Happy Friday to you. Today has been another beautiful day in LOS. We had a very light drizzle around mid day and lots of distant thunder in the afternoon. Weird, but nice.
"What's Going On" by Marvin Gaye was the song. Marvin had a tough time getting the LP released by Motown, but we're grateful that he persevered.
Here's a little something for the weekend: "__ __ __, I want to be your partner, Can't you see the music is just starting,
Night is falling, and I am falling __ __ __" Clue: Ha! You really thought you'd get a clue from me on this one?
Today, Mon came with the curtains. They are more than we imagined. The colors add so much to each room. It was a bit difficult to pick fabrics and colors based on paint samples, but we done good. You'll see pics soon.
We're still in a holding pattern as a result of the water thing. We've also decided not to let it hold us down. We're going to start moving things and getting the house together. We'll sleep at the rental, but spend the days fixing up the place. We have lots to do, and lots to understand. Yuthana is bringing in water for the pool and once that's going, well, there's that. Maybe, by the time we get the water, we'll have a phone and the internet. Hmm. Actually, I think it's time to study alternate methods of internet connection.
Tomorrow morning will be an early one. We have an 8 a.m. Spirit House blessing (I'll film it for posterity) and a 10 o'clock furniture delivery. Then the shuffling begins and we start to see what fits where. Next week we'll bring most of the other stuff and get busy.
It's time for the 'Funnies'. Have a Fun WeekEnd.
Driving With Mildred
Two elderly women were out for a Sunday drive in a large car and both could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection.
The stoplight was red but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself "I must be losing it, I could have sworn we just went through a red light".
After a few more minutes they came to another intersection and the light was red again, and again they went right through.
This time the woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it. She was getting nervous and decided to pay very close attention to the road and the next intersection to see what was going on.
At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was definitely red and they went right through, and she turned to the other woman and said, "Mildred! Do you know we just ran through three red lights in a row? You could have killed us!"
Mildred turned to her and said "Oh, am I driving?"
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Today was another busy, relaxed, adventurous day in The Land of Smiles. How could it be all those things, you ask? Easy, if you pace yourself. I'll explain in a minute.
But first, I must tip my hat to all those of you wrote to me about the song on the first day. That's the kind of response I like. Knowing.
"Father, father, we don´t need to escalate War is not the answer For only love can conquer hate You know we´ve got to find a way
To bring some lovin´ here today..." Not much more to say about this tune...it's a classic and you should know it.
This morning we took our time getting into the day. Boot was arriving late so we just lazed around, read mail and made a few calls. We had to provide our own lunch so we set out for Big C to eat at Black Canyon Coffee. Lunch was not as good as usual, but enough. Then it was upstairs, where I took a deep breath and attempted to communicate with my 'eye' connection about making some custom reading glasses. I actually got through and after trying various lens combinations, I'll have glasses that don't make me feel like my head is twisting. (5) While I did that, Lisa tackled Big C's market with great success.
Are you keeping up? So far we've relaxed, done 'busy', and had adventure. But wait, there's more. We had to take the groceries home and were surprised to find Boot was there. We chilled, she made us some coffee and then we all went over to The Place. We walked around and inspected the cleaning and paint touch-ups and pointed out what needed attention. More plants and trees are in the ground and the waterfall has been treated to look like it's covered with moss. Far out. Apparently there are going to be some plants involved, but we're not sure just how.
We left The Place and went out on the highway looking for a few pieces of small furniture. We stopped at a store that had what we were looking for and it turned out that a friend of Boot's worked there. She knows people all over Chiang Rai, from the days when she worked in the big market downtown. We hit a second store and got a nice little entertainment center for Boot's T.V. and headed back to the site to drop off our purchaces. Our new stuff worked just fine and we headed back to (rental) home.
So, there was more busy adventure, with lots of relaxation at the end of the day. Pacing is especially important when you consider how hot and humid it's been. All a part of the day.
Have a Cool Day.
"Be not the slave of your own past
plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep,
and swim fast, so you shall come back
with self-respect, with new power,
with an advanced experience,
that shall explain and overlook the old."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Today was another busy, relaxed, adventurous day in The Land of Smiles. How could it be all those things, you ask? Easy, if you pace yourself. I'll explain in a minute.
But first, I must tip my hat to all those of you wrote to me about the song on the first day. That's the kind of response I like. Knowing.
"Father, father, we don´t need to escalate War is not the answer For only love can conquer hate You know we´ve got to find a way
To bring some lovin´ here today..." Not much more to say about this tune...it's a classic and you should know it.
This morning we took our time getting into the day. Boot was arriving late so we just lazed around, read mail and made a few calls. We had to provide our own lunch so we set out for Big C to eat at Black Canyon Coffee. Lunch was not as good as usual, but enough. Then it was upstairs, where I took a deep breath and attempted to communicate with my 'eye' connection about making some custom reading glasses. I actually got through and after trying various lens combinations, I'll have glasses that don't make me feel like my head is twisting. (5) While I did that, Lisa tackled Big C's market with great success.
Are you keeping up? So far we've relaxed, done 'busy', and had adventure. But wait, there's more. We had to take the groceries home and were surprised to find Boot was there. We chilled, she made us some coffee and then we all went over to The Place. We walked around and inspected the cleaning and paint touch-ups and pointed out what needed attention. More plants and trees are in the ground and the waterfall has been treated to look like it's covered with moss. Far out. Apparently there are going to be some plants involved, but we're not sure just how.
We left The Place and went out on the highway looking for a few pieces of small furniture. We stopped at a store that had what we were looking for and it turned out that a friend of Boot's worked there. She knows people all over Chiang Rai, from the days when she worked in the big market downtown. We hit a second store and got a nice little entertainment center for Boot's T.V. and headed back to the site to drop off our purchaces. Our new stuff worked just fine and we headed back to (rental) home.
So, there was more busy adventure, with lots of relaxation at the end of the day. Pacing is especially important when you consider how hot and humid it's been. All a part of the day.
Have a Cool Day.
"Be not the slave of your own past
plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep,
and swim fast, so you shall come back
with self-respect, with new power,
with an advanced experience,
that shall explain and overlook the old."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thorns (This is Tuesday's)
Do I have a tale to tell you. Before I get to it, let me just say that we're getting used to the afternoon rains that seem to be coming every day. It starts with incredible thunder off in the distance. The sky begins to darken and it feels like you're in for the storm of the century. It finally starts to rain and it lasts for maybe half an hour. Then it's over. Not so bad. We haven't had a full day of rain in quite a while. That's fine with me.
It was nice to hear from some of the regulars who knew the song. Several of you asked about spelling. Don't worry about it. (Ha)
"Take out the papers and the trash, or you don't get no spendin' cash. If you don't scrub that kitchen floor, you ain't gonna rock and roll no more __ __ (don't talk back)" Hints: That ought to do it. The whole first verse. Secret hint: both words begin with 'Y'. You better write and thank me for the clever hint.
So, here's the tale: We won't be moving in when we thought. Remember the thing about the water? Well, it's going to be next week, before they start, maybe. It's out of our control. Then, today we went back to Big C to talk and/or plead with Joe at the telephone/internet provider. He's still telling us they are full in our new area. Nothing like living in a 'primitive' infrastructure. It's like Supat said, in America we were five years in the future. Now we feel it, big time. He's going to try and go to the phone office where he used to live (near our area) and see if he can 'buy' a number. I kinda understand and kinda don't.
To review, we'll have no water so we can't move in. We'll have no internet so we'll have to leave to write you. That is, if we were to move in. It's all a crazy circle. It will work out eventually, but for now it's a bit frustrating. On the bright side, the work is almost done. House cleaning tomorrow, outside touch-up painting on Thursday, curtains installed and blessing of the Spirit House on Friday, and I guess we'll visit the new house on Saturday. Yuthana told us he'd truck in water to fill the pool if necessary. It will need the water to start the saline process and get the kinks out.
Welcome to my world. We may have found a great distraction today. We got a Sony 'Handycam'. Our first movie camera and we're jazzed. It's a simple, entry level device that's easy to operate and is perfect for documenting the house. There are things around here that still pictures just can't totally capture. Now we become cinematographers. (555)
Have a Happy Tuesday.
PS In Thai, the number five is pronounced 'Ha'. Now you know.
"You can complain because roses have thorns,
or you can rejoice because thorns have roses."
~Tom Wilson
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Do I have a tale to tell you. Before I get to it, let me just say that we're getting used to the afternoon rains that seem to be coming every day. It starts with incredible thunder off in the distance. The sky begins to darken and it feels like you're in for the storm of the century. It finally starts to rain and it lasts for maybe half an hour. Then it's over. Not so bad. We haven't had a full day of rain in quite a while. That's fine with me.
It was nice to hear from some of the regulars who knew the song. Several of you asked about spelling. Don't worry about it. (Ha)
"Take out the papers and the trash, or you don't get no spendin' cash. If you don't scrub that kitchen floor, you ain't gonna rock and roll no more __ __ (don't talk back)" Hints: That ought to do it. The whole first verse. Secret hint: both words begin with 'Y'. You better write and thank me for the clever hint.
So, here's the tale: We won't be moving in when we thought. Remember the thing about the water? Well, it's going to be next week, before they start, maybe. It's out of our control. Then, today we went back to Big C to talk and/or plead with Joe at the telephone/internet provider. He's still telling us they are full in our new area. Nothing like living in a 'primitive' infrastructure. It's like Supat said, in America we were five years in the future. Now we feel it, big time. He's going to try and go to the phone office where he used to live (near our area) and see if he can 'buy' a number. I kinda understand and kinda don't.
To review, we'll have no water so we can't move in. We'll have no internet so we'll have to leave to write you. That is, if we were to move in. It's all a crazy circle. It will work out eventually, but for now it's a bit frustrating. On the bright side, the work is almost done. House cleaning tomorrow, outside touch-up painting on Thursday, curtains installed and blessing of the Spirit House on Friday, and I guess we'll visit the new house on Saturday. Yuthana told us he'd truck in water to fill the pool if necessary. It will need the water to start the saline process and get the kinks out.
Welcome to my world. We may have found a great distraction today. We got a Sony 'Handycam'. Our first movie camera and we're jazzed. It's a simple, entry level device that's easy to operate and is perfect for documenting the house. There are things around here that still pictures just can't totally capture. Now we become cinematographers. (555)
Have a Happy Tuesday.
PS In Thai, the number five is pronounced 'Ha'. Now you know.
"You can complain because roses have thorns,
or you can rejoice because thorns have roses."
~Tom Wilson
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Well, life goes on and things always change. In the case of this adventure, it's best not to set anything in stone. Today is a perfect example. A few weeks ago I made an appointment to see Dr. Nan, who is a dentist that we recently met (Nu's girlfriend). Then we found out that was the day for the blessing of the Spirit House, at the same time. Went to the hospital this morning to change my appointment and was told that Dr. Nan wasn't busy and could see me today. I'll tell you about that in a minute.
I'm quite proud of you all, and your memories too. So many of you got "Yakety Yak" by The Coasters. For all those who wondered about the spelling, I think what I wrote is correct, but that could be wrong (5). It's a novelty song from my junior high days and much gets lost in translation. There's no translation confusion with our next song. The message, or rather, the question was clear.
"Picket lines and picket signs, don´t punish me with brutality. Talk to me, so you can see, Oh, __ __ __..." Clue: This tune is from a 'departure', concept album from an R&B artist who's time was too short.
