Thursday, May 21, 2015



There was talk of thunderstorms, etc. and it looked like it could happen anytime.  We had a brief rain in the late afternoon and now it’s just cloudy.  As a special treat, I’m going to give you a ‘Friday Funnies’ extra on Thursday.  One of the forecast sights stated:  ‘Today’s high: 84F, feels like 81F’  What?

Well, so far this ‘Zany Day’ song seems to be a stumper.  That’s OK, there’s still time to figure it out.
“I support the left, though I’m leaning, leaning to the right.  I support the left, though I’m leaning, leaning to the right.  But I’m not there when it’s coming to a fight.  Hey now baby, get into my big black car…."
Clue:  What do you call the people you’re asked to vote for?  Easy.

For the first time in a long time, we stayed home all day.  Before lunch we took delivery on a large evaporative cooler for the living room.  This one can use water or water and ice.  So far, we’re very happy with the change in temperature.  Having a large room that’s next to a staircase makes it difficult to cool, but we’re getting there.  

Today’s photo was taken by Blue yesterday, down by the riverside.  

Evenings in Chiang Rai take on a festive atmosphere that has a charm of it’s own.  The outdoor and semi-outdoor restaurants begin filling up, the curbside carts offering a variety of meals are all in place, and the evening markets are bustling with shoppers.  Families on motorbikes are a common sight on warm evenings.  Sometimes they’re just out for a cool ride.  Watching all these scenarios the imagination runs wild, at least for me.  It’s one of the things that keeps the adventure alive.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“A real hero is always a hero
by mistake; he dreams of being
an honest coward like everybody else.”
~Umberto Eco

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