This is it. This is the day we return to Thailand. Actually, it’s tonight, but it’s still today (555). A lot has happened over the last three weeks. Now we must return to our home. If you’re in the U.S., I bid you farewell. If you’re in Thailand, see you soon. If you’re in another part of the world, why not come and visit (555).
The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Good Day Sunshine” by The Beatles. This week’s ‘Zany Day’ song is a ‘golden oldie’.
“Bought myself an __ __ __ __ __ (great big __ __ __ __ __). Put it on a shelf right above my bed (great big __ __ __ __ __). Got down on my knees and began to pray, I said, __, tell me where’s my big foot May (great big __ __ __ __ __).” Hint: Mystical things are about to happen. There’s a hint in my intro. Title is 5 words.
Yesterday turned out to be another five event day. Our final outing was dinner with ‘The Boys’ at Mitsuwa for Japanese food.
This visit has provided us with new adventures, old friends, and a bit of culture shock for good measure. Imagine my surprise when we drove to the location of a gas station we always used, only to find that it’s gone. So many things are different this time. I’m still getting used to pumping my own gas when we’re here. Returning every six months or so, we can see the constant rise in the number of homeless people on the streets. Sometimes, when things are seen every day, the changes aren’t as obvious. Traffic is different, there are trains crossing streets, and it seems like it’s always rush-hour. We love L.A.
We talked to Natcha this evening and she told us it’s been raining every day in Chiang Rai. What? Everybody’s fine, but it’s been raining every day (555). Daku and Neetchanon are doing good and tonight, through the wonders of the digital age, we got to watch her take her first steps. This is new territory and it’s exciting. It’s been a while since I’m posted a ‘baby pic’, so here’s the most recent photo of Neetchanon.
Now you see one of the reasons we can’t wait to get back home. I’m not so happy about returning to rain, but it will be a good excuse to just stay inside and relax. This is not a vacation when we come to the States. It’s like a working trip. It takes a lot of energy and commitment to maintain relationships, even in close proximity. Long distance stuff takes effort. If we missed seeing you this trip, we’ll be back this summer. Raise your hand if you want to hang out (555)?
As usual, I’ll be sending you a little something from Taipei. I don’t know what time it will be (too lazy to figure it out), but it should be your Thursday in the U.S. Cousin Eunice, in Oakland, asked how many miles we travel each way. I finally got the numbers: 8,805 air miles from Los Angeles to Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.
“Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the
barriers within yourself that you have
built against it.”
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