Thursday, June 15, 2017



A light, stealth rain came in late last night and soaked everything.  All morning a very light mist followed us up and down the highway.  Welcome to the new rainy season.

Glad to see that this week’s ‘Zany Day’ song lingers in your memories.  Here is the rest of the song, just for fun.
“She said she’d always been a dancer.  She worked at 15 clubs a day.  And though she thought I knew the answer, well I knew what I could not say.  And so I quit the police department, and got myself a steady job.  And though she tried her best to help me, she could steal but she could not rob.  Didn’t anybody tell her?  Didn’t anybody see?  Sunday’s on the phone to Monday, Tuesday’s on the phone to me, oh yeah.”  Hint:  The title is only in the first verse.   This one came from across the pond, by you know who.  

Our drive to the country this morning was very pleasant once we got out of town.  The left-over rush hour traffic is not my favorite thing in any country.  As we approached Khun Todd’s property I was hoping to see oceans of green rice fields.  Instead we just saw the nondescript beginnings.  The sunken land had furrows for planting, and low puddles of water.  It all just looked like some organized dirt.  It’s too early in their planting cycle.  We’ll have to go back later to catch the beauty of rice.  There is an event called the Chiang Rai Games and one of our artist friends was at the frame factory cutting out part of the decorative sign for the event.  I’ll have to find out more about this when it gets closer.

Back in town, we had a fun visit with Katai at Work@Home.  We were having coffee and she had coconut water, fresh from the fruit.  That started a conversation about coconuts and the fact that we have three trees but don’t take advantage of the fruit.  She told us that her neighbor across the street used to have many coconut trees on her property, near the perimeter.  She had to get rid of all of them due to the fruit falling on cars parked on the street.  It got too expensive, paying for damages caused by her trees.  Katai had us laughing, saying that coconuts know not to fall on peoples heads (555).  Thankfully, ours are not in a normal walking ‘zone’.  I’m going to have Gong prepare some coconuts for us so I can start drinking the water.

Today’s photos were taken at The Big Brown House.  The first photo shows the coconut and banana trees in the back yard.  The second is a small batch of coconuts fresh from the tree.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“Love all, trust a few,
do wrong to none.”
~William Shakespeare

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