Wednesday, June 5, 2013



Chiang Rai is finally getting a tiny bit of relief from the heat.  With rain everyday, it has cooled off a few degrees.  We had a yard-flooding rain this afternoon and tonight the flying bugs are out.  Dinner with a friend at Art Bridge was very good, even with the creatures flying around.

"It's Too Late" was right on time as an 'Easy Monday' tune.  Now it's time for some silliness and the 'Zany Day song.
"Here we come, walking down the street.  We get the funniest looks from everyone we meet.  __, __, __ __ __ and people say we monkey around, but we're too busy singing to put anybody down."  Clue:  It's a zany song by a group that was 'constructed'.  They ended up becoming a cartoon, which they were in real life (555).  

The sky looked like it might rain any time, all day.  This afternoon we decided to get in a swim before the darkest clouds arrived.  The water had cooled over the last two rains, but it was still very refreshing.  The wind came up and we cut our swim short.   We had to laugh as we watched the clouds being blown away.  It did rain later and it created the familiar lakes in the front and back.  The water drains quickly, but while it's happening it looks like a disaster.  

By late afternoon the bugs were circling above the yard, like a science fiction movie.  We knew what was coming and cued the scary music.  We were to meet our friend Andrew at Art Bridge at 6:15 for dinner, but that meant we'd have to leave a light on in the house.  The bugs are drawn to lights so it adds to the tension.  After a deep breath, we closed all the windows and went to dinner.  

Every time we go to Art Bridge there is something new to check out.  We met the chef tonight, and he was very flexible about improvising on some of his dishes.  During dinner we compared notes about our cultural perceptions and how accurate the phrase 'Same Same but Different' really is.  As the sun set we could almost sense the growing infestation of the bugs.  Swatting them away as we talked became common practice.  The staff turn a bunch of lights off to try and help the situation, but it didn't work.  After dinner we went into the gallery.  Each time we go back I discover a piece I hadn't focused on before.    

On our way home we saw people by the side of the road, looking for the flying bugs.  The larger ones will be taken home and, well, you know.  We even saw a couple on a motorbike riding very slowly, using a flash light in search of this annual 'treat'.  When we arrived home, the house was bug free.  Whew.

Today's photo is of me holding Jaiya, one of the beautiful twins.  

It's time for Wacky Wednesday.


"Hearing is a gift,
Listening is an art."

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