Thursday, June 28, 2018



The weather continues to be a combination of rain and cloudy skies, with moments of intense sunshine.  Oh, and it’s hot.

Apologies to those of you who are confused and puzzled by this song.  I guess it wasn’t as popular as I thought.
“Here in my __ where the image breaks down, will you visit me please, if I open the door in __.  Here in my __ I know I’ve started to think about leaving tonight although nothing seems right in __.”  Clue:  He’s singing about life in a box that is also a conveyance.  

This morning it was still raining when it was time to take Daku out for his exercise.  In a bold move, we decided to go to the new gym and do a light workout.  The early crowd was just finishing, and after a few minutes, the place was almost empty.  It felt good to do something physical.  We’ll be in town for 3 weeks before our next out-of-town adventure so there’s time to get into a gym rhythm.  

After our workout we went to a tiny coffee place on the way home.  We were close to Chivit Tamma Da, but I thought we were not dressed properly.  It turns out we weren’t dressed properly for the tiny, concrete shop either.  It appears to be a meeting place for young entrepreneurials working without an office.  This morning there was a presentation of purses on the terrace, a face-to-face between a very sharply dressed couple, and a mini-motorbike presentation near the lawn.  There we sat, just from the gym, which may have qualified us, but still, I was in a tank top that I got in Bangkok in 2001.  Not so chic at all.  Lisa had the foresight to bring a pretty top.  Next time I’ll be ready (555).  

This afternoon Lisa got a message from Khun Nine, the gallery owner where her exhibit is being shown.  The message contained a photo from the ‘in flight’ magazine on Nok Air, featuring a photo of one of Lisa’s pieces and a little promo about the exhibit.  That was a nice surprise.  This Saturday we’re meeting one of her fans at the gallery to see the exhibit with ‘the artist’.  He wrote a glowing review of her work right before the show opened and it will be a treat to see first hand reactions.  Saturday is also the last day of the exhibit.  

Today’s photo is from the other side of The Big Brown House.  The back yard from the upstairs balcony, in all its rainy season glory.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“Better than a thousand
hollow words, is one word
that brings peace.”

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