Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Funnies


It's hard to imagine, but it hasn't rained today.  Of course, the night is still young and there is thunder in the distance and dark clouds overhead.  Hmm.  Today we renewed our car registration.

The 'Zany Day' song was "Hey, Hey We're The Monkees" by The Monkees.  Nothing more to say (555).  Now it's time for another dose of 'Old School Friday' for those who remember.  "Nothing you can say can tear me away from __ __.  Nothing you could do 'cause I'm stuck like glue to __ __.  I'm sticking to __ __ like a stamp to a letter, like birds of a feather we stick together.  I can tell you from the start I can't be torn apart from __ __."  Hint:  Two words describing the person for whom she's feeling great attachment. 

When we took the dogs out this morning it was like every morning.  BamBam chasing her ball like it's her sole purpose in life, and Daku reluctantly walking over to retrieve his.  Lisa finally got Daku running around and he got excited and wanted to play with BamBam.  She doesn't really like to play and soundly rejected Daku with a series of growls that he understood right away.  They have such distinctly different personalities.

Our morning adventures began at the DMV.  When we arrived, the parking lot looked very busy and we thought maybe we picked the wrong day.   Inside, there was no line at the registration window.  We had taken every document we thought they might want to see, but all they wanted was a form from our insurance company.  A few minutes later it was time to pay.  When I told Lisa how much it was, in Thai, the woman helping us smiled.  We left there very relieved that there were no complications.

At the Healthy Market where we get our fruit, Lisa asked our friend for two Ngoks.  She smiled and put two in a bag and then grabbed three more.  I guess you just can't eat two.  As we were leaving I spotted a rolling coffee shop and had to take a pic.  It's quite a little production on wheels.

Weather update:  The thunder is overhead making huge, scary sounds and BamBam has managed to insert herself behind two different pieces of furniture so far.  Both dogs are now getting soothing attention from Lisa as the thunder moves on to the east, leaving a steady rain as a parting gift.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.     Stand by for a 'Funny'.


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