The purpose of my dental visit was to fix a tooth that had lost it's composite crown (I think that's what it's called). Aside from a cleaning by another dentist, this would be my first encounter with Thai dentistry. I had heard good things, but being one to not seek out this type of activity, I didn't really know what to expect. She examined my teeth, x-rayed the subject tooth, gave me the water jet cleaning and polish, and then went to work fixing my tooth. Since there was no pain or sensitivity with the tooth, there was no numbing, which was cool. I don't know how long she worked, but it seemed quick. It is a little different to be in the chair, with a couple of people in your mouth and you have no idea what they're talking about. In a way it's probably better. Next time I'll take my headphones. Some of you won't remember this, but the Thai word for tooth is 'fun'. When I told Nan that she could call herself Dr. Fun, she cracked up. Oh yeah, the total for the morning was $33.00.
Today the house got cleaned by a crew of seven. They did all the windows, floors and counters. We went over in the afternoon, just to see if things were going like we wanted them. For the most part, they were doing a good job. It will be nice to have all the construction residue gone when we move in. The landscape crew is still working and won't be done until the 7th, and the waterfall guys are still doing their thing. Neither group has any reason to come into the house, so theoretically, we should be able to keep it clean for a while.
The thing about plans is this. The Spirit House thing got moved to the 31st, but I didn't find out until after I change my dental date. It all worked out, but isn't it interesting. I'm sure I'll be able to tell you that it was good we didn't get the water when we wanted it because blah, blah, blah and wasn't it good we didn't move in blah, blah. On second thought, I'm not sure at all.
I feel a Wacky Wednesday coming on.
"Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you
help them become what they are capable of becoming."
~Johannn von Goethe
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Well, life goes on and things always change. In the case of this adventure, it's best not to set anything in stone. Today is a perfect example. A few weeks ago I made an appointment to see Dr. Nan, who is a dentist that we recently met (Nu's girlfriend). Then we found out that was the day for the blessing of the Spirit House, at the same time. Went to the hospital this morning to change my appointment and was told that Dr. Nan wasn't busy and could see me today. I'll tell you about that in a minute.
I'm quite proud of you all, and your memories too. So many of you got "Yakety Yak" by The Coasters. For all those who wondered about the spelling, I think what I wrote is correct, but that could be wrong (5). It's a novelty song from my junior high days and much gets lost in translation. There's no translation confusion with our next song. The message, or rather, the question was clear.
"Picket lines and picket signs, don´t punish me with brutality. Talk to me, so you can see, Oh, __ __ __..." Clue: This tune is from a 'departure', concept album from an R&B artist who's time was too short.
The purpose of my dental visit was to fix a tooth that had lost it's composite crown (I think that's what it's called). Aside from a cleaning by another dentist, this would be my first encounter with Thai dentistry. I had heard good things, but being one to not seek out this type of activity, I didn't really know what to expect. She examined my teeth, x-rayed the subject tooth, gave me the water jet cleaning and polish, and then went to work fixing my tooth. Since there was no pain or sensitivity with the tooth, there was no numbing, which was cool. I don't know how long she worked, but it seemed quick. It is a little different to be in the chair, with a couple of people in your mouth and you have no idea what they're talking about. In a way it's probably better. Next time I'll take my headphones. Some of you won't remember this, but the Thai word for tooth is 'fun'. When I told Nan that she could call herself Dr. Fun, she cracked up. Oh yeah, the total for the morning was $33.00.
Today the house got cleaned by a crew of seven. They did all the windows, floors and counters. We went over in the afternoon, just to see if things were going like we wanted them. For the most part, they were doing a good job. It will be nice to have all the construction residue gone when we move in. The landscape crew is still working and won't be done until the 7th, and the waterfall guys are still doing their thing. Neither group has any reason to come into the house, so theoretically, we should be able to keep it clean for a while.
The thing about plans is this. The Spirit House thing got moved to the 31st, but I didn't find out until after I change my dental date. It all worked out, but isn't it interesting. I'm sure I'll be able to tell you that it was good we didn't get the water when we wanted it because blah, blah, blah and wasn't it good we didn't move in blah, blah. On second thought, I'm not sure at all.
I feel a Wacky Wednesday coming on.
"Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you
help them become what they are capable of becoming."
~Johannn von Goethe
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Monday, May 26, 2008
So, in the U.S., you're observing Memorial Day. Of course, here it's just another day. Did you do anything special today?
I got light mail with regards to the weekend song. I thought it was easy. It was "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin. Ugh. Now we'll dig deep and see if you can remember this gem from a group that had a heap of hits 'back in the day'. You can coast on this one.
"...Just tell your hoodlum friend outside, You ain't got time to take a ride __ __ (don't talk back)" Clue: A parent sings to their child.
Some of the best laid plans.... Over the weekend we got the word that it was a 'go' for us to move into the house on number 31. We set things in motion, contacting various places and arranging for deliveries, started packing boxes and getting over-excited. Today we learned that we may not have water by that date. Can't move in without water. It's a thing, you understand. We're still waiting for the final word, but there may be a delay. Speaking of water, while we were walking through the house today, admiring our new floors and the progress with the landscape and the pool, we noticed water where there should not have been water. The last thing we want to do is move in with leaks. We've been assured that everything will be in order by the time we move in. I should hope so.
I've told you about the various deliveries of boulders to The Place. Well, it turns out that the latest group will be placed around the yard and they will be 'shaved' on top and act as little seats. Part of the earlier delivery will be used to make steps out of the pool, near the waterfall. Nice touch.
This evening I saw a young woman on her motorbike with a full cast on her right leg. I guess if you've got to get from point 'A' to point 'B', why let a cast get in your way. Life on two wheels is still totally fascinating to me.
We have a baby gecko in the bed room that's really cute. So tiny. He hangs out mostly on the ceiling, very still. Then he scoots along for a few seconds and stops. We can tell that he's growing and I'm pretty sure that we'll miss him when we leave. Which brings up another question. Will we get a new batch of geckos in the new house? Just how does that happen? Inquiring mind wants to know.
That's all for now, have a Great Week.
PS More pics on Flickr
"Change and growth take place when
a person has risked himself and dares to
become involved with experimenting with his own life."
~Herbert Otto
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
So, in the U.S., you're observing Memorial Day. Of course, here it's just another day. Did you do anything special today?
I got light mail with regards to the weekend song. I thought it was easy. It was "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin. Ugh. Now we'll dig deep and see if you can remember this gem from a group that had a heap of hits 'back in the day'. You can coast on this one.
"...Just tell your hoodlum friend outside, You ain't got time to take a ride __ __ (don't talk back)" Clue: A parent sings to their child.
Some of the best laid plans.... Over the weekend we got the word that it was a 'go' for us to move into the house on number 31. We set things in motion, contacting various places and arranging for deliveries, started packing boxes and getting over-excited. Today we learned that we may not have water by that date. Can't move in without water. It's a thing, you understand. We're still waiting for the final word, but there may be a delay. Speaking of water, while we were walking through the house today, admiring our new floors and the progress with the landscape and the pool, we noticed water where there should not have been water. The last thing we want to do is move in with leaks. We've been assured that everything will be in order by the time we move in. I should hope so.
I've told you about the various deliveries of boulders to The Place. Well, it turns out that the latest group will be placed around the yard and they will be 'shaved' on top and act as little seats. Part of the earlier delivery will be used to make steps out of the pool, near the waterfall. Nice touch.
This evening I saw a young woman on her motorbike with a full cast on her right leg. I guess if you've got to get from point 'A' to point 'B', why let a cast get in your way. Life on two wheels is still totally fascinating to me.
We have a baby gecko in the bed room that's really cute. So tiny. He hangs out mostly on the ceiling, very still. Then he scoots along for a few seconds and stops. We can tell that he's growing and I'm pretty sure that we'll miss him when we leave. Which brings up another question. Will we get a new batch of geckos in the new house? Just how does that happen? Inquiring mind wants to know.
That's all for now, have a Great Week.
PS More pics on Flickr
"Change and growth take place when
a person has risked himself and dares to
become involved with experimenting with his own life."
~Herbert Otto
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Friday, May 23, 2008
Friday Funnies
We thought we were going to have a major storm today. This afternoon there was big thunder rolling across the sky. It rained hard for a short while and then stopped. Quite different from what we've been seeing on the news for So. Calif. Hang in there. There was also harsh weather in Colorado. Next thing you know, this will turn into an 'AftertheFactUweather' site, filling in the weather blanks around the world. It could happen.
As usual, the second day of the song brought tons of mail. It was 'Ticket to Ride' by The Beatles. Here's some rock for ya:
"You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin'. I'm gonna send you back to schoolin'...Wanna __ __ __ x 4" Hint: Hook similar to a recent Fats song we played with. Another quartet from across the pond.
We made our Visa check-in today, without a hitch. It was a no frills trip. Up and back in the same morning. We'll go back for a shopping expedition another time. The next time we go back to immigration will be in three months for our renewal. That will mark one year in The Land of Smiles. My how the time goes by.
Stopped by The Place late this afternoon. All the windows and screens are in, the tubs are done and all the terrazzo around the pool is done. The living room area, which looked like a screen shop, is now clear and we can see the whole room. Tomorrow they begin installing the laminate flooring. That will make a big difference. More trees were planted and there were dozens of flowers waiting to be planted. We also got another delivery of boulders. This set is for the front yard. Hmm. I'll post some pictures at Flickr to show you what I'm talking about.
I always tell you, and you never watch, but this weekend is the Formula One Grand Prix at Monaco. This is the spectacle race of the year. All the glitz and glamour of Monte Carlo and the wildest street race you've ever seen. Oh, you'll want to record it because it comes on real early in the States.
It's time for the 'Funnies'. Have a Dry, Happy WeekEnd.
A Few Questions
When sending someone Styrofoam, what should you pack it in?
What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
Why do we play in recitals and recite in plays?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
When you open a new bag of cotton balls, are you supposed to throw the top one away?
What happened to the first 6 'ups'?
When sign makers go on strike, what is written on their picket signs?
What's another word for synonym?
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
We thought we were going to have a major storm today. This afternoon there was big thunder rolling across the sky. It rained hard for a short while and then stopped. Quite different from what we've been seeing on the news for So. Calif. Hang in there. There was also harsh weather in Colorado. Next thing you know, this will turn into an 'AftertheFactUweather' site, filling in the weather blanks around the world. It could happen.
As usual, the second day of the song brought tons of mail. It was 'Ticket to Ride' by The Beatles. Here's some rock for ya:
"You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin'. I'm gonna send you back to schoolin'...Wanna __ __ __ x 4" Hint: Hook similar to a recent Fats song we played with. Another quartet from across the pond.
We made our Visa check-in today, without a hitch. It was a no frills trip. Up and back in the same morning. We'll go back for a shopping expedition another time. The next time we go back to immigration will be in three months for our renewal. That will mark one year in The Land of Smiles. My how the time goes by.
Stopped by The Place late this afternoon. All the windows and screens are in, the tubs are done and all the terrazzo around the pool is done. The living room area, which looked like a screen shop, is now clear and we can see the whole room. Tomorrow they begin installing the laminate flooring. That will make a big difference. More trees were planted and there were dozens of flowers waiting to be planted. We also got another delivery of boulders. This set is for the front yard. Hmm. I'll post some pictures at Flickr to show you what I'm talking about.
I always tell you, and you never watch, but this weekend is the Formula One Grand Prix at Monaco. This is the spectacle race of the year. All the glitz and glamour of Monte Carlo and the wildest street race you've ever seen. Oh, you'll want to record it because it comes on real early in the States.
It's time for the 'Funnies'. Have a Dry, Happy WeekEnd.
A Few Questions
When sending someone Styrofoam, what should you pack it in?
What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
Why do we play in recitals and recite in plays?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
When you open a new bag of cotton balls, are you supposed to throw the top one away?
What happened to the first 6 'ups'?
When sign makers go on strike, what is written on their picket signs?
