Thursday, September 4, 2014



Today we had no rain.  That doesn't mean it won't happen tonight, but the day was great.  It was nice seeing blue sky for a change.

The 'Zany Day' song has a lot of followers.  This should be an easy one, even if it's before your time (555).
"I didn't know if it was day or night.  I started kissin' everything in sight.  But when I kissed the cop down at Thirty-Fourth and Vine, he broke my little bottle of __ __ __ __."  Clue:  There's a number in there.

This morning the dogs were very busy checking out the yard.  Not only had things been cut, trimmed and cleaned, but it had rained last night, so there were many new smells to investigate.  Mr. Daku was full of energy and was a lot of fun.  

We went to Bliss Studios, home of our photographer friend Chalit.  He is going to photograph some of the artwork for the catalog for the exhibit of Lisa and her father, Joe.  Chalit always gets the colors right and the images always translate beautifully in print.  

I have told you about the abundance of eye glass shops here in Chiang Rai.  I suspect it's the same in every city, but they're so concentrated here, that it seems a little odd.  I needed to get a new prescription for my glasses, and wanted to find someplace that was good.  I checked on a forum that caters to expats living in Chiang Rai and I found what may be the perfect place.  On the street that is filled with branches of the major chains, we went to a little mom and pop style shop where the owner spoke English, and understood my needs.  He even suggested getting a second pair of glasses for working on the computer and other close-range things.  He and his wife were very helpful, and I'll get my new 'eyes' next week.

Many shops around town have a shrine somewhere in the store with an image of Confucius, the Chinese teacher and philosopher.  A few days ago we went into a shop that had a double shrine.  The upper portion was to The Buddha, and the lower was to Confucius.  It's the first time I have seen them together like this.  Today's photo is a clear sign of the owners devotion to principles.

Well, I said it might rain tonight and it just hit.  So much for a rainless day in Chiang Rai.  We're supposed to get even more into the weekend.  There have been warnings that the runoff in the plains areas might be a problem because water is coming from Northern areas like where we are.  We're not in the mountains, but we are at a higher elevation.  

News update:  BamBam just ran into the bedroom and cuddled up on the floor next to my side of the bed.  A giant thunder clap just hit and it felt like it was right above the house.  Daku wasn't fazed, but BamBam was clearly rattled.  It may be a long night.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"The way to go for happiness in life
is not to, 'go for it' on the outside;
'go for it' on the inside."
~Dzigar Kogtrui Rinpoche

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