slow-to-no internet. It's been happening for a few days and today I broke down and called the help center. The number rang in Bangkok and once I got an English speaking operator she switched me to Chiang Rai and I began the journey into understanding Thai/English. We were able to determine that it wasn't their connection, so I made some adjustments and now things seem to be better. To quote a sign we saw on a Tuk-Tuk ad,
"Thank you very must".

It's time for Wacky Wednesday.


"The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see,
and knows what the mind cannot understand."
~Robert Valett

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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