What's another word for synonym?
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Thursday, May 22, 2008
It's been a warm, humid day here in Chiang Rai. More humid than usual. I thought it might rain but the sky said different. We're in the rainy season, so anything can happen.
Well, I can't pull the wool over some of your ears (get it?) If you didn't get the song, here is the first line plus the hook:
"I think I'm gonna be sad, I think it's today, yeh, The girl that's driving me mad, is going away...She's got a __ __ __, but she don't care" Do you really think I'm going to give another hint? Do you really need more Help? Now read yesterday's clue again.
Our visit to The Place this morning brought a few surprises. A major portion of the patio was finished. It still needs to be cleaned up, but we could see the results of the 'process' and the little pebbles were visible. I have before and after pics. Remember the new load of boulders that I mentioned? Well, they were put on top of the concrete form that I thought was the waterfall. Now those boulders are sitting on the concrete, looking like some sort of formation. It's quite something. I think they're almost done, then I guess we just add water.
More trees are in the front yard and it's taking on a real tropical vibe. Most of them are various types of palms. There are also some leafy trees that are in their 'stick' phase. Once they get going it should be a very green environment.
Speaking of nature, there are a few things we've learned. Living with nature in Thailand means living with geckos. We have a group that hang out in the bedroom and some in the kitchen. I don't know what they do during the daytime, but we rarely see them. At night we see them on the walls and ceiling. At any time, they're subject to start making noise. Kind of a chirp that can be very startling. Lisa has taken to 'sushing' them and most of them respond. There's one who's not afraid. So much for taming the wild beast. There have been two occasions when she found a gecko stranded in the kitchen sink. Because it's made of tile, with perpendicular sides, the little guys can't climb out. The first time it was a little baby. Lisa put a plate in the sink, the gecko jumped on the plate and she lifted him out to safety. The second time it was an adult and it hopped onto her arm and out of the sink, in a hurry.
Last night we went out and watched the fireflies. We'd never seen them before and we were amazed. Tiny little bright lights appearing and disappearing like magic. Very cool.
Tomorrow morning we travel up to Mae Sai for our three month Visa check-in. It's an hour ride to the north and the immigration office is not intimidating at all. If we're up to it, we'll walk around the market up there. It's like a daytime Night Bazaar, on steroids.
Have a Good Day.
"The biggest mistake we could ever make in our lives is
to think we work for anybody but ourselves."
~Brian Tracy
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
It's been a warm, humid day here in Chiang Rai. More humid than usual. I thought it might rain but the sky said different. We're in the rainy season, so anything can happen.
Well, I can't pull the wool over some of your ears (get it?) If you didn't get the song, here is the first line plus the hook:
"I think I'm gonna be sad, I think it's today, yeh, The girl that's driving me mad, is going away...She's got a __ __ __, but she don't care" Do you really think I'm going to give another hint? Do you really need more Help? Now read yesterday's clue again.
Our visit to The Place this morning brought a few surprises. A major portion of the patio was finished. It still needs to be cleaned up, but we could see the results of the 'process' and the little pebbles were visible. I have before and after pics. Remember the new load of boulders that I mentioned? Well, they were put on top of the concrete form that I thought was the waterfall. Now those boulders are sitting on the concrete, looking like some sort of formation. It's quite something. I think they're almost done, then I guess we just add water.
More trees are in the front yard and it's taking on a real tropical vibe. Most of them are various types of palms. There are also some leafy trees that are in their 'stick' phase. Once they get going it should be a very green environment.
Speaking of nature, there are a few things we've learned. Living with nature in Thailand means living with geckos. We have a group that hang out in the bedroom and some in the kitchen. I don't know what they do during the daytime, but we rarely see them. At night we see them on the walls and ceiling. At any time, they're subject to start making noise. Kind of a chirp that can be very startling. Lisa has taken to 'sushing' them and most of them respond. There's one who's not afraid. So much for taming the wild beast. There have been two occasions when she found a gecko stranded in the kitchen sink. Because it's made of tile, with perpendicular sides, the little guys can't climb out. The first time it was a little baby. Lisa put a plate in the sink, the gecko jumped on the plate and she lifted him out to safety. The second time it was an adult and it hopped onto her arm and out of the sink, in a hurry.
Last night we went out and watched the fireflies. We'd never seen them before and we were amazed. Tiny little bright lights appearing and disappearing like magic. Very cool.
Tomorrow morning we travel up to Mae Sai for our three month Visa check-in. It's an hour ride to the north and the immigration office is not intimidating at all. If we're up to it, we'll walk around the market up there. It's like a daytime Night Bazaar, on steroids.
Have a Good Day.
"The biggest mistake we could ever make in our lives is
to think we work for anybody but ourselves."
~Brian Tracy
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How many boulders does it take to build a waterfall? Beats me, but they keep bringing more. Another little truck load arrived today. It looks like the basic structure is in place, so maybe they're for atmosphere. Hmm.
The Graduate was the movie and "Mrs. Robinson" was the song by Simon and Garfunkel. Boy, did I get lots of mail. Try this one:
"I don't know why she's riding so high, she ought to think twice, she ought to do right by me." Hint: It's another song from a movie, and this line is from a 'B' section. If I'd given you the first line it would be too easy. Oh, four guys sang it.
Today we made what may have been our last trip to the American Standard showroom for supplies. A simple thing like towel racks can be a trying experience. So many choices. We got it done and made sure the man doing the work knew exactly where they were to go. While we were at the site we watched a special crew spread the terrazzo for the back patio. At first, it looked like they were just spreading mud around. I kept wondering where the little pebbles were. I asked Yuthana when they would put the pebbles on and he chuckled. Then he explained the process. That mud was actually the deal. After it dries, they use a special acid compound to remove the top surface of the adhesive that holds the pebbles. Brilliant. Anyway, it will be the same color as the edging of the staircase.
Language differences can bring about some interesting things. For instance, in American English, we say that we turn lights on and off and we do the same with a water faucet. In Thai English, lights and water are opened and closed. Took me a minute to catch on to that one.
This afternoon I had another adventure in communication. My mission was to find a store that sold 'bondo' or body filler. Yesterday I had asked at a hardware store and they suggested a store on the highway. After browsing two auto parts stores that had nothing on the shelf, I wandered into one of those shops that was full of all kinds of products. I asked the owner if he spoke English and he said the usual: "Little bit". With a combination of drawings and charades, he understood. He knew what it was, but didn't have it, but he knew where to get it. Then his English kicked in and he explained, as he drew a map, how to get there. I got there and found a new resource at Chiang Rai Paint. Oh, it's for my new didjeridoo. (there's a pic at Flickr)
It's time for a Wacky Wednesday. Have a good one.
"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
How many boulders does it take to build a waterfall? Beats me, but they keep bringing more. Another little truck load arrived today. It looks like the basic structure is in place, so maybe they're for atmosphere. Hmm.
The Graduate was the movie and "Mrs. Robinson" was the song by Simon and Garfunkel. Boy, did I get lots of mail. Try this one:
"I don't know why she's riding so high, she ought to think twice, she ought to do right by me." Hint: It's another song from a movie, and this line is from a 'B' section. If I'd given you the first line it would be too easy. Oh, four guys sang it.
Today we made what may have been our last trip to the American Standard showroom for supplies. A simple thing like towel racks can be a trying experience. So many choices. We got it done and made sure the man doing the work knew exactly where they were to go. While we were at the site we watched a special crew spread the terrazzo for the back patio. At first, it looked like they were just spreading mud around. I kept wondering where the little pebbles were. I asked Yuthana when they would put the pebbles on and he chuckled. Then he explained the process. That mud was actually the deal. After it dries, they use a special acid compound to remove the top surface of the adhesive that holds the pebbles. Brilliant. Anyway, it will be the same color as the edging of the staircase.
Language differences can bring about some interesting things. For instance, in American English, we say that we turn lights on and off and we do the same with a water faucet. In Thai English, lights and water are opened and closed. Took me a minute to catch on to that one.
This afternoon I had another adventure in communication. My mission was to find a store that sold 'bondo' or body filler. Yesterday I had asked at a hardware store and they suggested a store on the highway. After browsing two auto parts stores that had nothing on the shelf, I wandered into one of those shops that was full of all kinds of products. I asked the owner if he spoke English and he said the usual: "Little bit". With a combination of drawings and charades, he understood. He knew what it was, but didn't have it, but he knew where to get it. Then his English kicked in and he explained, as he drew a map, how to get there. I got there and found a new resource at Chiang Rai Paint. Oh, it's for my new didjeridoo. (there's a pic at Flickr)
It's time for a Wacky Wednesday. Have a good one.
"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Round (Tuesday's Message)
We had a beautiful day here today. It got warm, but not unbearable. I went out this morning, just as the morning haze burned off and it felt great. I had to go back to the shop where I got my tires for an alignment check. While they corrected things I just sat and watched the variety of travelers on the access road next to the super highway.
Several of you got the song real quick. Maybe this line from the end of the chorus will spark your memory. I can only hope. (Ha)
"God bless you please, __ __, heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)." Clues: You get no more.
Yesterday Boot brought a bunch of boxes down from the attic so we could start packing. They're still sitting there. Lisa and Boot have been a little under the weather the last couple of days. We're hoping it passes by tomorrow. Meanwhile, I guess I'd better get busy.
This afternoon we all went over to The Place. More trees in the ground and the glass was installed on the front and rear entryways.
Now it looks more like a house. We had to send back some plants that weren't what we wanted, and thankfully they hadn't been planted. Mon (the curtain lady) was busy upstairs installing the shades in Lisa's studio. Lisa is very pleased with the way they turned out. Out in back, workers were checking the grade of the rear deck, filling in low spots and making sure it was all smooth in preparation for the terrazzo. That a finish that's made up of tiny little pebbles. The waterfall is really taking shape now, and we're beginning to understand the concept.
We've been watching a lot of the football (soccer) playoffs, which have been pretty cool since it's the most televised sport here. There's also a lot of badminton which is fun to watch. It looks like a lot of the Olympics will be shown while we're in the U.S. so we'll be able to watch. We still don't have a clue as to how they will be broadcast here in LOS. I'm sure there will be something. It would be interesting to see the coverage from a different perspective. We used to watch the games on the Canadian network back in the 'old days' when we had a big dish and could receive 'wild feeds'. Hmm, those were the days.
Well, that's all for now, have a Beautiful Day.
"The world was made round so that we would never be able to see too far down the road."
~Isak Dinesen
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
We had a beautiful day here today. It got warm, but not unbearable. I went out this morning, just as the morning haze burned off and it felt great. I had to go back to the shop where I got my tires for an alignment check. While they corrected things I just sat and watched the variety of travelers on the access road next to the super highway.
Several of you got the song real quick. Maybe this line from the end of the chorus will spark your memory. I can only hope. (Ha)
"God bless you please, __ __, heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)." Clues: You get no more.
Yesterday Boot brought a bunch of boxes down from the attic so we could start packing. They're still sitting there. Lisa and Boot have been a little under the weather the last couple of days. We're hoping it passes by tomorrow. Meanwhile, I guess I'd better get busy.
This afternoon we all went over to The Place. More trees in the ground and the glass was installed on the front and rear entryways.
Now it looks more like a house. We had to send back some plants that weren't what we wanted, and thankfully they hadn't been planted. Mon (the curtain lady) was busy upstairs installing the shades in Lisa's studio. Lisa is very pleased with the way they turned out. Out in back, workers were checking the grade of the rear deck, filling in low spots and making sure it was all smooth in preparation for the terrazzo. That a finish that's made up of tiny little pebbles. The waterfall is really taking shape now, and we're beginning to understand the concept.
