Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Funnies


Today we had a high temp of 99°F, and it’s going to go even higher in the next few days.  As for the air, the powers that be have sent army troops into the jungles to put out fires.  As in years past, Burma and Laos are also said to be sources of the smoke.  Hmm.

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” (“In A Garden of Life”) by Iron Butterfly.  Find it on Youtube and turn up the volume (555).  That leaves us with the last ‘One Hit Wonder’ for a little while, and it's an ‘Old School Friday’ tune.  “Listen to the __ __ __ __ __, telling me just what a fool I’ve been.  I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain, and let me be alone again.”  Hint:  It has to do with water falling from the sky and the drumming sound it makes.  There’s an extra word in there that isn’t in the title, but I’m not telling.

Our first stop this morning was The Wanderer.  As we walked in I noticed Mercy and Joey looking down at us from the landing to their apartment (555).  Actually, it’s Kwan’s apartment but I’m sure they run the place.  After we ordered we saw Kwan and she told us that she knew we were there because Mercy did her special howl while we were still in the parking lot.  So nice to be noticed.  We also saw her mom, Khun Noot, who was busy working with a botanist and an engineer figuring out how to get water from the river onto the property to water the trees.  There are lots of minerals in the river water that would be beneficial to ‘the woods’.

As we were leaving our table, Lisa spotted this cute childrens' wicker patio set by the fish pond.  Oh look, there’s a little kid sitting there.

After coffee we went to Big C for supplies, and in the process, discovered that they still don’t have any masks.  Later in the morning we returned to the pharmacy where I bought some on Sunday and stocked up.  From Big C we went to our bank.  We walked in thinking it wouldn’t take long.  There were only a few people waiting, how long could it take?  A long time, when all of the transactions were involved with lots of signing, counting and copying.  We finally got our favorite teller and when Lisa asked her about her kids, she pulled out her phone and showed us a photo her older boy had made for her.  Yep, still getting that old school service.

Monday we’re going to visit our friend Katai, who has been on a self-quarantine since returning from Europe two weeks ago.  When asked if she wanted to see JaiDee she replied, “Yes, please”.  

For those who have asked, we haven’t heard any news about the virus having come to town, but the country as a whole seems to be doing pretty well, compared to other places in the region.  The bulk of the tourism comes from China and since they are staying home, I guess it’s helping.  The tourism industry is hurting.  We’re seeing less and less people on the streets in Chiang Rai.  As long as people’s spirits stay positive, things will be alright.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.      Time for the ‘Funnies’.


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