Wednesday, September 20, 2017



Just out of curiosity, if you got yesterday’s message, ‘Answer’, could you let me know?  Email gremlins may be at work again. 

Chiang Rai had another of those cloudy morning, sunny afternoon days.  It actually got hot today.  Hmm.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield.  The writer was Steven Stills, later part of Crosby, Stills, and Nash, and then Young.  Now you know.  Time for another round of madness and a ‘Zany Day’ song.  “What a drag it is getting old.  ‘Kids are different today,’ I hear ev’ry mother say, mother needs something today to calm her down.  And though she’s not really ill, there’s a little yellow pill.  She goes running for the shelter of a __ __ __, and it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day…”  

This turned out to be a very busy day.  After our weekly conversation with Lisa’s Dad Joe, we went to Shong Cafe for coffee before tackling Makro.  While we were in the vegetable section we saw Aye of ‘Aye’s Restaurant’.  We hadn’t seen her in a long time.  Part of her catching us up on her life included trying to cope with tourism and the rules about serving liquor.  There are certain times during the day when one cannot serve or buy alcohol.  Sometimes customers want a drink with their late lunch and she has to deny them.  It gets political from there, but it is becoming a problem for many merchants.  Just as the conversation was winding down, Cat walked up.  She lives close to Makro and came to get a few essentials.  We ended up shopping together and as we checked out, we realized her boyfriend was working at the front exit.  

This weekend we are going to Chiang Mai for the opening of an art exhibit at a fairly new Contemporary Museum.  We wanted to raise our ‘chic level’ a bit so this afternoon we went to the mall for some new ‘black’ for the affair.  While we shopped, we were having some large format printing done.  When we returned to the printers, it was wrong and had to be done over.  This gave us some sit-down time.  It felt strange to just sit and watch all the people, waiting.  The second run was correct and we finally left the mall.  On the way home, in the rush-hour traffic, we stopped at a place that sells remotes for everything under the sun.  Our fan remote worked fine when they tested it, of course.  The streets are a lot different at 5pm than they were 10 years ago.  It’s still amazing to watch a town growing up.

Today’s photo is a ‘bird couple’ that have lived on our roof for years.  In this shot they are surveying their world.  

This evening, after dinner, the power went out, then came back, and went out again.  It was hot so we moved downstairs.  Opening the windows would just let in warm air and the smoke of a newly lit fire.  The power finally returned and life returned to normal.  We really feel for those affected by the hurricanes, who are living without power for days/weeks at a time.  

This could be a Wacky Wednesday.


“The true measure of a man is
how he treats someone who can 
do him absolutely no good.”
~Samuel Johnson

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