We've been watching a lot of the football (soccer) playoffs, which have been pretty cool since it's the most televised sport here. There's also a lot of badminton which is fun to watch. It looks like a lot of the Olympics will be shown while we're in the U.S. so we'll be able to watch. We still don't have a clue as to how they will be broadcast here in LOS. I'm sure there will be something. It would be interesting to see the coverage from a different perspective. We used to watch the games on the Canadian network back in the 'old days' when we had a big dish and could receive 'wild feeds'. Hmm, those were the days.
Well, that's all for now, have a Beautiful Day.
"The world was made round so that we would never be able to see too far down the road."
~Isak Dinesen
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Who (Monday's Message)
There must have been something wrong with the international internet this weekend. Only one of you got through with the answer to the song. A 'Cyber High Five' to Christopher for recognizing "Love Is Alive" by Gary Wright. Check your modems and tell me this one: "We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files. We'd like to help you learn to help yourself. Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes. Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home" Hint: This song was featured in a film. It's by another music couple that broke up. Roughly about a married woman.
Well, as you can guess, The Place is changing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis. We have to go by every day just to make sure things get done like we want them. It's that critical time when anything that requires changing or correcting needs to be pointed out.
More trees have been planted, glass and screens are filling window frames and tomorrow all the fixtures for the window treatments go up. Whew. One of the keys to the rapid build is: large crews. The contractors bring in ten people who know what they are supposed to do. They do their jobs and it's done. There are a few instances where it takes longer because it's a master craftsmen and he's the only one who can do what he does. The tile guy is one example. I watched him measuring and cutting and fitting tile for the portion of the staircase where the bannister support meets the stair. It's round, and the tile has to fit snug against it. He made it look so easy, but as I thought about it, I would have broken many tiles and it still might not be tight.
We're having several visits from the monks in the coming weeks. On number 29, we will have the blessing of the Spirit House. This is a structure that is found on the property of just about every Thai house and business. It's usually in a front corner and it's for the spirits who live on the land and who may visit. It's a very old belief system that pre-dates the introduction of Buddhism to Thailand. Spirit worship, or Animism may be one of the oldest forms in the world. When the house is done, there will be another ceremony similar to the one before we began building. The monks will come and chant a mantra, and tie a string around the house.
We had a little rain yesterday and a real downpour on Saturday. It didn't last long, but it was impressive. Today (our Monday) was actually cool. It's the first time I've worn a thin, long sleeve shirt in many months. It's supposed to warm up and be dry for the rest of the week.
There are new pics at Flickr. Mostly house updates. I haven't put them in the 'New House' Set, just look at the main page. Have a Wonderfilled Week.
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
There must have been something wrong with the international internet this weekend. Only one of you got through with the answer to the song. A 'Cyber High Five' to Christopher for recognizing "Love Is Alive" by Gary Wright. Check your modems and tell me this one: "We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files. We'd like to help you learn to help yourself. Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes. Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home" Hint: This song was featured in a film. It's by another music couple that broke up. Roughly about a married woman.
Well, as you can guess, The Place is changing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis. We have to go by every day just to make sure things get done like we want them. It's that critical time when anything that requires changing or correcting needs to be pointed out.
More trees have been planted, glass and screens are filling window frames and tomorrow all the fixtures for the window treatments go up. Whew. One of the keys to the rapid build is: large crews. The contractors bring in ten people who know what they are supposed to do. They do their jobs and it's done. There are a few instances where it takes longer because it's a master craftsmen and he's the only one who can do what he does. The tile guy is one example. I watched him measuring and cutting and fitting tile for the portion of the staircase where the bannister support meets the stair. It's round, and the tile has to fit snug against it. He made it look so easy, but as I thought about it, I would have broken many tiles and it still might not be tight.
We're having several visits from the monks in the coming weeks. On number 29, we will have the blessing of the Spirit House. This is a structure that is found on the property of just about every Thai house and business. It's usually in a front corner and it's for the spirits who live on the land and who may visit. It's a very old belief system that pre-dates the introduction of Buddhism to Thailand. Spirit worship, or Animism may be one of the oldest forms in the world. When the house is done, there will be another ceremony similar to the one before we began building. The monks will come and chant a mantra, and tie a string around the house.
We had a little rain yesterday and a real downpour on Saturday. It didn't last long, but it was impressive. Today (our Monday) was actually cool. It's the first time I've worn a thin, long sleeve shirt in many months. It's supposed to warm up and be dry for the rest of the week.
There are new pics at Flickr. Mostly house updates. I haven't put them in the 'New House' Set, just look at the main page. Have a Wonderfilled Week.
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday Funnies
They just don't get it. People in service offices just don't get it that we want our stuff to be there when we move. How can they expect me to wait for my internet connection? What do you mean 'the area is full'? All you have to do is connect a wire and push a button. Don't they realize I'm addicted and attached and the world depends on me to be on the internet? Ah, the ravings of a mad man. Stay tuned.
"The Cool Club" really grew on day two. The song was "I Heard It Through The Grapevine", first by Marvin Gaye and then by Gladys Knight and The Pips. Both releases were on Motown Records. Just as an aside, the writers made a killing. Anyway, Marvin sold more records but both were hits. Cousin Eunice wrote that she heard the story behind the song on NPR. "It seems that a conversation that is the basis for the song, actually took place as they were riding through The Grapevine, on the way back to LA after a gig. So, the writer hears that his sweetie is seeing someone else from his passenger (my assumption is that he was riding with one of the band members.)" If you have the inclination this weekend to do some detective work, see what else you can find out about this song.
For the weekend, here's a little something from '76 to keep you busy. "Well, I think it's time to get ready, to realize just what I have found. I have lived only half of what I am. It's all clear to me now. My heart is on fire, my soul's like a wheel that's turnin'
My __ __ __ x 2" Hint: Singer's last name is the opposite of left with a 'w'. Had numerous hits.
There's another thing that we have to look into, with this house thing. We plan on having two dogs. That means we've got to scout around and find a good place to get a couple of healthy puppies. There are usually really cute puppies at the NB on the weekends, but it's unclear just how they'll look when they grow up. It's a fun chore that we're looking forward to doing, but it does have it's mystery. So many of the dogs here are a mixture of several breeds. Dogs live in the streets. Even the dogs that belong to people. They come out in the morning and hang out all day. There are also dogs that live in yards. I guess they have to visit the other dogs through the fence. All that to say that we're not picky if it's not a pure bred. We've seen some real cute mutts.
I promise to post pictures for your weekend viewing. You'll get to see the little trees, some big trees, pool pics and various room changes.
Now it's time for the 'Funnies', from my dear friend Lois. Have a Great WeekEnd.
PS If you don't know, look it up.
A man runs up to his friend and says: "I've just seen your wife in
flagrante in those woods over there."
The husband runs off to check, then comes back, "Not woods, really - just a
few trees..."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
They just don't get it. People in service offices just don't get it that we want our stuff to be there when we move. How can they expect me to wait for my internet connection? What do you mean 'the area is full'? All you have to do is connect a wire and push a button. Don't they realize I'm addicted and attached and the world depends on me to be on the internet? Ah, the ravings of a mad man. Stay tuned.
"The Cool Club" really grew on day two. The song was "I Heard It Through The Grapevine", first by Marvin Gaye and then by Gladys Knight and The Pips. Both releases were on Motown Records. Just as an aside, the writers made a killing. Anyway, Marvin sold more records but both were hits. Cousin Eunice wrote that she heard the story behind the song on NPR. "It seems that a conversation that is the basis for the song, actually took place as they were riding through The Grapevine, on the way back to LA after a gig. So, the writer hears that his sweetie is seeing someone else from his passenger (my assumption is that he was riding with one of the band members.)" If you have the inclination this weekend to do some detective work, see what else you can find out about this song.
For the weekend, here's a little something from '76 to keep you busy. "Well, I think it's time to get ready, to realize just what I have found. I have lived only half of what I am. It's all clear to me now. My heart is on fire, my soul's like a wheel that's turnin'
My __ __ __ x 2" Hint: Singer's last name is the opposite of left with a 'w'. Had numerous hits.
There's another thing that we have to look into, with this house thing. We plan on having two dogs. That means we've got to scout around and find a good place to get a couple of healthy puppies. There are usually really cute puppies at the NB on the weekends, but it's unclear just how they'll look when they grow up. It's a fun chore that we're looking forward to doing, but it does have it's mystery. So many of the dogs here are a mixture of several breeds. Dogs live in the streets. Even the dogs that belong to people. They come out in the morning and hang out all day. There are also dogs that live in yards. I guess they have to visit the other dogs through the fence. All that to say that we're not picky if it's not a pure bred. We've seen some real cute mutts.
I promise to post pictures for your weekend viewing. You'll get to see the little trees, some big trees, pool pics and various room changes.
Now it's time for the 'Funnies', from my dear friend Lois. Have a Great WeekEnd.
PS If you don't know, look it up.
A man runs up to his friend and says: "I've just seen your wife in
flagrante in those woods over there."
The husband runs off to check, then comes back, "Not woods, really - just a
few trees..."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Harmony (Wednesday's Message-Ooops)
We're back in Chiang Rai, it's late and this will be short. (now we'll see what happens) Those of you who knew the song can pat yourselves on the back. It was "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by The Eurythmics. This next one should be easy too:
"I know a man ain't supposed to cry, but these tears I can't hold inside. Losin' you would end my life you see, 'cause you mean that much to me..." Clues: This song was a hit by two artists from the same label. Name both and you're on the 'Cool Squad'. Name one or the other and you're still cool (you just don't get a jacket). There's a plant in the title.
We spent the day back at Paragon. First, at the Apple store, where they diagnosed my battery problem and sent us to the service center. The service center was in Siam Discovery. To get there, we had to travel through Siam, a slightly lower budget mall building. So, to recap, we went from Paragon to Siam to Discovery. Ended up with a new battery.
Back at Paragon, we found things, saw things and were generally awestruck. We priced a Porsche bicycle. Only $10,000 USD. You had to be there. We also saw a Lamborghini, a Stryker, a Lotus, and other exotic sports cars. All for sale. I have no idea how they got them up to the levels they were on, but there they were. There were elevators and escalators in logical locations. At the elevator locations they had T.V.s on the wall. No big deal until we realized that they were 3-D and certain things would actually float from the screen. Hmm.
After lunch Lisa and I went to Pantip Plaza. John calls it the 'Den of Thieves'. He's close to right. This is the place where you buy discounted computer hardware and software, movies, appliances and virtually anything that plugs in. August would love it. We got a hard drive for our entertainment files and a closed circuit T.V. camera (CCTV) at an alarmingly low price. Now we can see who's at the gate at the new house.
More reflections tomorrow. It's been a long day. Time to have a Wacky Wednesday.
"Natural beauty comes in all colors,
strength in many forms.
When we learn to honor the differences
and appreciate the mix,
we're in harmony."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
We're back in Chiang Rai, it's late and this will be short. (now we'll see what happens) Those of you who knew the song can pat yourselves on the back. It was "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by The Eurythmics. This next one should be easy too:
"I know a man ain't supposed to cry, but these tears I can't hold inside. Losin' you would end my life you see, 'cause you mean that much to me..." Clues: This song was a hit by two artists from the same label. Name both and you're on the 'Cool Squad'. Name one or the other and you're still cool (you just don't get a jacket). There's a plant in the title.
We spent the day back at Paragon. First, at the Apple store, where they diagnosed my battery problem and sent us to the service center. The service center was in Siam Discovery. To get there, we had to travel through Siam, a slightly lower budget mall building. So, to recap, we went from Paragon to Siam to Discovery. Ended up with a new battery.
