We’re back from the cold north (Palo Alto) and surrounding areas. This message is another one written in the morning, as opposed to the night before. How cold is it? It’s about 42°F (5.5°C) and warming.
The ‘Old School Friday’ tune was “So Much In Love” by The Tymes. Speaking of time, it’s time for the last ‘Easy Monday’ of the year. Here’s one from 1964 that will be too easy for some. “It’s been __ __ __ __, and I’ve been working like a dog. It’s been __ __ __ __, I should be sleeping like a log. But when I get home to you I find the things that you do will make me feel alright.”
The main purpose of our trip to Palo Alto this year was to visit with Joe. He recently had a partial hip replacement and we wanted to spend some time with him. Staying two nights instead of one was just what we needed to do. We hung out, rode around town seeing sights and going to meals, and got to be with a real example of determination. There is a restaurant that Joe likes, called ‘Stacks’ but he only goes there when we’re in town. We weren’t sure just how active he was, but he wanted to go to Stacks for breakfast both mornings while we were there. Another place we all love is Cafe Zoë, where we go for coffee, sandwiches and brownies. It’s run by a mother and daughter and they rock.
Sunday was fun at Joe’s. He had a visit from Christina and Doug, who are good friends of his. We met them over 20 years ago at a party at their house. They were both Stanford professors and that night is a blur, but meeting them again was very stimulating. She is a painter and writer about to be published, and he is a retired researcher who is still researching ground water pollution. We covered a lot of topics, learned and laughed a lot.
So that was the positive, wonderfulness of our adventure. There was also some weirdness. It seems that every airport in the world has a different way of dealing with people in wheelchairs. LAX is no exception. When we fly Southwest, we’ve always been ‘TSA Pre’, meaning pre-screened, meaning no special searches, laptops stay in the bag, easy screening. It just takes one person not paying attention to throw off your whole day. I ended up having to do the whole line thing, wheelchair sitting at the side. After the x-ray machine I was frisked, swabbed with no explanation. Still trying to let it go. Oh yeah, and the back didn’t appreciate it one bit.
Natcha has been sending photos and videos of Daku and Nitchanan and it’s been our touch of home. Natcha made a soft, warm scarf for Joe and it has become part of his cold weather uniform. Natcha and Nitchanan spent a night in the guest-room with Daku so he’d feel comfortable. That was very thoughtful. We could sure use her help on this trip (555).
Today is mellow day, so far. We have our traditional lunch with Paul, Joy and Leilani and then the day is ours.
Have a Great Week. Don’t forget to be cool and stay warm on New Years Eve. Today’s quote is from the wall at Zoë’s.