What a beautiful day for a road trip. The thing that made it extra nice was being able to take in the countryside as a passenger.
The ‘Easy Monday’ song used to be so easy for most of you. Think: Sultry singer, exotic video, smooth rhythms.
“Coast to coast, L.A. to Chicago, western male. Across the north and south to Key Largo, love for sale. No need to ask, he’s a __ __, __ __, __ __.” Clue: The artist was known by one name.
As soon as the van arrived for our language road trip, I knew my mind was about to be tested. Inside the van were some young people who introduced themselves in Thai, and as we traveled the short distance to The Wanderer, they began asking questions in Thai. What? Wait, slower please. What was the word for that? It was comforting to discover that I wasn’t the only one with language ‘stage fright’. The caravan of two vans finally got on the highway heading south. We have seen the road to Phayao, but never taken it. Today we saw more of the beauty of the Chiang Rai Province. Once we arrived, we spent some time at a very large Buddhist temple complex that covered a hillside. It was like we were taken to another land. Not many people were there and it was very peaceful. More questions, more vocabulary, and the realization that more study will be needed. Tomorrow I will begin sharing photos from the trip.
Today’s photo was taken last night at Loy Krathong. As you can see, I’m placing the Krathong in the river.
When we got home late this afternoon, we learned that Neetchanon had leaned on the screen door of their apartment and fallen out. She’ll be OK, but it frightened her and she got a little banged up. By dinner time she had her usual big smile for us. The resilience of children is amazing. Daku was overjoyed that we were back. It was like we’d been gone for the weekend.
While we were on the road, Lisa got a call from the 116 Gallery in Chiang Mai. The opening ceremony for the Timeless Harmony II exhibit, featuring Lisa and her Dad, will be on December 3. There will be a special ceremony preceding the opening, in honor of The King. Life is returning to some kind of normal.
Last night the music across the river went on well after 11pm. They’re back tonight with more thumping rhythms. The one big consolation this year is that there is a ‘ban’ on fireworks. The same ban will be in effect for New Years. Daku will be so relieved.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
“Unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It’s not.”
~Dr. Seuss
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