Back at Paragon, we found things, saw things and were generally awestruck. We priced a Porsche bicycle. Only $10,000 USD. You had to be there. We also saw a Lamborghini, a Stryker, a Lotus, and other exotic sports cars. All for sale. I have no idea how they got them up to the levels they were on, but there they were. There were elevators and escalators in logical locations. At the elevator locations they had T.V.s on the wall. No big deal until we realized that they were 3-D and certain things would actually float from the screen. Hmm.
After lunch Lisa and I went to Pantip Plaza. John calls it the 'Den of Thieves'. He's close to right. This is the place where you buy discounted computer hardware and software, movies, appliances and virtually anything that plugs in. August would love it. We got a hard drive for our entertainment files and a closed circuit T.V. camera (CCTV) at an alarmingly low price. Now we can see who's at the gate at the new house.
More reflections tomorrow. It's been a long day. Time to have a Wacky Wednesday.
"Natural beauty comes in all colors,
strength in many forms.
When we learn to honor the differences
and appreciate the mix,
we're in harmony."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Patient (Thursday's Message)
Well, the weather was kind of mellow today. Not too hot and no rain. The afternoon found us getting a little sleepy. I suppose it was the aftermath of our Bangkok adventure.
So far, we have two members of the Cool Club. Christopher and Ricardo knew the song and both artists. Maybe this will help:
"Ooh, I bet you're wond'rin' how I knew, 'bout your plans to make me blue, with some other guy you knew before. Between the two of us guys you know I love you more..." Clues: The label was based in a city famous for making cars. The song is about a break-up.
One of the things that really got our attention on our trip was the way people on the street related to John in his wheelchair. They smiled at him, in a loving way. It was a very consistent thing, as if they were lending support. All through our 'shopping', people were eager to help when they could. Holding doors, making room in elevators and even picking up the chair, with John in it and carrying him down stairs. On two occasions we went to the taxi station outside Paragon and the person attending the line of waiting passengers would call us up to the front of the line.
There's a company here in Thailand called True. They are a communications giant dealing with T.V. channels, internet and telephones. They have an environment at Paragon that blew us away. When we first entered, it looked like a unique internet cafe, with small tables fitted with big screens at different levels. They were situated in such a way so your screen wasn't in plain view of your neighbor. Some people were doing email, some on the web and others were playing games. Then we noticed these plexiglass cases with various products like headphones, cell phones and accessories. On the other side of the space there were tables for hanging out that featured sockets for plugging in iPods. Over each table was a plastic dome. There were speakers in the dome so you could hear your music without headphones. Brilliant. We could have hung out there for a long time.
We went over to The Place today and the first thing we saw was a crew installing the electric motor for the front gate. Tiles were being set in the pool and a craftsmen was shaping cement for the waterfall. More windows are in place and they have installed giant doors for the bathrooms and the guest room. It's getting real close and our excitement is peaking. Lots of last minute things to attend to before the move. We have to arrange for things like the telephone and internet to be transfered, and we have to get our 'Spirit House' for the corner of the front yard. As we were leaving, four delicate little palm trees arrived. The landscape contractor told us that they are around twenty years old and native to northern Thailand. They'll be on a little hill near the driveway. It just goes on and on. Stay tuned.
The police have been real busy lately, what with two new laws. The helmet law brought out a big group on the road to the house. If they spot a rider or passenger without a helmet they get pulled over. Then a complete inspection begins. If you can't pay, they take the keys until you can. The other law has to do with driving and talking on a cell phone. That one's harder to police since most of the cars here have dark tint on the windows. Not much action here, but in Bangkok the police are buying cameras with their own money to take photos. Apparently that's not working well since many of them don't take such good pictures yet. More will be revealed.
I have a ton of new photos that I need to upload. Check the Flickr site later this evening. Have a Cool Thursday.
"If you are patient in one moment of anger,
you will escape a hundred days of sorrow."
~Chinese Proverb
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Well, the weather was kind of mellow today. Not too hot and no rain. The afternoon found us getting a little sleepy. I suppose it was the aftermath of our Bangkok adventure.
So far, we have two members of the Cool Club. Christopher and Ricardo knew the song and both artists. Maybe this will help:
"Ooh, I bet you're wond'rin' how I knew, 'bout your plans to make me blue, with some other guy you knew before. Between the two of us guys you know I love you more..." Clues: The label was based in a city famous for making cars. The song is about a break-up.
One of the things that really got our attention on our trip was the way people on the street related to John in his wheelchair. They smiled at him, in a loving way. It was a very consistent thing, as if they were lending support. All through our 'shopping', people were eager to help when they could. Holding doors, making room in elevators and even picking up the chair, with John in it and carrying him down stairs. On two occasions we went to the taxi station outside Paragon and the person attending the line of waiting passengers would call us up to the front of the line.
There's a company here in Thailand called True. They are a communications giant dealing with T.V. channels, internet and telephones. They have an environment at Paragon that blew us away. When we first entered, it looked like a unique internet cafe, with small tables fitted with big screens at different levels. They were situated in such a way so your screen wasn't in plain view of your neighbor. Some people were doing email, some on the web and others were playing games. Then we noticed these plexiglass cases with various products like headphones, cell phones and accessories. On the other side of the space there were tables for hanging out that featured sockets for plugging in iPods. Over each table was a plastic dome. There were speakers in the dome so you could hear your music without headphones. Brilliant. We could have hung out there for a long time.
We went over to The Place today and the first thing we saw was a crew installing the electric motor for the front gate. Tiles were being set in the pool and a craftsmen was shaping cement for the waterfall. More windows are in place and they have installed giant doors for the bathrooms and the guest room. It's getting real close and our excitement is peaking. Lots of last minute things to attend to before the move. We have to arrange for things like the telephone and internet to be transfered, and we have to get our 'Spirit House' for the corner of the front yard. As we were leaving, four delicate little palm trees arrived. The landscape contractor told us that they are around twenty years old and native to northern Thailand. They'll be on a little hill near the driveway. It just goes on and on. Stay tuned.
The police have been real busy lately, what with two new laws. The helmet law brought out a big group on the road to the house. If they spot a rider or passenger without a helmet they get pulled over. Then a complete inspection begins. If you can't pay, they take the keys until you can. The other law has to do with driving and talking on a cell phone. That one's harder to police since most of the cars here have dark tint on the windows. Not much action here, but in Bangkok the police are buying cameras with their own money to take photos. Apparently that's not working well since many of them don't take such good pictures yet. More will be revealed.
I have a ton of new photos that I need to upload. Check the Flickr site later this evening. Have a Cool Thursday.
"If you are patient in one moment of anger,
you will escape a hundred days of sorrow."
~Chinese Proverb
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Here we are, in Bangkok (BKK). This was the trip of forgetting. I forgot my passport and Supat had to drive me back to the house. Got on the plane and realized I forgot the headphones. I did, however, remember my laptop and the plug adapter. A few cylinders were firing.
A bunch of you wrote to me with right answers for the song. Does my heart good. Some of you even remembered the group. Nice.
"Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused..." Clue: Another of those R&R couples who made sweet music and then split. No, it's not Sonny and Cher.
Speaking of cylinders, we watched the Formula One Grand Prix weekend on Slingbox for the first time this season. With our new connection, the streaming was fast enough to watch qualifying and the race. We've grown fond of the commentators on SpeedTV and missed their patter. The start of a new era. Yea.
Our hotel is pretty cool. The hospital hooked us up and it's real close. If you don't count the challenge of crossing the street, it's just a few minutes away. Bumrungrad Hospital is incredible. The entrance and lobby looks and feels like some kind of luxury hotel.
John told us to stop at Starbucks and get coffee and then come to his room. It was a regular Starbucks, right there in the lobby, along with other restaurants. Everyone was very helpful, making sure we got to where we wanted to go. When we got to the room, we were surprised. First off, John met us at the door, standing tall. The place was like a small apartment. There's a kitchen, a sitting area and a bedroom bigger than our hotel room. Very nice place.
We went out to the lobby for lunch and decided on the Japanese restaurant. It was hard to believe that we were in a hospital. After lunch it was off to new adventures. This was the first time John had felt this strong and his first real trip outside. We spent the afternoon at Siam Paragon. This is a fairly new, giant, deluxe shopping structure that must be seen to be believed. There is a five story department store that runs right up the middle of the building. On each floor, in sort of a ring around the department store, are elegant specialty stores. The floors are set up by genre. One floor had a predominance of audio stores with all the latest high-end, high-priced things to play music. Another floor featured furniture, and so on. We bought art supplies, books, and ended up going to the movies after dinner. John told us about this special theater with big seats. We saw Ironman, complete with blankets to keep us warm (the air/con was cold). By the way, the movie rocks. I'll post some pics when we get home.
It's been a busy day. Now I have to go downstairs and send this message. There's no connection in the rooms, but there's free
Wi-Fi in the lobby. That's cool enough.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
"You can make your world so much larger
simply by acknowledging everyone else's."
~Jeanne Marie Laskas
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Here we are, in Bangkok (BKK). This was the trip of forgetting. I forgot my passport and Supat had to drive me back to the house. Got on the plane and realized I forgot the headphones. I did, however, remember my laptop and the plug adapter. A few cylinders were firing.
A bunch of you wrote to me with right answers for the song. Does my heart good. Some of you even remembered the group. Nice.
"Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused..." Clue: Another of those R&R couples who made sweet music and then split. No, it's not Sonny and Cher.
Speaking of cylinders, we watched the Formula One Grand Prix weekend on Slingbox for the first time this season. With our new connection, the streaming was fast enough to watch qualifying and the race. We've grown fond of the commentators on SpeedTV and missed their patter. The start of a new era. Yea.
Our hotel is pretty cool. The hospital hooked us up and it's real close. If you don't count the challenge of crossing the street, it's just a few minutes away. Bumrungrad Hospital is incredible. The entrance and lobby looks and feels like some kind of luxury hotel.
John told us to stop at Starbucks and get coffee and then come to his room. It was a regular Starbucks, right there in the lobby, along with other restaurants. Everyone was very helpful, making sure we got to where we wanted to go. When we got to the room, we were surprised. First off, John met us at the door, standing tall. The place was like a small apartment. There's a kitchen, a sitting area and a bedroom bigger than our hotel room. Very nice place.
We went out to the lobby for lunch and decided on the Japanese restaurant. It was hard to believe that we were in a hospital. After lunch it was off to new adventures. This was the first time John had felt this strong and his first real trip outside. We spent the afternoon at Siam Paragon. This is a fairly new, giant, deluxe shopping structure that must be seen to be believed. There is a five story department store that runs right up the middle of the building. On each floor, in sort of a ring around the department store, are elegant specialty stores. The floors are set up by genre. One floor had a predominance of audio stores with all the latest high-end, high-priced things to play music. Another floor featured furniture, and so on. We bought art supplies, books, and ended up going to the movies after dinner. John told us about this special theater with big seats. We saw Ironman, complete with blankets to keep us warm (the air/con was cold). By the way, the movie rocks. I'll post some pics when we get home.
It's been a busy day. Now I have to go downstairs and send this message. There's no connection in the rooms, but there's free
Wi-Fi in the lobby. That's cool enough.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
"You can make your world so much larger
simply by acknowledging everyone else's."
~Jeanne Marie Laskas
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Monday, May 12, 2008
Seems like I've been later and later with this message. This time it was a matter of computer timing. I needed to re-calibrate my battery and it had to be dormant for five hours. Of course, I waited until this afternoon to put it to sleep.
Just to set your mind at ease, we didn't feel the earthquake in China. There were reports that it was felt in Bangkok, but we didn't notice a thing here in the north.
I didn't get much mail on the songs. Two of you knew "Money" by Barrett Strong but nobody got "Money" by Pink Floyd. Shame on you. Onward into the new week. Here's one from the mid 80s that's sure to stir some old musical memories. If not today, tomorrow.
