Tuesday, September 16, 2014



Chiang Rai had a day without rain, but we had a spectacular lightning show this evening.  The western horizon was flashing every 3 or 4 seconds, sometimes lighting up the clouds, and then there were vertical bolts that looked quite menacing.  It was far away and we breathed a sigh of relief.

So, maybe this 'Easy Monday' tune wasn't as easy as I thought.  I got mail, but just a few.  Maybe this will help:
"And babe, don't you know it's a pity, that the days, can't be like the nights, in the __, __ __ __, in the __, __ __ __."  Hint:  Metropolis heatwave

Our morning adventure took us to the tranquil setting at Doy Din Dang pottery north of town.  We had a deep, insightful discussion about creativity, the artist community of Chiang Rai, and the importance of balance and perspective, with Tamako, wife of Somluck, who is the artist.  This was in a setting overlooking a lake, with trees all around.  I'd call it a Zen moment for sure.

It seems like most of the places we go are about 20 minutes from home.  Some trips seem like they're far away, but in fact, everything is rather close.  There are those times, when it's a high traffic time of day, when it goes very slow on certain streets, but we usually don't travel at those times.  Life in a small town has its advantages.

This evening we learned a little more about how things work at Cat's school.  She had some tests today and when we asked how she did, she told us there were some questions she thinks she got wrong.  The problem is, the tests are not returned so students never find out what they need to know, or how to correct a problem.  Hmm.  Lisa suggested that she ask her teacher if she can see the test so she can learn from her mistakes.  What a concept.  On another note, each class is divided into groups and these groups sit, do projects, and in her case, even eat lunch together.  She has seven friends that have the opportunity to work, play, and grow together.  It's a great idea.

In local 'news', the downtown barbershop has added another color to their collection of barber smocks and capes for patrons.  Along with the bright blue, and the vivid green, they now have a pink day.  The next time I see them, I'll be sure to take a photo.

Yesterday I mentioned the melting pot that is bubbling in Chiang Rai.  Today's photo is another example of this trend.  There is a Korean beauty supply/cosmetic shop near the Night Bazaar and it seems to be doing business.  Outside the shop I spotted a cute little scooter and then noticed the license plate.  It's a Korean plate and you will notice the Korean flag on the little sign next to it.  Everybody's here these days.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Peace comes from within,
do not seek it without."

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