The weather is still teasing us with the possibility of rain. Because of the cloudy, hot conditions, the humidity makes it feel like it's hotter sometimes. Our friend Blue landed this evening after a long trip from America. The laughter has begun.
The 'Easy Monday' song was "Summer In The City" by The Lovin' Spoonful. Here's a real 'Zany Day' tune for you:
"Put on your red dress, baby, ya know we're goin' out tonight. Put on your red dress, baby, 'cause we're goin' out tonight. And-a bring along some boxin' gloves, in case some fool might wanna fight." Clue: There are some stylish athletic-type shoes involved.
There are three dominant colors of vehicles in Chiang Rai, and probably most of the country: Silver, black, and white. We keep noticing long lines in traffic that are all silver, whether they are cars or trucks. I think the silver and white are popular because the colors reflect sunlight and may keep it cooler inside. Those of us driving the black cars just keep the air/con on all the time and maintain our coolness on the inside and the outside (555).
This afternoon we took some of Lisa's father's artwork to the frame factory. When we walked in, we heard a familiar voice coming from a little radio. It was Dolly Parton. Lisa said something to Khun Tawd about who it was and where she was from and he told us he really likes it. The radio station was playing American oldies. What? After we completed our business I walked between two bushes and discovered the photo for today. This lake is on Tawd's property, and behind the trees in the center of the photo is his house. Another day, another tranquil setting to soothe the soul.
On our first trip to Thailand in 2001, we were escorted by our friend Blue and his son Ming. Blue has lived in Thailand in the past. Since we have been here he has visited many times. His return this time is something he's been looking forward to for some time. The plan is to stay. We are really happy that he's here, and so are the dogs. They both remembered him from a year ago. Boot is also excited that Blue is back. I guess you could say that everyone in the Big Brown House is feeling very positive.
Driving through the northern part of town this evening, we noticed several restaurants on the 'new row' that were all lit up, but with very few patrons. It was strange because there were lots of cars parked in front of them. Hmm, where were the people? One of these nights we'll just have to go and see what's happening.
Time for a Wacky Wednesday.
"I can choose to let it define me,
confine me, refine me, outshine me,
or I can choose to move on and leave it
behind me."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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