"__ __ __ __ __ __, who am I to disagree. I travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something..." Hint: Group name is a contraction of a geographical term and a musical term. Hmm.
We're packing for another little trip. This time down to Bangkok for a couple of days. We're going to visit our friend John, from Bali, who's recovering from knee surgery. The hospital has apartments for guests of patients. They were full, but they had a list of close hotels and helped us with arrangements. That's what I call service. We're taking an early flight down and a late flight back. Something we've never done before.
I'm gonna miss the house over the next two days. Things are changing so fast that it's like 'Blink' and it's different. Today we saw the front yard cleared and contoured. The steel rails for our balcony were being made. The kitchen cabinets are in place and more doors and windows were going in. Tomorrow they start setting the dark blue tiles in the pool. The new finish date is a few days ahead of schedule. It's looking like we'll actually start living there on June 1. More pics will go up soon.
This evening we spotted a woman on her motorbike with her dog. Not unusual except that the dog was standing on the seat, in front of her, with it's front paws on the handlebars. Just out for an evening spin of the neighborhood.
Have a Great week.
"Seek direction from one who's already there."
~Old Zulu Saying
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Seems like I've been later and later with this message. This time it was a matter of computer timing. I needed to re-calibrate my battery and it had to be dormant for five hours. Of course, I waited until this afternoon to put it to sleep.
Just to set your mind at ease, we didn't feel the earthquake in China. There were reports that it was felt in Bangkok, but we didn't notice a thing here in the north.
I didn't get much mail on the songs. Two of you knew "Money" by Barrett Strong but nobody got "Money" by Pink Floyd. Shame on you. Onward into the new week. Here's one from the mid 80s that's sure to stir some old musical memories. If not today, tomorrow.
"__ __ __ __ __ __, who am I to disagree. I travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something..." Hint: Group name is a contraction of a geographical term and a musical term. Hmm.
We're packing for another little trip. This time down to Bangkok for a couple of days. We're going to visit our friend John, from Bali, who's recovering from knee surgery. The hospital has apartments for guests of patients. They were full, but they had a list of close hotels and helped us with arrangements. That's what I call service. We're taking an early flight down and a late flight back. Something we've never done before.
I'm gonna miss the house over the next two days. Things are changing so fast that it's like 'Blink' and it's different. Today we saw the front yard cleared and contoured. The steel rails for our balcony were being made. The kitchen cabinets are in place and more doors and windows were going in. Tomorrow they start setting the dark blue tiles in the pool. The new finish date is a few days ahead of schedule. It's looking like we'll actually start living there on June 1. More pics will go up soon.
This evening we spotted a woman on her motorbike with her dog. Not unusual except that the dog was standing on the seat, in front of her, with it's front paws on the handlebars. Just out for an evening spin of the neighborhood.
Have a Great week.
"Seek direction from one who's already there."
~Old Zulu Saying
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Friday, May 9, 2008
Friday Funnies
Today is was very hot. It wouldn't have been so bad but we spent several hours at The Place. Even with the heat, it was hard to leave. The next three weeks will be full of waiting, anxiety, projecting, daydreaming and grinning.
You can't beat a classic and "Knights In White Satin" certainly fills the bill. That epic production by the Moody Blues brought me a lot of mail. For the weekend we're going to mess with two songs. Ironically, they both have the same title, but they're different genres from different eras. Ideally, you will give me the title and artist for both songs. Do the best you can and have fun.
"...I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set And I think I need a lear jet." And /or "The best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees..." Hints: I don't thing you need any hints.
We turned on the tube this morning and watched all the ceremony surrounding "Plough Day". There was much bowing, kneeling and parading of these two very large white bulls. (note: bulls are referred to as cows) After they pulled a plough around a large area for three or four laps, they were offered a choice of foods. Peanuts and Rice were the flavor of the day and so it goes. I didn't check but I guess the price of peanuts went up and I'm thinking maybe we should plant some in our front yard. (555)
This afternoon I built my third didjeridoo. This one is kind of an 'S' shape, out of plastic tubing. Plays really well and it's inspiring me. The second one I think I mentioned, but didn't tell you about. It's one tube inside another. I can play in a range of keys, almost like a slide trombone. I'll have to take some pictures and put them up. The people at the hardware store are going to start wondering what I'm doing with all this tubing and the odd assortment of connectors.
Oh yeah. The crew has installed most of the banister on the staircase and both tubs are in, complete with tile enclosures. The kitchen tile is also complete and it's really beautiful. We finally got an understanding of the waterfall area today. There is one point where the water comes out at the top, then spills down over the large rocks so there are five streams that dump into the 'sitting area' next to the pool. The work canopy is still up, because of the sun, but I'm thinking of having a temporary affair made from that green material that filters light. That way we can sit out there and cool off and not get burned. Brilliant.
It's time for the 'Funnies', sent to me by my good friend Jimmy. Have a Very Cool WeekEnd.
Old Harold
I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Harold the computer guy, to come over. Harold clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.
He gave me a bill for a minimum service call. As he was walking away, I called after him, "So, what was wrong?" He replied, "It was an ID ten T error." I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, "An, ID ten T error? What's that ... in case I need to fix it again?"
Harold grinned.... "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?"
"No," I replied.
"Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."
So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T
I used to like Harold.............
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Today is was very hot. It wouldn't have been so bad but we spent several hours at The Place. Even with the heat, it was hard to leave. The next three weeks will be full of waiting, anxiety, projecting, daydreaming and grinning.
You can't beat a classic and "Knights In White Satin" certainly fills the bill. That epic production by the Moody Blues brought me a lot of mail. For the weekend we're going to mess with two songs. Ironically, they both have the same title, but they're different genres from different eras. Ideally, you will give me the title and artist for both songs. Do the best you can and have fun.
"...I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set And I think I need a lear jet." And /or "The best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees..." Hints: I don't thing you need any hints.
We turned on the tube this morning and watched all the ceremony surrounding "Plough Day". There was much bowing, kneeling and parading of these two very large white bulls. (note: bulls are referred to as cows) After they pulled a plough around a large area for three or four laps, they were offered a choice of foods. Peanuts and Rice were the flavor of the day and so it goes. I didn't check but I guess the price of peanuts went up and I'm thinking maybe we should plant some in our front yard. (555)
This afternoon I built my third didjeridoo. This one is kind of an 'S' shape, out of plastic tubing. Plays really well and it's inspiring me. The second one I think I mentioned, but didn't tell you about. It's one tube inside another. I can play in a range of keys, almost like a slide trombone. I'll have to take some pictures and put them up. The people at the hardware store are going to start wondering what I'm doing with all this tubing and the odd assortment of connectors.
Oh yeah. The crew has installed most of the banister on the staircase and both tubs are in, complete with tile enclosures. The kitchen tile is also complete and it's really beautiful. We finally got an understanding of the waterfall area today. There is one point where the water comes out at the top, then spills down over the large rocks so there are five streams that dump into the 'sitting area' next to the pool. The work canopy is still up, because of the sun, but I'm thinking of having a temporary affair made from that green material that filters light. That way we can sit out there and cool off and not get burned. Brilliant.
It's time for the 'Funnies', sent to me by my good friend Jimmy. Have a Very Cool WeekEnd.
Old Harold
I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Harold the computer guy, to come over. Harold clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.
He gave me a bill for a minimum service call. As he was walking away, I called after him, "So, what was wrong?" He replied, "It was an ID ten T error." I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, "An, ID ten T error? What's that ... in case I need to fix it again?"
Harold grinned.... "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?"
"No," I replied.
"Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."
So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T
I used to like Harold.............
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Our Thursday morning in Chiang Mai was interesting. As is the case with most of the hotels, we had 'Breakfast Vouchers" so we went down to check out the buffet. Remember, this is a new hotel for us. Older and a little 'funkier' than the previous two, but very nice. I had noticed when we arrived, that it had a Vietnamese restaurant. What we found at the buffet was a mix of Chinese and Vietnamese dishes. We weren't familiar with most of the presentation and settled for what we knew. I'll just say that the coffee was good and leave it at that.
The classics always bring out the closet players when it comes to the song thing. I got mail from people I rarely hear from. More?
"Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before. Just what the truth is I can't say any more, 'Cause I love you Yes, I love you
Oh, how I love you" Clue: There's a shiny fabric in the title. Hmm
After breakfast, the plan was to go back to The Central and take my laptop to the Apple Store for a battery check. The front desk told us that the mall opened at 10, so we timed our morning based on that. We got a car and arrived a few minutes before, only to find out that it opened at 11. What? We could still do what we needed to do if we left the mall by 11:25, so we had a Tuk-Tuk driver take us to get some coffee. After a long trip through town, thinking he misunderstood, we ended up at a Starbucks and had coffee that was different (in a good way) than the Starbucks in the U.S. Another open-air ride back the the mall just as the doors opened. We raced up to the store only to find out that the tech wouldn't be in until 11:30. See how interesting our morning was?
Back in Chiang Rai now and we had a 5:30 appointment to meet Jen and her sons at the appliance store to discuss the air/cons. What a fun family to hang out with. We knew what we wanted, but they had to go on and on with the salesman, in Thai, about the attributes of this model versus that one. After the dust settled, the order was written up, directions drawn and the deal was closed.
Today is Nu's birthday and they invited us to dinner. How could we refuse? We met at The Family Bakery, the cowboy/western motif place, and had more fun. Nu's girlfriend Nan, who we'd never met, joined us. During dinner we told them about seeing everyone at the Chiang Mai NB watching what appeared to be a soap opera. All the merchants were glued to their screens. They explained that it was the last night of a very popular show. They also told us about a traditional Thai event tomorrow that intrigued us. It seems that there's a cow that is given a choice of things to eat. There's rice, corn, and several other things. If the cow eats the rice, the price of rice goes up and planting begins with a frenzy. If it eats the corn, the same thing. Third explained that it's a very old tradition that some take seriously. We're going to watch it on T.V. tomorrow morning and see what the cow eats. I'll report my findings. And you thought Groundhog Day was over the top.
We haven't seen the house in two days. Tomorrow's visit will probably be a major surprise. I can hardly wait to see. If you haven't been to the Flickr site in a while, drop by. I put up a ton of picks last night.
Have a Great Thursday.
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing;
it makes what is excellent in others,
belong to us as well."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Our Thursday morning in Chiang Mai was interesting. As is the case with most of the hotels, we had 'Breakfast Vouchers" so we went down to check out the buffet. Remember, this is a new hotel for us. Older and a little 'funkier' than the previous two, but very nice. I had noticed when we arrived, that it had a Vietnamese restaurant. What we found at the buffet was a mix of Chinese and Vietnamese dishes. We weren't familiar with most of the presentation and settled for what we knew. I'll just say that the coffee was good and leave it at that.
The classics always bring out the closet players when it comes to the song thing. I got mail from people I rarely hear from. More?
"Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before. Just what the truth is I can't say any more, 'Cause I love you Yes, I love you
Oh, how I love you" Clue: There's a shiny fabric in the title. Hmm
After breakfast, the plan was to go back to The Central and take my laptop to the Apple Store for a battery check. The front desk told us that the mall opened at 10, so we timed our morning based on that. We got a car and arrived a few minutes before, only to find out that it opened at 11. What? We could still do what we needed to do if we left the mall by 11:25, so we had a Tuk-Tuk driver take us to get some coffee. After a long trip through town, thinking he misunderstood, we ended up at a Starbucks and had coffee that was different (in a good way) than the Starbucks in the U.S. Another open-air ride back the the mall just as the doors opened. We raced up to the store only to find out that the tech wouldn't be in until 11:30. See how interesting our morning was?
Back in Chiang Rai now and we had a 5:30 appointment to meet Jen and her sons at the appliance store to discuss the air/cons. What a fun family to hang out with. We knew what we wanted, but they had to go on and on with the salesman, in Thai, about the attributes of this model versus that one. After the dust settled, the order was written up, directions drawn and the deal was closed.
Today is Nu's birthday and they invited us to dinner. How could we refuse? We met at The Family Bakery, the cowboy/western motif place, and had more fun. Nu's girlfriend Nan, who we'd never met, joined us. During dinner we told them about seeing everyone at the Chiang Mai NB watching what appeared to be a soap opera. All the merchants were glued to their screens. They explained that it was the last night of a very popular show. They also told us about a traditional Thai event tomorrow that intrigued us. It seems that there's a cow that is given a choice of things to eat. There's rice, corn, and several other things. If the cow eats the rice, the price of rice goes up and planting begins with a frenzy. If it eats the corn, the same thing. Third explained that it's a very old tradition that some take seriously. We're going to watch it on T.V. tomorrow morning and see what the cow eats. I'll report my findings. And you thought Groundhog Day was over the top.
We haven't seen the house in two days. Tomorrow's visit will probably be a major surprise. I can hardly wait to see. If you haven't been to the Flickr site in a while, drop by. I put up a ton of picks last night.
Have a Great Thursday.
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing;
it makes what is excellent in others,
belong to us as well."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Yes, I'm really late today. We're here in Chiang Mai and we just got back from the Night Bazaar. We had a good day. Our bus ride was really cool this time because we got front row seats. That meant that we could see everything going on as we wound our way through mountain passes and across valleys. There were times when I didn't really want to see what was going on, especially when the bus driver was passing slower cars. I guess the drivers develop a 'sense' about these things. As for me, I just turned my head and looked out the side window. The weather was perfect for travel, no rain.
It would appear that more of you know your oldies than I thought. I tried to trick you but you got it. Fats Domino singing "Whole Lotta Lovin'" from way back in 1959. We move up a few decades with the next entry. It comes from across the pond. It's easy?
"__ __ __ __, Never reaching the end. Letters I've written, never meaning to send..." Hint: There was no jousting in this song.
Today we went to Pantip Plaza, the tech building, and browsed around. We ate at our usual Thai restaurant and then, after a brief rest, went to The Central. You may recall our past visits to this monster mall. Five stories of just about everything you could ask for. We had some birthday shopping to do and we wanted to check out Robinson, (not to be confused with 'Robinson's') for household items. Our theory is that if they have it in Chiang Mai at the department store, then it's probably somewhere else for less. (Ha) We saw lots of cool stuff, found a very nice place to eat and discovered that they have an outdoor market place on a level we'd never seen. I had to stop by the Apple Store to check out the new Mac Book Air, which I hadn't seen. Slick. Oh, and they have a really big fish in the aquarium. We got some pics of it that I'll post. They've also added a giant screen in one of the many lobbies. There's a pic of that too.
The NB was jumping. Chiang Mai has a lot more tourists than Chiang Rai. We're just a little country town. The sidewalks were jammed with accents from all over the world. It's quite a feeling, hearing all those languages and every now and then, English. We're starting to know our way around the NB and that's a good feeling. In the past we'd feel lost, doubling back and forth trying to find one particular booth in the maze of it all. Now we know just where to go to get what we're looking for.
Well, it's getting late so I'll let you go. Have a Wacky Wednesday.
"Listen to the Mustn'ts, child,
Listen to the Don'ts
Listen to the Shouldn'ts
The Impossibles, the Won'ts
Listen to the Never Haves,
Then listen close to me --
Anything can happen, child,
Anything can be."
~Shel Silverstein
American Author and Cartoonist
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Yes, I'm really late today. We're here in Chiang Mai and we just got back from the Night Bazaar. We had a good day. Our bus ride was really cool this time because we got front row seats. That meant that we could see everything going on as we wound our way through mountain passes and across valleys. There were times when I didn't really want to see what was going on, especially when the bus driver was passing slower cars. I guess the drivers develop a 'sense' about these things. As for me, I just turned my head and looked out the side window. The weather was perfect for travel, no rain.
It would appear that more of you know your oldies than I thought. I tried to trick you but you got it. Fats Domino singing "Whole Lotta Lovin'" from way back in 1959. We move up a few decades with the next entry. It comes from across the pond. It's easy?
"__ __ __ __, Never reaching the end. Letters I've written, never meaning to send..." Hint: There was no jousting in this song.
Today we went to Pantip Plaza, the tech building, and browsed around. We ate at our usual Thai restaurant and then, after a brief rest, went to The Central. You may recall our past visits to this monster mall. Five stories of just about everything you could ask for. We had some birthday shopping to do and we wanted to check out Robinson, (not to be confused with 'Robinson's') for household items. Our theory is that if they have it in Chiang Mai at the department store, then it's probably somewhere else for less. (Ha) We saw lots of cool stuff, found a very nice place to eat and discovered that they have an outdoor market place on a level we'd never seen. I had to stop by the Apple Store to check out the new Mac Book Air, which I hadn't seen. Slick. Oh, and they have a really big fish in the aquarium. We got some pics of it that I'll post. They've also added a giant screen in one of the many lobbies. There's a pic of that too.
The NB was jumping. Chiang Mai has a lot more tourists than Chiang Rai. We're just a little country town. The sidewalks were jammed with accents from all over the world. It's quite a feeling, hearing all those languages and every now and then, English. We're starting to know our way around the NB and that's a good feeling. In the past we'd feel lost, doubling back and forth trying to find one particular booth in the maze of it all. Now we know just where to go to get what we're looking for.
Well, it's getting late so I'll let you go. Have a Wacky Wednesday.
"Listen to the Mustn'ts, child,
Listen to the Don'ts
Listen to the Shouldn'ts
The Impossibles, the Won'ts
Listen to the Never Haves,
Then listen close to me --
Anything can happen, child,
Anything can be."
~Shel Silverstein
American Author and Cartoonist
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
This may seem a little late to some of you. We had a little dinner tonight with Jen and the boys. Boot cooked another magnificent meal and we all had a fun time. More on that later.
A few of you knew the song. That's cool. Even if you've never heard it, I think you could figure it out from these lines. Try it.
"I got a __ __ __ for you, true true love for you, I got a __ __ __ for you" Hint: If you can't get it from that, well.... He was sometimes referred to as 'The Fat Man'.
Today we had the weirdest rain yet. The sun was shining and all of a sudden these big giant drops began to fall. Many bikers were caught off guard. It lasted about 20 minutes and then it was a warm sunny day again.
Tonight's dinner turned into a different kind of party after the table had been cleared. We kept being 'bugged' by mosquitos so I got one of our electric rackets from the bedroom. Third began hunting them down. Pretty soon Nu was scouting around looking for them. That's when I got the second racket. There they were, two grown men, scanning the walls for mosquitos. We learned many things about these insects during the course of the hunt. For instance, they like to sleep on the burnt orange walls of the living room. That's where the boys found quite a few. Later they moved into the bedroom and I dubbed the whole thing a 'Mosquito Party'. This cracked Jen up and we started joking about sending out invitations with a note to wear repellent and bring your own racket. We'd never seen so many in the house and figured it was due to all the rain and moisture in the yard. I'm thinking about firing the geckos.
Tomorrow morning we go to Chiang Mai. A new adventure awaits as we stay in a new hotel. Our usual was booked so we had to go to one of their affiliates.
Our friend John, from Bali, has been in the hospital in Bangkok. He's recovering from knee surgery and may be there a few weeks more. It's a little frustrating to be at the stage of the house that we're in because we'd really like to go down and visit him. I may have told you this before, but Bangkok has some of the best medical care in the world, at a fraction of the cost. Something to keep in the back of the mind.
When we return on Thursday, we will meet Jen and her sons at Sinthanee to negotiate for our air/cons and a small T.V. They want the air at the site on Friday for installation. Things are getting tight. I guess this is what's called 'crunch time'.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
"There is a soul force in the universe, which, if we permit it,
will flow through us and produce miraculous results."
~Mahatma Gandhi
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
This may seem a little late to some of you. We had a little dinner tonight with Jen and the boys. Boot cooked another magnificent meal and we all had a fun time. More on that later.
A few of you knew the song. That's cool. Even if you've never heard it, I think you could figure it out from these lines. Try it.
"I got a __ __ __ for you, true true love for you, I got a __ __ __ for you" Hint: If you can't get it from that, well.... He was sometimes referred to as 'The Fat Man'.
Today we had the weirdest rain yet. The sun was shining and all of a sudden these big giant drops began to fall. Many bikers were caught off guard. It lasted about 20 minutes and then it was a warm sunny day again.
Tonight's dinner turned into a different kind of party after the table had been cleared. We kept being 'bugged' by mosquitos so I got one of our electric rackets from the bedroom. Third began hunting them down. Pretty soon Nu was scouting around looking for them. That's when I got the second racket. There they were, two grown men, scanning the walls for mosquitos. We learned many things about these insects during the course of the hunt. For instance, they like to sleep on the burnt orange walls of the living room. That's where the boys found quite a few. Later they moved into the bedroom and I dubbed the whole thing a 'Mosquito Party'. This cracked Jen up and we started joking about sending out invitations with a note to wear repellent and bring your own racket. We'd never seen so many in the house and figured it was due to all the rain and moisture in the yard. I'm thinking about firing the geckos.
Tomorrow morning we go to Chiang Mai. A new adventure awaits as we stay in a new hotel. Our usual was booked so we had to go to one of their affiliates.
Our friend John, from Bali, has been in the hospital in Bangkok. He's recovering from knee surgery and may be there a few weeks more. It's a little frustrating to be at the stage of the house that we're in because we'd really like to go down and visit him. I may have told you this before, but Bangkok has some of the best medical care in the world, at a fraction of the cost. Something to keep in the back of the mind.
When we return on Thursday, we will meet Jen and her sons at Sinthanee to negotiate for our air/cons and a small T.V. They want the air at the site on Friday for installation. Things are getting tight. I guess this is what's called 'crunch time'.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
"There is a soul force in the universe, which, if we permit it,
will flow through us and produce miraculous results."
~Mahatma Gandhi
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Monday, May 5, 2008
I'm happy to report that the upgrade on our internet package was a rousing success. Skype calls are clear, video calls don't fall apart and things are downloading at a pace I thought was out of reach. So, I just used a word that's become the over-used word of the decade in the sports world. The word is 'pace'. I remember that word used to describe the car that led race cars around a track. It was called the 'pace car'. Now, in a world where no one wants to be left out, if someone uses a term, it can run around the world in a weekend. We now have 'race pace', meaning the speed of a vehicle. We have the term 'pace' used to describe the speed at which a soccer player is running (please) and I just heard it used to describe the speed of a golf ball. 'He had a lot of pace on that ball'. When will it end?
Sadly, only a few of you knew the weekend song. It was "Signs" by the Five Man Electrical Band. I hear you moaning. I know, it was a hard one. But hey, you had it pretty easy last week. Here's a very easy, simple song that you should figure out on day one:
"A got a whole lotta (kiss, kiss) for you, got a whole lotta (kiss, kiss) for you, I got a whole lotta kisses for you" Hint: That was the second verse. The song is very old. So old that ten years later, a rock group from across the pond had a song by the same title. This one was by a portly gentleman.
You may have heard about the big cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. Well, we got some of the water from that storm system. It wasn't bad, but we got rain this weekend. Some areas were hit pretty bad. Burma appears to have been hit the hardest.
We have officially moved into the last stages of house building and the early stages of 'oh my, it's really happening'. It struck me as I was talking to my mother this morning that when you build your own house, you have to think about every little thing. Like, where will the light switches be? What kind of handles are on the cabinets? Where will we put the mail box? The head is spinning, the mind is racing and I need a quiet corner. (Ha) We have lists of lists, deadlines and orders, deposits and dilemmas. Ain't life grand?
Today we went to the site and witnessed more changes. The kitchen is really coming along. Tile Guy was doing his thing on the counters. The pool crew was working on the waterfall area and rendering the pool surface for the tiles. Windows were being installed and we said goodbye to the bamboo (a truck load). Overhead lights were being installed (Yuthana calls them 'down lights') we finally communicated our desires, we think, for our closet. I know I mentioned that a few days ago, but it came around again and was not absorbed properly. One of the challenges of this adventure is dealing with language/cultural differences. Sometimes I'll say the name of something and I'll get a chorus of blank faces looking at me. Then I have to describe what it is and what it does and smiles begin to form. Then understanding and then misunderstanding. If one takes it as a game, it doesn't get one down. If one takes it too seriously, it threatens serenity and we wouldn't want that to happen. Would we?
Have a Serene Week.
"The hearts of fools are in their mouths,
but the mouths of the wise are in their hearts."
~Jewish Proverb
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
I'm happy to report that the upgrade on our internet package was a rousing success. Skype calls are clear, video calls don't fall apart and things are downloading at a pace I thought was out of reach. So, I just used a word that's become the over-used word of the decade in the sports world. The word is 'pace'. I remember that word used to describe the car that led race cars around a track. It was called the 'pace car'. Now, in a world where no one wants to be left out, if someone uses a term, it can run around the world in a weekend. We now have 'race pace', meaning the speed of a vehicle. We have the term 'pace' used to describe the speed at which a soccer player is running (please) and I just heard it used to describe the speed of a golf ball. 'He had a lot of pace on that ball'. When will it end?
Sadly, only a few of you knew the weekend song. It was "Signs" by the Five Man Electrical Band. I hear you moaning. I know, it was a hard one. But hey, you had it pretty easy last week. Here's a very easy, simple song that you should figure out on day one:
"A got a whole lotta (kiss, kiss) for you, got a whole lotta (kiss, kiss) for you, I got a whole lotta kisses for you" Hint: That was the second verse. The song is very old. So old that ten years later, a rock group from across the pond had a song by the same title. This one was by a portly gentleman.
You may have heard about the big cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. Well, we got some of the water from that storm system. It wasn't bad, but we got rain this weekend. Some areas were hit pretty bad. Burma appears to have been hit the hardest.
We have officially moved into the last stages of house building and the early stages of 'oh my, it's really happening'. It struck me as I was talking to my mother this morning that when you build your own house, you have to think about every little thing. Like, where will the light switches be? What kind of handles are on the cabinets? Where will we put the mail box? The head is spinning, the mind is racing and I need a quiet corner. (Ha) We have lists of lists, deadlines and orders, deposits and dilemmas. Ain't life grand?
Today we went to the site and witnessed more changes. The kitchen is really coming along. Tile Guy was doing his thing on the counters. The pool crew was working on the waterfall area and rendering the pool surface for the tiles. Windows were being installed and we said goodbye to the bamboo (a truck load). Overhead lights were being installed (Yuthana calls them 'down lights') we finally communicated our desires, we think, for our closet. I know I mentioned that a few days ago, but it came around again and was not absorbed properly. One of the challenges of this adventure is dealing with language/cultural differences. Sometimes I'll say the name of something and I'll get a chorus of blank faces looking at me. Then I have to describe what it is and what it does and smiles begin to form. Then understanding and then misunderstanding. If one takes it as a game, it doesn't get one down. If one takes it too seriously, it threatens serenity and we wouldn't want that to happen. Would we?
Have a Serene Week.
"The hearts of fools are in their mouths,
but the mouths of the wise are in their hearts."
~Jewish Proverb
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Friday, May 2, 2008
Friday Funnies
The week has flown by and it's Friday already. Life here has been pretty steady for us. We've had glimpses of news from other parts of the world and I have to say, I'm likin' Chiang Rai. Not to say there are no problems here, but we're not being impacted like some places. I know that sounds a little vague. It was supposed to be.
"Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing" by Stevie Wonder, or as Arnold wrote 'Steveland Morris. Here's something from the early 70s:
"And the sign said 'Long-haired freaky people need not apply' So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why..."
Clues: The title is buried in that first line and the name of the group told us how many. Hmm.
As you can probably tell by now, our world is mostly revolving around the nearly completed house. We've been told that it will be ready for us on June 1, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll admit, the progress is rapid, but we've never seen anything like this come in on time. In spite of all that I just said, we went over today and there was paint on some of the walls. We got a chance to see some color for the first time. More warmth and contrast. I think we finally communicated what we want in our closet and the kitchen storage may not be an issue any more. Oh, the gate is getting a motor after all. There's a huge house down the soi (street) that's been under construction for three years (the guy keeps changing things). Supat was talking to the owner and he knew a company that gave us a deal on motors for both houses.
I took some pics of the colors today and I'll post them later. We usually go to the site after lunch, but today we went in the late morning. We were there when it was time for the lunch break and it was a trip seeing the various 'crews' huddling in their 'spots' around the house. One minute there were people all over the place doing this and that, and then it was quiet.
Tomorrow we're having a guest for lunch. We first met her over the phone when we were in NZ. She was there for a conference that Dan was involved with. When he found out she was from the Chiang Rai area, he made a point of getting us in touch with her. We're finally going to meet her in person. She's a college level educator. This should be interesting.
It just starting raining. It's around 8:30 p.m. and we knew it was coming. I'll say it again: 'This is not the rainy season'. Oh. It will be nice to go through the real rainy season in our new house. Right now, we have to go outside to get to the kitchen. That alone will be a big change.
It's time for the 'Funnies'. Have a Fantastic WeekEnd.
A missionary was going in to the most remote section of Africa. He
found a native that would take him upstream to a tribe of headhunters
cut off from civilization. In the distance they could hear drums.
"What is that drumming?" he asked nervously. The native replied,
"Drums okay, but if they stop it would be very bad".
The drums continued for 3 days as they got closer to the headhunters'
village. Then without warning the drums suddenly stopped. The forest
fell eerily silent. With panic in his voice, the missionary calls out
to the guide, "The drums have stopped! What happens now?" The guide
crouched down, covered his head with his hands and with despair in his
voice, answered, "Tuba solo."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
The week has flown by and it's Friday already. Life here has been pretty steady for us. We've had glimpses of news from other parts of the world and I have to say, I'm likin' Chiang Rai. Not to say there are no problems here, but we're not being impacted like some places. I know that sounds a little vague. It was supposed to be.
"Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing" by Stevie Wonder, or as Arnold wrote 'Steveland Morris. Here's something from the early 70s:
"And the sign said 'Long-haired freaky people need not apply' So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why..."
Clues: The title is buried in that first line and the name of the group told us how many. Hmm.
As you can probably tell by now, our world is mostly revolving around the nearly completed house. We've been told that it will be ready for us on June 1, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll admit, the progress is rapid, but we've never seen anything like this come in on time. In spite of all that I just said, we went over today and there was paint on some of the walls. We got a chance to see some color for the first time. More warmth and contrast. I think we finally communicated what we want in our closet and the kitchen storage may not be an issue any more. Oh, the gate is getting a motor after all. There's a huge house down the soi (street) that's been under construction for three years (the guy keeps changing things). Supat was talking to the owner and he knew a company that gave us a deal on motors for both houses.
I took some pics of the colors today and I'll post them later. We usually go to the site after lunch, but today we went in the late morning. We were there when it was time for the lunch break and it was a trip seeing the various 'crews' huddling in their 'spots' around the house. One minute there were people all over the place doing this and that, and then it was quiet.
Tomorrow we're having a guest for lunch. We first met her over the phone when we were in NZ. She was there for a conference that Dan was involved with. When he found out she was from the Chiang Rai area, he made a point of getting us in touch with her. We're finally going to meet her in person. She's a college level educator. This should be interesting.
It just starting raining. It's around 8:30 p.m. and we knew it was coming. I'll say it again: 'This is not the rainy season'. Oh. It will be nice to go through the real rainy season in our new house. Right now, we have to go outside to get to the kitchen. That alone will be a big change.
It's time for the 'Funnies'. Have a Fantastic WeekEnd.
A missionary was going in to the most remote section of Africa. He
found a native that would take him upstream to a tribe of headhunters
cut off from civilization. In the distance they could hear drums.
"What is that drumming?" he asked nervously. The native replied,
"Drums okay, but if they stop it would be very bad".
The drums continued for 3 days as they got closer to the headhunters'
village. Then without warning the drums suddenly stopped. The forest
fell eerily silent. With panic in his voice, the missionary calls out
to the guide, "The drums have stopped! What happens now?" The guide
crouched down, covered his head with his hands and with despair in his
voice, answered, "Tuba solo."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Another beautiful day in the Land of Smiles. It rained some last night and the day started off humid but cleared up. I went over to Big C this morning and took our router in for the upgrade. It worked. Sites load faster, Skype seems clearer (haven't tested the video), Slingbox works again and it's an excuse to celebrate (though we won't).
Once again, I cannot foil the music lovers with good memories. I got mail on this one. Did you get it? Maybe today it will come.
"__ __ __ __ __ __, (repeat) pretty mama. 'Cause I'll be standing in the wings When you check it out." Hint: From Motor City label, thrilled us with his harp when he was little.
We basically hung out today. I studied didjeridoo technique and tried a few things, Lisa drew. She's working on a dancer series that's really cool. Later she and Boot did their 'language exchange'. They give each other a lesson. Oh, another side effect of the internet upgrade is that YouTube is much smoother. Boot likes that. She's learned how to use it, somewhat, and is discovering a whole, crazy new world. I've been getting into it a bit, watching demonstrations and lessons for the didj. One could really get lost in there.
Many of you will be happy to hear that I have put more pictures on the Flickr site. There are a dozen house update pics for you to check out. I still have a lot more to put up and I think I'll do them in collections so you can just go to specific subjects.
Well, that's it for now. I want to go 'play' with our new toy. Have a Cool Thursday.
"Never see anything that you do
as a failure but see it as an accomplishment.
Then you have never failed; you have always learned."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
Another beautiful day in the Land of Smiles. It rained some last night and the day started off humid but cleared up. I went over to Big C this morning and took our router in for the upgrade. It worked. Sites load faster, Skype seems clearer (haven't tested the video), Slingbox works again and it's an excuse to celebrate (though we won't).
Once again, I cannot foil the music lovers with good memories. I got mail on this one. Did you get it? Maybe today it will come.
"__ __ __ __ __ __, (repeat) pretty mama. 'Cause I'll be standing in the wings When you check it out." Hint: From Motor City label, thrilled us with his harp when he was little.
We basically hung out today. I studied didjeridoo technique and tried a few things, Lisa drew. She's working on a dancer series that's really cool. Later she and Boot did their 'language exchange'. They give each other a lesson. Oh, another side effect of the internet upgrade is that YouTube is much smoother. Boot likes that. She's learned how to use it, somewhat, and is discovering a whole, crazy new world. I've been getting into it a bit, watching demonstrations and lessons for the didj. One could really get lost in there.
Many of you will be happy to hear that I have put more pictures on the Flickr site. There are a dozen house update pics for you to check out. I still have a lot more to put up and I think I'll do them in collections so you can just go to specific subjects.
Well, that's it for now. I want to go 'play' with our new toy. Have a Cool Thursday.
"Never see anything that you do
as a failure but see it as an accomplishment.
Then you have never failed; you have always learned."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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